PDF redirection shows blank on Chrome

I'm having this issue that I can't solve for the life of me. I have a simple php script that redirects to pdfs, the code is as follows: $file = "url/to/file"; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header('Content-type


我有这个问题,我无法解决我的生活。 我有一个简单的PHP脚本,重定向到PDF文件,代码如下: $file = "url/to/file"; header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Cache-Control: private", false); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Disposition: inline;

php: multiple select box in a array with search function

I have arrays of select box which will output multiple select box depending on how many select box i wanna show. The function when i select the option is that it search room details in my database using ajax. The search function works but only in the first select box not for the rest of my select boxes. this is mypage.php <select name = "room[]" id = "search"> <option value = "none


我有一个选择框阵列,它将输出多个选择框,具体取决于我想要显示多少个选择框。 我选择该选项时的功能是使用ajax在我的数据库中搜索房间的详细信息。 搜索功能的作品,但只在第一个选择框中,而不是我的选择框的其余部分。 这是mypage.php <select name = "room[]" id = "search"> <option value = "none">&larr;Room</option> <?php $find_room = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT * F

Unit test for a file download?

after long thinking about this topic without a result, I hope someone can give me a hint about phpUnit-Test for downloads. How can I create a phpUnit test for this function, which execute a download for a zip-File? Or is there an oter usual practice to test a logic like this? public function createOutput($zipFolderName) { $zipFolderName = $zipFolderName."/imageResizer.zip";


经过长时间思考这个话题没有结果,我希望有人可以给我一个关于phpUnit测试下载的暗示。 我如何为这个函数创建一个phpUnit测试,为zip-File执行下载? 或者有没有一种通常的惯例来测试这样的逻辑? public function createOutput($zipFolderName) { $zipFolderName = $zipFolderName."/imageResizer.zip"; header('Content-Type: application/zip'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; file

Why Amazon Sandbox orders are always pending?

I'm using CBA (HTML Integration). After all steps are done, Amazon redirects to custom confirmation page with GET amznPmtsOrderIds. Then I'm trying to get Order details with MWS API (Action=GetOrder), it returns XML, but that XML doesn't contain important information such as: BuyerName, PostalCode, AddressLine1 and etc., because Order is still pending. So how can I receive Order d


我正在使用CBA(HTML集成)。 完成所有步骤后,Amazon会使用GET amznPmtsOrderIds重定向到自定义确认页面。 然后,我尝试使用MWS API(Action = GetOrder)获取订单详细信息,它返回XML,但该XML不包含重要信息,例如:BuyerName,PostalCode,AddressLine1等,因为Order仍处于待定状态。 那么,在我被重定向到确认页面后,如何才能接收订单详细信息+订单商品,只知道亚马逊订单ID? 在长时间搜索我的问题后,找到了解决方

Lunar Phase API

I am trying to find a free API that provides lunar phase predictions including moonrise and moonset. My PHP based tide tables application is using NOAA for tide and weather data, but it doesn't seem like they offer any lunar data. Does Google have this built into one of their API's that I just don't know about? On the off chance that nobody knows of a free API (preferably governme


我试图找到一个免费的API,提供包括月出和月落在内的月相预测。 我的基于PHP的潮汐表应用程序使用NOAA来处理潮汐和天气数据,但似乎并没有提供任何月球数据。 Google是否将这种内置于他们其中一种我不知道的API中? 在没有人知道一个免费的API(最好是政府提供)的情况下,有没有人知道一个简单的方法来计算? 我看过这篇文章,但解决方案试图以高度的精确度来计算它们。 如果它关闭了一点,那很好。 你可以很容易地自己

How to implement cache system in php for json api

I have a few custom social buttons on my website for whom I get the share number/followers number using json from API. I have tried to implement a cache system to reduce the load time and eliminate de risk of being 'red-flagged' for over-using the APIs. However, I had no success in this area, basically because I don't quite understand the integration steps. I hope someone could hel

如何在php中为json api实现缓存系统

我在我的网站上有几个自定义社交按钮,我使用API​​从json获取共享编号/追随者编号。 我试图实现一个缓存系统来减少加载时间,并消除过度使用这些API时被“红旗”的风险。 然而,我在这方面没有成功,主要是因为我不太了解整合步骤。 我希望有人能帮我整合一个缓存系统。 以下是Twitter,Google Plus和Instagram的php代码: 推特 ob_start(); $twittershare = 'http://cdn.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json?url=

Port Vimeo Upload PHP POST Request

I am working on porting the Vimeo PHP library https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo-php-lib to ColdFusion for a client and have successfully been able to translate everything except the video upload POST request. The PHP lib uses cURL like this: $params = array( 'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->_consumer_key, 'oauth_token' => $this->_token, 'oauth_signature_m

Port Vimeo上传PHP POST请求

我正致力于将Vimeo PHP库https://github.com/vimeo/vimeo-php-lib移植到客户端的ColdFusion,并成功地转换了除视频上传POST请求之外的所有内容。 PHP lib像这样使用cURL: $params = array( 'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->_consumer_key, 'oauth_token' => $this->_token, 'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'oauth_timestamp' => time(), 'oau

XML > PHP only in source code

I have a slight issue whereby the API I'm using for part of my service uses a rsp stat to handle the success / error messages in XML. So we use a form to post it data and it returns the data like the following example: <rsp stat="ok"> <success msg="accepted" transactionid="505eeb9c43969d4919c0a6b3f7a4dfbb" messageid="a92eff8d65cf48e9c6e96702a7b07400"/> </rsp> The following


我有一个小问题,我用我的服务的一部分API使用rsp stat来处理XML中的成功/错误消息。 所以我们使用表单来发布数据,并返回如下例所示的数据: <rsp stat="ok"> <success msg="accepted" transactionid="505eeb9c43969d4919c0a6b3f7a4dfbb" messageid="a92eff8d65cf48e9c6e96702a7b07400"/> </rsp> 以下是使用的大部分脚本: $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CUR

extract url from xml response and redirect

I'm using curl to post form data in xml string. The xml response is <redirect_url>www.xxxxx.com</redirect_url> . Could anyone help me to extract this url and redirect the user to it? Thanks. Sorry been away... Thanks for the responses. The code is: // create a new cURL resource $ch = curl_init('http://www.zzz.com/'); // set r appropriate options $strXML = "<lead>


我使用curl在xml字符串中发布表单数据。 xml响应是<redirect_url>www.xxxxx.com</redirect_url> 。 任何人都可以帮助我提取此网址并将用户重定向到它吗? 谢谢。 对不起,我走了......谢谢你的回应。 代码是: //创建一个新的cURL资源 $ch = curl_init('http://www.zzz.com/'); //设置合适的选项 $strXML = "<lead> <applicant> <title>".$title."</title> <fname>".

Sales tax not receiving in paypal Recurring Payments

I am integrating paypal with my wordpress site. Website has a button to pay with paypal. Into my paypal profile settings page, i added some states where each state has different tax rate (ie Ontario=15% & Quebec=10%). But this tax rate not being charged from user or not showing in Recurring payments. Example: User selected a product of $65 and made a payment of $65 using paypal button o


我正在将paypal与我的wordpress网站进行整合。 网站有一个按钮用paypal支付。 进入我的贝宝个人资料设置页面,我添加了一些州,每个州有不同的税率(即安大略省= 15%和魁北克省= 10%)。 但是,此税率不会从用户收取,也不会在定期付款中显示。 例如:用户选择了65美元的产品,并使用网站上的贝宝按钮付款65美元,当用户进入贝宝页面时,他被显示为73.45美元(因为销售税率大约为15%,并且他选择了这种税率的状态应该适