Is Mono's VB.Net support ready for a production site?

Previously, I've only used Microsoft-centric solutions, but for an upcoming ASP.Net project I'm considering using Mono and hosting it on a Linux Amazon EC2 instance. Based on the responses to my previous question, this sounds doable. However, I'm most comfortable with VB.Net and I'm wondering how well Mono supports it. Does anyone have first-hand experience writing ASP.Net app


以前,我只使用以Microsoft为中心的解决方案,但对于即将推出的ASP.Net项目,我正在考虑使用Mono并将其托管在Linux Amazon EC2实例上。 根据对我以前的问题的回应,这听起来很可靠。 不过,我对VB.Net最为满意,我想知道Mono如何支持它。 有没有人有使用VB.Net为Mono编写ASP.Net应用程序的第一手经验? 如果是这样,我想知道它是如何发展的,您遇到了什么样的兼容性问题,以及如果您认为Mono的VB.Net支持已准备好在生产站点

Is Mono robust enough for serious enterprise development?

It's been a few years since I've taken a deep look at Mono. When I last took a look, it wasnt quite there as far as BCL implementation and the tools available were limited. I have a specific need now to do some cross platform development, and was wondering what the community thought about Mono as a choice in the enterprise. Since I've been doing most of my dev work the past several


自从我深入了解莫诺以来,这已经过去了几年。 当我最后一次查看时,就BCL实施而言,它并不是那么完备,而且可用的工具有限。 我现在有特定的需求来做一些跨平台开发,并且想知道社区对Mono作为企业选择的看法。 由于过去几年我在.NET中做了大部分开发工作,Mono似乎是一个自然的选择。 然而,我不想推出一种经得起考验的技术。 注意:我不是在谈论一个小型或中型项目。 我正在讨论一个大规模的企业应用程序,它将使用面向

SAP .NET Connector

I've been asked to work with the SAP .NET Connector. I currently use .NET 4.0 and VS2010. Is there anything I'm going to need to downgrade? Also, does anyone know of any current tutorials online about how to use it? All I have is the information from SAP which isn't the most intuitive ever. In a VS 2010 project added a new reference to the dll that provides the NCO 3.0 which ar


我被要求使用SAP .NET连接器。 我目前使用.NET 4.0和VS2010。 有什么我需要降级吗? 另外,有没有人知道任何当前在线教程如何使用它? 我所拥有的仅仅是来自SAP的信息,它不是最直观的。 在VS 2010项目中添加了一个新的dll参考,它提供了名为“sapnco.dll”和“sapnco_utils.dll”的NCO 3.0。 在解决方案资源管理器项目中,查找我们的参考 - >添加参考...在C: Program Files SAP SAP_DotNetConnector3中浏览并搜索dll

Events and Memory Leaks in .NET

I'm using C# .NET 3.5 ... and I've been working to decouple a BLL object by moving database related activity into a seperate worker object. The worker object adds entities to the database and events a success or failure message back to a BLL object. When I instance the worker object in the BLL I wire up the worker's events and set the BLL's event handler using the event += dele


我正在使用C#.NET 3.5 ...我一直在努力通过将与数据库相关的活动移动到单独的工作对象中来分离BLL对象。 worker对象将实体添加到数据库,并将成功或失败消息发送回BLL对象。 当我在BLL中实例化工作对象时,我使用事件+ =委托(eventhandler)语法连接工作者的事件并设置BLL的事件处理程序。 我听说如果在工作人员处置时存在内存泄漏的可能性,如果我不明确地使用 - =语法取消监听器的连接。 所有这些处理发生在Windows

Weak events in .NET?

If object A listens to an event from object B, object B will keep object A alive. Is there a standard implementation of weak events that would prevent this? I know WPF has some mechanism but I am looking for something not tied to WPF. I am guessing the solution should use weak references somewhere. Dustin Campbell from the DidItWith.NET blog examines several of the failed attempts to create


如果对象A侦听来自对象B的事件,则对象B将保持对象A存活。 是否有弱事件的标准实施来防止这种情况发生? 我知道WPF有一些机制,但我正在寻找一些与WPF无关的东西。 我猜测解决方案应该在某处使用弱引用。 DidItWith.NET博客中的Dustin Campbell检查了几个创建弱事件处理程序失败的尝试,然后继续展示一个有效的,有效的轻量级实现:使用弱事件处理程序解决问题。 但理想情况下,微软会将这个概念引入到语言本身中。 就像

Event handling with an anonymous delegate

For the record: I found a similar question here but I have to elaborate a bit more on on the subject. My concrete scenario is this: In Silverlight 4, The myFrameworkElement.FindName("otherElementName") method seems to work fine now, but I encountered a problem. It still returns null when the element is not yet added to the visual tree obviously. But now I need this functionality


为了记录:我在这里发现了一个类似的问题,但我必须详细阐述这个问题。 我的具体情况是这样的: 在Silverlight 4中, myFrameworkElement.FindName("otherElementName")方法现在似乎正常工作,但我遇到了一个问题。 当元素尚未添加到可见树时,它仍然返回null 。 但是现在我需要在自定义UserControl处理程序的DependencyProperty的PropertyChangedCallback中使用此功能。 在这个范围内,用户控件是否被添加到

Debugger gets stuck in WPF OnStartup method

I am experiencing a problem in my project where if I get an exception in OnStartup code in App.xaml.cs debugger will breakpoint first and when I click continue it will run and breakpoint at the same location rather than exiting app. However if I add DispatcherUnhandledException event handler in App.xaml.cs and empty event handler it will work as expected. <Application x:Class="WpfApplicatio

调试器卡在WPF OnStartup方法中

我在我的项目中遇到问题,如果我在App.xaml.cs中的OnStartup代码中遇到异常,调试器将首先断点,当我单击继续时,它将在同一位置运行并断点而不是退出应用程序。 但是,如果我在App.xaml.cs中添加DispatcherUnhandledException事件处理程序,并且它是空的事件处理程序,它将按预期工作。 <Application x:Class="WpfApplication8.App" xmlns=""

Mixed client and .NET library error handling.

We have a .NET library that exposes COM. Clients may be C#, or legacy VB6 code (hence the COM support). At runtime we do not know whether the client is VB6 or .NET. The question is how to do error handling. .NET clients can handle exceptions but VB6 uses different error handling. How can we transparently provide suitable error handling for both contingencies. We need VB6 "On Error&quo


我们有一个暴露COM的.NET库。 客户端可能是C#或传统的VB6代码(因此支持COM)。 在运行时我们不知道客户端是VB6还是.NET。 问题是如何做错误处理。 .NET客户端可以处理异常,但VB6使用不同的错误处理。 我们如何透明地为这两种意外情况提供合适的错误处理。 我们需要VB6“On Error”类型处理才能工作,我们需要.NET try catch来工作。 请注意,我们并不总是能够控制客户端代码。 我们是否将所有引发的异常转换为COM异常

Why singleton class should be sealed?

I want to know the why a singleton class should be sealed. If we are giving the constructor as private we can prevent the class to be derived right?.. Below i'm pasting few lines from MSDN. Please give me some color on it.. In this strategy, the instance is created the first time any member of the class is referenced. The common language runtime takes care of the variable initialization.


我想知道为什么单身人士课程应该被封闭。 如果我们将构造函数设置为私有的,那么我们可以防止这个类被派生出来吗?..下面我正在从MSDN上粘贴几行代码。 请给我一些颜色.. 在这种策略中,实例是在类的第一次引用时创建的。 公共语言运行库负责变量初始化。 该类被标记为密封以防止派生,这可能会增加实例 。 关于标记密封类的优缺点的讨论,请参阅[Sells03]。 另外,该变量被标记为只读,这意味着它只能在静态初始化(这

Why aren't IStructuralEquatable and IStructuralComparable generic?

System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable和System.Collections.IStructuralComparable是在.NET 4中添加的,但它们为什么不是通用的,如IEquatable<T>和IComparable<T> ? The example on MSDN gives part of the answer here; it seems to be useful for heterogeneous equality, rather than homogeneous equality - ie for testing whether two objects (/values) of potentially different types should be con


System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable和System.Collections.IStructuralComparable是在.NET 4中添加的,但它们为什么不是通用的,如IEquatable<T>和IComparable<T> ? MSDN上的例子给出了部分答案。 它似乎对异构平等有用,而不是均匀的平等 - 也就是说,为了测试两种可能不同类型的对象(/值)是否应该被认为是相等的。 在这种情况下,调用代码极有可能处理object (以表示异构数据)。 然后通用方法不会很