I'm implementing a webhook callback in my Rails controller and I've attempted to follow the approach used in the rspec test that comes with the gem in order to verify the signature passed from Nexmo (see the 'check_signature method' test): https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-ruby/blob/master/spec/nexmo/client_spec.rb In my Nexmo API Settings, I added a Signature Secret (generated w
我在我的Rails控制器中实现了一个webhook回调函数,并且试图按照gem附带的rspec测试中使用的方法来验证从Nexmo传递的签名(请参阅'check_signature方法'测试): https://github.com/Nexmo/nexmo-ruby/blob/master/spec/nexmo/client_spec.rb 在我的Nexmo API设置中,我添加了一个Signature Secret(由Ruby Digest :: MD5生成)到我的帐户。 我使用ngrok配置了webproxy,并在我的Nexmo测试编号上添加了ngrok在启动
Been using the Graph API successfully to get events from music venue pages. Until I hit a perpendicular venue, https://www.facebook.com/pg/theklabristol/events/?ref=page_internal. For this I am not getting all the events and its not even the recent ones I am getting. I don't seem to be getting the ones this month but am getting a lot next month and the month after. I'me using ruby, he
成功使用Graph API从音乐会场页面获取活动。 在我打到垂直场地之前,请https://www.facebook.com/pg/theklabristol/events/?ref=page_internal。 为此,我没有得到所有的事件,甚至没有得到最近的事件。 我似乎没有得到这个月的那些,但下个月和之后的月份会得到很多。 我使用红宝石,这里是代码。 Koala.config.api_version = 'v2.10' oauth = Koala::Facebook::OAuth.new 'my_id', 'my_secret' graph = Koala::Facebook::A
This is my first attempt with a ruby stack. I'm stuck with the following error: Could not find rack-1.6.4 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) I've successfully installed the following components: ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS rvm 1.26.11 ruby 2.1.6p336 nginx 1.8 * LOCAL GEMS * bigdecimal (1.2.4) bundler (1.10.6) bundler-unload (1.0.2) executable-hooks (1.3.2) gem-wrap
这是我第一次尝试使用红宝石堆栈。 我遇到以下错误: Could not find rack-1.6.4 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) 我已经成功安装了以下组件: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS rvm 1.26.11 红宝石2.1.6p336 nginx 1.8 *本地GEMS * bigdecimal(1.2.4) 捆绑商(1.10.6) bundler-unload(1.0.2) 可执行的钩子(1.3.2) 宝石包装(1.2.7) io-console(0.4.3) json(1.8.1) minitest(4.7.5)
I have a modular Sinatra app which runs fine when executed with rackup. The config.ru file is defined as follows: map '/' do run My::Controllers::Default end map '/api' do run My::Controllers::Api end When I run the app under nginx/passenger I get nothing but 404's, even for the '/' route. Suspecting that something was wrong with routing, I modified config.ru as follows: run
我有一个模块化的Sinatra应用程序,它在机架上执行时运行良好。 config.ru文件定义如下: map '/' do run My::Controllers::Default end map '/api' do run My::Controllers::Api end 当我在nginx /乘客下运行应用程序时,除了404之外,我什么也得不到,即使是'/'路线。 怀疑路由有问题,我修改config.ru如下: run My::Controllers::Default 重新启动nginx后,我被提供了应用程序的默认页面。 然而,应用程
I'm having trouble running sinatra server. I installed RVM and wrote a simple sinatra app, sources below. I created public + tmp + tmp/restart.txt folders as well. I followed some answers here/articles on how to set the GEM_PATH/GEM_HOME. The site is defined with "Passenger (Ruby/Python apps only)" option. If I run the standalone passenger, with the command line in SSH, it w
我在运行sinatra服务器时遇到问题。 我安装了RVM并编写了一个简单的sinatra应用程序,来源如下。 我也创建了public + tmp + tmp / restart.txt文件夹。 我在这里回答了一些问题/关于如何设置GEM_PATH / GEM_HOME的文章。 该网站被定义为“Passenger(Ruby / Python apps only)”选项。 如果我使用SSH中的命令行运行独立乘客,它可以在端口3000上正常工作(使用公共URL,例如http://domain.com:3000)。 所以这意味着网站
I am trying to setup an nginx + sinatra + ubuntu 10.04 + passenger + rvm stack. I followed the directions here: http://thekindofme.wordpress.com/2010/10/24/rails-3-on-ubuntu-10-10-with-rvm-passenger-and-nginx/ This is a follow up to this post: Sinatra Gem Won't Install. I also followed the directions given by another stack overflow that essential creates an .rvmrc in my app and I've a
我正在尝试安装一个nginx + sinatra + ubuntu 10.04 +乘客+ rvm堆栈。 我按照这里的指示:http://thekindofme.wordpress.com/2010/10/24/rails-3-on-ubuntu-10-10-with-rvm-passenger-and-nginx/ 这是这篇文章的后续内容:Sinatra Gem不会安装。 我也遵循了另一个堆栈溢出给出的指示,这个溢出在我的应用程序中创建了一个.rvmrc,我添加了乘客宝石。 根据之前的文章,我产生了错误的乘客。 在我使用的nginx conf文件中:
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 on a linode trying to get sinatra, passenger, nginx, and rvm to all play nice with Ruby 1.9.2. I'm running into an issue with gems though: ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290/gems$ ls returns daemon_controller-0.2.6 fastthread-1.0.7 passenger-3.0.9 rack-1.3.2 rake-0.9.2 and gem list returns *** LOCAL GEMS *** rack (1.3.2) rake (0.9.2) sinatra (1.2.6) tilt (1.3.3)
我在一个linode上运行Ubuntu 10.04,试图让sinatra,passenger,nginx和rvm与Ruby 1.9.2搭配使用。 虽然我遇到了一个与宝石有关的问题: 〜/ .rvm / gems / ruby-1.9.2-p290 / gems $ ls返回 daemon_controller-0.2.6 fastthread-1.0.7 passenger-3.0.9 rack-1.3.2 rake-0.9.2 和宝石列表返回 *** LOCAL GEMS *** rack (1.3.2) rake (0.9.2) sinatra (1.2.6) tilt (1.3.3) 我觉得奇怪的是他们不一样。 .rvm宝石中
I've switched a ruby app (using Thoth, which uses Ramaze in turn) over to work inside an rvm ruby@gemset combo, with bundler. I can access the console version of it, so it's happy about what gems it has. However, when i try and access it via the server, (via passenger under nginx) i get this error from passenger: Could not find activesupport-2.3.8 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNo
我已经更换了一个ruby应用程序(使用Thoth,依次使用Ramaze),在一个rvm ruby @ gemset组合中使用bundler工作。 我可以访问它的控制台版本,所以它很高兴它有什么宝石。 但是,当我尝试通过服务器访问它时(通过nginx下的乘客),我从乘客那里得到这个错误: 无法在任何来源找到activesupport-2.3.8(Bundler :: GemNotFound) 我不明白这一点,因为我确实在rvm的应用gemset中安装了activesupport 2.3.8。 也许乘客不
I created a sample demo site in ruby on rails and deployed it on the server. Currently I am using phusion passenger as the app server. I can see it by giving address as abc.net:3000 . But instead of port 3000 , I have to use port 80 . I used the following command to start the app server and the site can be accessed as abc.net . rvmsudo rails server -p 80 I have to configure phusion passenge
我使用rails在ruby中创建了一个示例演示站点并将其部署到服务器上。 目前我正在使用phusion乘客作为应用程序服务器。 我可以通过将地址设为abc.net:3000来看到它。 但不是端口3000 ,我不得不使用端口80 。 我使用以下命令来启动应用程序服务器,并且该网站可以作为abc.net访问。 rvmsudo rails server -p 80 我必须用nginx配置phusion乘客。 我这样做了。 但是,当我厌倦访问该网站时,却得到了nginx索引页面。 nginx
I've looked through a ton of posts but I just can't get past this 403 Forbidden error. I have: Updated nginx user permissions on website folder Updated passenger_ruby to use RVM wrapper directory Confirmed passenger_root path with passenger-config --root I'm still getting a 403 and can't seem to find what I am missing. Here are my files below. Folder Structure (755 ww
我查看了大量的帖子,但我无法超越这个403 Forbidden错误。 我有: 更新了网站文件夹中的nginx用户权限 更新passenger_ruby以使用RVM包装目录 使用passenger-config --root确认passenger_root路径 我仍然得到403,似乎无法找到我想念的东西。 以下是我的文件。 文件夹结构 (755 www-data): --website ----app ----public ----tmp ----views ----config.ru config.ru : require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra'