I have a simple scenario of publish a message to a SNS topic, which is subscribed by a SQS queue, but somehow the queue never receives the messages (ie, not show up in the SQS console). Here are the codes in Ruby: sns = Aws::SNS::Client.new; sqs = Aws::SQS::Client.new; q1 = sqs.create_queue({queue_name: "queue1”}); t1 = sns.create_topic({name: "topic1"}); q1_attr = sqs.get_queue_attributes({que
我有一个将消息发布到SQS队列订阅的SNS主题的简单场景,但不知何故队列从不接收消息(即,不会显示在SQS控制台中)。 以下是Ruby中的代码: sns = Aws::SNS::Client.new; sqs = Aws::SQS::Client.new; q1 = sqs.create_queue({queue_name: "queue1”}); t1 = sns.create_topic({name: "topic1"}); q1_attr = sqs.get_queue_attributes({queue_url: q1.queue_url,attribute_names: ["All"]}); s1 = sns.subscribe({topic_arn: t1.
I have an SQS queue which is subscribed to a SNS topic. When I publish a new notification to the topic, I use the following code (within a Sinatra app): jsonMessage = { "announcement" => { "first_name" => results['first_name'][:s], "last_name" => results['last_name'][:s], "loc_code" => results['location'][:s],
我有一个订阅了SNS主题的SQS队列。 当我向该主题发布新通知时,我使用以下代码(在Sinatra应用程序中): jsonMessage = { "announcement" => { "first_name" => results['first_name'][:s], "last_name" => results['last_name'][:s], "loc_code" => results['location'][:s], "note" => params['note_content'
Questions Is there a best value to stay on so that I win the greatest percentage of games possible? If so, what is it? Edit: Is there an exact probability of winning that can be calculated for a given limit, independent of whatever the opponent does? (I haven't done probability & statistics since college). I'd be interested in seeing that as an answer to contrast it with my sim
问题 是否有最好的价值继续保持下去,以便我赢得尽可能多的比赛? 如果是这样,那是什么? 编辑:是否有一个确切的获胜概率,可以计算一个给定的限制,独立于任何对手的行为? (自大学以来我没有做过概率统计)。 我有兴趣看到这个答案与我的模拟结果进行对比。 编辑:修正了我算法中的错误,更新了结果表。 背景 我一直在玩一个修改过的二十一点游戏,其中有一些来自标准规则的烦人的规则调整。 我已经制定了与
I have a large class with lots of methods and it's starting to get a bit unorganized and hard to navigate. I'd like to break it up into modules, where each module is a collection of class and instance methods. Perhaps something like this: UPDATE: I've now realized that this is a pretty poor example. You probably wouldn't want to move validations or attributes out of the core
我有一个有很多方法的大班,它开始有点无组织,很难导航。 我想分解成模块,其中每个模块是类和实例方法的集合。 也许是这样的: 更新:我现在已经意识到这是一个很糟糕的例子。 您可能不希望将验证或属性移出核心类。 class Large include Validations include Attributes include BusinessLogic include Callbacks end 在阅读了耶胡达关于更好的Ruby成语的文章后,我很好奇别人是如何解决这个问题的。 这是我
I have a Rakefile that compiles the project in two ways, according to the global variable $build_type , which can be :debug or :release (the results go in separate directories): task :build => [:some_other_tasks] do end I wish to create a task that compiles the project with both configurations in turn, something like this: task :build_all do [ :debug, :release ].each do |t| $build_typ
我有一个根据全局变量$build_type编译项目的$build_type ,它可以是:debug或:release (结果放在不同的目录中): task :build => [:some_other_tasks] do end 我希望创建一个能够依次用两种配置编译项目的任务,如下所示: task :build_all do [ :debug, :release ].each do |t| $build_type = t # call task :build with all the tasks it depends on (?) end end 有没有办法像调用方法一样调用任务? 或
Is there a way to pass named arguments to a Rake task without using environment variables? I am aware that Rake tasks can accept arguments in two formats: Environment Variables $ rake my_task foo=bar This creates an environment variable with the name foo and the value bar that can be accessed in the Rake task my_task by ENV['foo'] . Rake Task Arguments $ rake my_task['foo','bar']
有没有办法将命名参数传递给Rake任务而不使用环境变量? 我知道Rake任务可以接受两种格式的参数: 环境变量 $ rake my_task foo=bar 这将创建一个名为foo的环境变量以及可通过ENV['foo']在Rake任务my_task访问的值bar 。 Rake任务参数 $ rake my_task['foo','bar'] 这将值foo和bar传递给前两个任务参数(如果已定义)。 如果my_task被定义为: task :my_task, :argument_1, :argument_2 那么argument_1将具
I've been reading Sandi Metz's Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby and many sites online discussing design in Ruby. Something I've had a hard time fully understanding is the proper way to implement dependency injection. The internet is flooded with blog posts that explain how dependency injection works in what I think is a very partial way. I understand that this is supposed
我一直在阅读Ruby中Sandi Metz的实用面向对象设计和许多网站在线讨论Ruby中的设计。 我很难完全理解的东西是实现依赖注入的正确方法。 互联网充斥着博客文章,解释依赖注入是如何工作的,我认为这是一种非常偏袒的方式。 我知道这应该是不好的: class ThisClass def initialize @another_class = AnotherClass.new end end 虽然这是一个解决方案: class ThisClass def initialize(another_class) @anothe
Most questions regarding this problem are due to missing Xcode; I have Xcode 4.2 installed. Install attempt: rvm install 1.9.3 Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/jamie/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)... ruby-1.9.3-p0 - #fetching ruby-1.9.3-p0 - #extracted to /Users/jamie/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p0 (already extracted) Fetching yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz to /U
关于这个问题的大部分问题是由于缺少Xcode; 我安装了Xcode 4.2。 安装尝试: rvm install 1.9.3 Installing Ruby from source to: /Users/jamie/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0, this may take a while depending on your cpu(s)... ruby-1.9.3-p0 - #fetching ruby-1.9.3-p0 - #extracted to /Users/jamie/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p0 (already extracted) Fetching yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz to /Users/jamie/.rvm/archives Extracting y
In C and many other languages, there is a continue keyword that, when used inside of a loop, jumps to the next iteration of the loop. Is there any equivalent of this continue keyword in Ruby? Yes, it's called next . for i in 0..5 if i < 2 next end puts "Value of local variable is #{i}" end This outputs the following: Value of local variable is 2 Value of local variable
在C和许多其他语言中,有一个continue关键字,当在循环内部使用时,跳转到循环的下一个迭代。 Ruby中是否有这个continue关键字的等价物? 是的,它被称为next 。 for i in 0..5 if i < 2 next end puts "Value of local variable is #{i}" end 这输出以下内容: Value of local variable is 2 Value of local variable is 3 Value of local variable is 4 Value of local variable is 5 => 0..5 nex
I know how to catch the exceptions but what we do is to put "rescue" after a suspicious section of a code. what if you had a lot functions sending a query to mysql through mysql2 gem and you want to catch their exceptions. One thing you can do is to put a "rescue" statement in each of them. but i want to do that just by one rescue statement. So I put a "rescue" i
我知道如何捕捉异常,但我们所做的是在代码的可疑部分之后放置“救援”。 如果你有很多函数通过mysql2 gem发送一个查询到mysql并且你想要捕获它们的异常。 你可以做的一件事就是在他们每个人中加上一个“救援”声明。 但我只想通过一个救援声明来做到这一点。 因此,我在代码结束时加入了一个“救援”,并将所有代码放在“开始”和“结束”中,但它不起作用。 这里是我的代码,正如你看到的那样,在mysql查询中有一个问题,并且仅仅