What does CultureInfo.InvariantCulture mean?

I have a string of text like so: var foo = "FooBar"; I want to declare a second string called bar and make this equal to first and fourth character of my first foo , so I do this like so: var bar = foo[0].ToString() + foo[3].ToString(); This works as expected, but ReSharper is advising me to put Culture.InvariantCulture inside my brackets, so this line ends up like so: var bar = foo[0].ToStr


我有这样一段文字: var foo = "FooBar"; 我想声明第二个名为bar字符串,并使其等于我的第一个foo第一个和第四个字符,所以我这样做: var bar = foo[0].ToString() + foo[3].ToString(); 这可以按预期的方式工作,但ReSharper建议我将Culture.InvariantCulture放在括号内,所以这行代码如下所示: var bar = foo[0].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + foo[3].ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 这

What do the pdb files actually do?

OK, I realize that the PDB files are the symbol files for .NET assemblies. But I never really looked into their extended usage. If I hook in with a remote debugger from a visual studio that has the running code loaded, do I actually need the PDB files on the remote machine? Will I get unhandled exception information without them on the machine where the code is running without the PDB files


好的,我意识到PDB文件是.NET程序集的符号文件。 但我从来没有真正考虑过它们的扩展用法。 如果我从加载了运行代码的Visual Studio中调用远程调试器,是否真的需要远程计算机上的PDB文件? 在运行代码的机器上没有PDB文件和连接源代码的调试器时,是否会在没有它们的情况下获取未处理的异常信息? 他们还做了什么? 在远程调试情况下,如果在远程机器上需要PDB,我不会记得,但除此之外,PDB包含编译代码偏移地图的源代

Node.js vs .Net performance

I've read a lot about Node.js being fast and able to accommodate large amounts of load. Does anyone have any real world evidence of this vs other frameworks, particularly .Net? Most of the articles i've read are anecdotal or don't have comparisons to .Net. Thanks Being FAST and handling lots of LOAD are two different things. A server that's really FAST at serving one reques


我已经读了很多关于Node.js快速并且能够容纳大量负载的内容。 有没有人有任何真实世界的证据证明这个vs其他框架,尤其是.Net? 我读过的大部分文章都是轶事,或者没有与.Net进行比较。 谢谢 快速处理大量LOAD是两件不同的事情。 如果每秒发送500个请求(在LOAD下),那么每秒处理一个请求时服务器速度真快 。 你还必须考虑静态(和缓存)与动态页面。 如果你担心静态页面,那么IIS可能会打败节点,因为IIS使用内核模式

What are 'closures' in .NET?

What is a closure? Do we have them in .NET? If they do exist in .NET, could you please provide a code snippet (preferably in C#) explaining it? EDIT: I went through Jon Skeet's article to understand what closures are and how to use them in .NET. I have an article on this very topic. (It has lots of examples.) In essence, a closure is a block of code which can be executed at a later


什么是封闭? 我们有.NET吗? 如果他们确实存在于.NET中,您能否提供一个代码片段(最好在C#中)解释它? 编辑:我经历了Jon Skeet的文章,了解什么是闭包,以及如何在.NET中使用它们。 我有一篇关于这个话题的文章。 (它有很多例子。) 实质上,闭包是一段代码,它可以在稍后执行,但它保留了它最初创建的环境,即它仍然可以使用创建它的方法的局部变量等,即使在那之后方法已经完成执行。 闭包的一般特征在C#中

Implementing footnotes in a WPF FlowDocument

What would be the best approach to display footnotes for FlowDocument content in a FlowDocumentPageViewer? My first thought was to have the contents of the footnote follow immediately after the footnote anchor within the FlowDocument, with the footnote content formatted as a Figure with VerticalAnchor set to PageBottom. This works great, but when there are multiple footnotes on a page, the fo

在WPF FlowDocument中实现脚注

在FlowDocumentPageViewer中显示FlowDocument内容的脚注的最佳方法是什么? 我的第一个想法是在脚注内容紧跟在FlowDocument内的脚注后面,脚注内容的格式设置为VerticalAnchor设置为PageBottom。 这很好,但是当页面上有多个脚注时,脚注就会以相反的顺序堆叠起来,即第一个脚注一直在底部,随后的脚注被堆叠在顶部。 这种方法的另一个困难是,不允许长脚注跨越页面,如图所示。 更为极端的做法是以相反的方式进行 - 将

File extensions and MIME Types in .NET

I want to get a MIME Content-Type from a given extension (preferably without accessing the physical file). I have seen some questions about this and the methods described to perform this can be resumed in: Use registry information. Use urlmon.dll's FindMimeFromData. Use IIS information. Roll your own MIME mapping function. Based on this table, for example. I've been using no.1


我想从给定的扩展名(最好不访问物理文件)获取MIME内容类型。 我已经看到了一些关于这个问题的问题,并且描述执行此操作的方法可以恢复为: 使用注册表信息。 使用urlmon.dll的FindMimeFromData。 使用IIS信息。 滚动您自己的MIME映射功能。 例如,以此表为基础。 我一直在使用1号,但我意识到注册表提供的信息不一致,并取决于机器上安装的软件。 一些扩展名,比如.zip,不能​​用来指定一个Content-Type。 2号

Custom JavaScriptConverter for DateTime?

I have an object, it has a DateTime property... I want to pass that object from an .ashx handler back to a webpage via AJAX/JSON... I don't want to use 3rd party controls... when I do this: new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(DateTime.Now); I get this: "/Date(1251385232334)/" but I want "8/26/2009" (nevermind localization... my app is very localized, so my date formatting


我有一个对象,它有一个DateTime属性...我想通过AJAX / JSON将该对象从.ashx处理程序传递回网页...我不想使用第三方控件... 当我这样做时: new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(DateTime.Now); 我得到这个: "/Date(1251385232334)/" 但我想要“2009年8月26日”(从不知道本地化......我的应用程序是非常本地化的,所以我的日期格式假设不适合在这个问题上辩论)。 如果我制作/注册一个自定义转换器 public class Da

What is the best algorithm for an overridden System.Object.GetHashCode?

In .NET System.Object.GetHashCode method is used in a lot of places, throughout the .NET base class libraries. Especially when finding items in a collection fast or to determine equality. Is there a standard algorithm/ best practice on how to implement the GetHashCode override for my custom classes so I don't degrade performance? I usually go with something like the implementation given i


在.NET System.Object.GetHashCode方法中,在.NET基类库中的很多地方都使用了这个方法。 特别是在快速查找集合中的项目或确定平等时。 是否有一个关于如何为我的自定义类实现GetHashCode覆盖的标准算法/最佳实践,所以我不会降低性能? 我通常使用Josh Bloch的神话般的Effective Java中的实现。 它速度很快,创建了一个相当不错的散列,这不太可能导致冲突。 选择两个不同的素数,例如17和23,然后执行: public override

Difference between decimal, float and double in .NET?

What is the difference between decimal , float and double in .NET? When would someone use one of these? float and double are floating binary point types. In other words, they represent a number like this: 10001.10010110011 The binary number and the location of the binary point are both encoded within the value. decimal is a floating decimal point type. In other words, they represent a n


.NET中的decimal , float和double什么区别? 什么时候会有人使用其中之一? float和double是浮点二进制点类型。 换句话说,他们代表了这样一个数字: 10001.10010110011 二进制数和二进制点的位置都在该值内编码。 decimal是浮点小数点类型。 换句话说,他们代表了这样一个数字: 12345.65789 同样,小数点的位置和数字都被编码在值中 - 这就是使decimal仍然是浮点类型而不是固定点类型的原因。 重要的是要注意的