I have idea about Dispose and Finalize method in .Net as following. Please correct me if I am wrong. Dispose : Implement IDisposable inferface and remove unused/unmanaged code in Dispose method. Developer needs to call it manually if they want immediate removal or GC will dispose the resources when it is invoked. Finalize : When GC invoked it will free the unused managed code and if IDispos
我有关于.Net中的Dispose和Finalize方法的想法如下。 如果我错了,请纠正我。 Dispose:在Dispose方法中实现IDisposable接口并删除未使用/非托管的代码。 如果需要立即移除,开发人员需要手动调用它,否则GC将在调用资源时处理资源。 Finalize:GC调用时会释放未使用的托管代码,如果实现了IDisposable,它将调用Dispose方法释放非托管资源(通常)。 问题是:当我们使用Dispose方法处理资源时,内存将被立即释放并被压
I have an object that is expensive to create, which uses some unmanaged resources that must be explicitly freed when done with and so implement IDisposable(). I would like a cache for instance of these expensive resources so that the creation cost is minimized, but I am having trouble knowing how to deal with the disposal. If the methods that use the objects are responsible for the disposal th
我有一个创建成本很高的对象,它使用了一些非托管资源,必须在完成IDisposable()时显式释放这些资源。 我希望缓存这些昂贵资源的实例,以便将创建成本降到最低,但我无法知道如何处理这种处置。 如果使用这些对象的方法负责处理,那么我最终会在缓存中放置实例,然后必须重新创建这些实例,从而击败缓存点。 如果我不在使用它们的方法中处理对象,那么它们永远不会被丢弃。 我想我可以在将它们从缓存中取出时处理它们,但
I have a class that map objects to objects, but unlike dictionary it maps them both ways. I am now trying to implement a custom IEnumerator interface that iterates through the values. public class Mapper<K,T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerator<T> { C5.TreeDictionary<K,T> KToTMap = new TreeDictionary<K,T>(); C5.HashDictionary<T,K> TToKMap = new HashDiction
我有一个将对象映射到对象的类,但与字典不同,它将它们映射到两个方向。 我现在试图实现一个自定义的IEnumerator接口来遍历这些值。 public class Mapper<K,T> : IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerator<T> { C5.TreeDictionary<K,T> KToTMap = new TreeDictionary<K,T>(); C5.HashDictionary<T,K> TToKMap = new HashDictionary<T,K>(); public void Add(K key, T value)
My dev team is getting ready to start a new project. The shop has been a "VB shop" since the days of VB3, but the prevailing opinion now is that we're a ".NET shop" and since C# was created specifically for .NET, whereas VB.NET was a retrofit, we've decided to move forward writing C# only. The controversy revolves around the question of whether the Microsoft.VisualBa
我的开发团队正在准备开始一个新项目。 从VB3开始,这家商店一直是“VB商店”,但现在流行的观点是,我们是“.NET商店”,并且自C#专门为.NET创建,而VB.NET是一种改进,我们我决定只向前推写C#。 争议主要围绕Microsoft.VisualBasic命名空间在新开发中是否具有合法位置,或仅针对VB6(及更早版本)代码的向后兼容性这一问题展开。 另一个更有趣的问题是,Microsoft.VisualBasic命名空间下面的代码是否甚至是.NET代码,如果它真
Myself and my group are horrendous at incrementing assembly version numbers and we frequently ship assemblies with versions. Obviously, this causes a lot of headaches. We're getting a lot better with our practices via our CI platform and I'd really like to set it up to auto increment the values within the assemblyinfo.cs file so that the versions of our assemblies are auto upda
我自己和我的团队在增加程序集版本号方面非常可怕,我们经常以1.0.0.0版本发布程序集。 很明显,这会引起很多头痛。 通过我们的CI平台,我们的实践得到了很大改善,我真的希望将它设置为自动递增assemblyinfo.cs文件中的值,以便我们的程序集版本可以自动更新该组件。 我以前设置过(在我们找到Hudson之前)通过msbuild或命令行(不记得)增加值的方法,但是使用Hudson,它将更新SVN存储库并触发另一个构建。 随着Hudson每
这是一种添加到FlowDocument内容特定印刷符号(破折号,希腊符号等)的方法吗? 您可以尝试http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters
这是一种添加到FlowDocument内容特定印刷符号(破折号,希腊符号等)的方法吗? 您可以尝试http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters
When using resources such as brushes, templates and styles in WPF, they can be specified either as StaticResources <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource MyBrush}" /> or as a DynamicResource <ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource MyItemTemplate}" /> Most of the times (always?), only one works and the other will throw exception during runtime. But I'd like to know why: What
在WPF中使用资源(如画笔,模板和样式)时,可以将它们指定为StaticResources <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource MyBrush}" /> 或者作为一个DynamicResource <ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource MyItemTemplate}" /> 大部分时间(总是?),只有一个有效,另一个会在运行时抛出异常。 但我想知道为什么: 主要区别是什么? 像内存或性能影响 WPF中有像“画笔总是静态的”和“模板总是动态的”等规
How can I perform the equivalent of this? My understanding is that this is impossible with TransactionScopes but I'd like to accomplish the equivalent in some other way: Business Logic class: public bool Bar() { try { using (var tsWork = new TransactionScope()) { ComplicatedDataImportCode(somedata); FlagRecordInDatabaseAsImported(); // this is the same record that'
我怎样才能做到这一点? 我的理解是,这对于TransactionScopes来说是不可能的,但我想以其他方式完成相同的操作: 业务逻辑类: public bool Bar() { try { using (var tsWork = new TransactionScope()) { ComplicatedDataImportCode(somedata); FlagRecordInDatabaseAsImported(); // this is the same record that's modified in the catch tsWork.Complete(); return true; }
According to the documentation, the decimal.Round method uses a round-to-even algorithm which is not common for most applications. So I always end up writing a custom function to do the more natural round-half-up algorithm: public static decimal RoundHalfUp(this decimal d, int decimals) { if (decimals < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The decimals must be non-negative",
根据文档, decimal.Round方法使用了一个循环算法,这在大多数应用程序中并不常见。 所以我总是最终编写一个自定义函数来完成更自然的半循环算法: public static decimal RoundHalfUp(this decimal d, int decimals) { if (decimals < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("The decimals must be non-negative", "decimals"); } decimal multiplier = (decimal)Math.Pow(10, decimals)
As we know,we can define a method called by client in WCF REST Service like this: [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "ValidateLogin", Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] public ValidationClass ValidateLogin(RequestObject obj){...} The object ValidationClass contains a DateTime type property. It will return the result like below to the client. { "isValid":true, "returnMess
正如我们所知,我们可以在WCF REST Service中定义一个客户端调用的方法,如下所示: [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "ValidateLogin", Method = "POST", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)] public ValidationClass ValidateLogin(RequestObject obj){...} 对象ValidationClass包含一个DateTime类型属性。 它会将如下的结果返回给客户端。 { "isValid":true, "returnMessage":"string", "tokenID":"string",