I have a class containing an array I wish to serialize with XmlSerializer : [XmlArray("properties")] [XmlArrayItem("property", IsNullable = true)] public List<Property> Properties { get; set; } Property is a class containing an attribute and some XmlText : [XmlAttribute("name")] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlText] public string Value { get; set; } The problem is that when Value
我有一个类包含我想用XmlSerializer序列化的数组: [XmlArray("properties")] [XmlArrayItem("property", IsNullable = true)] public List<Property> Properties { get; set; } Property是一个包含属性和一些XmlText : [XmlAttribute("name")] public string Name { get; set; } [XmlText] public string Value { get; set; } 问题是,当Value为null时,它会作为一个空字符串序列化: <property name="foo" />
I've looked this question up, but I don't see too many answers, and obviously none have been helpful or I wouldn't be asking. I am a .NET neophyte. My local environment is Win7, Microsoft Virtual Web Developer 2010 Express. I added the NewtonSoft.Json as a custom component library. I built a simple "HelloWorld" web service, using Newtonsoft.Json custom components. Wh
我看过这个问题,但我没有看到太多的答案,显然没有人有帮助,或者我不会问。 我是一名.NET新手。 我的本地环境是Win7,Microsoft Virtual Web Developer 2010 Express。 我将NewtonSoft.Json添加为自定义组件库。 我使用Newtonsoft.Json自定义组件构建了一个简单的“HelloWorld”Web服务。 当我在本地机器(Visual Web Developer 2010 Express)上构建时,它的效果很好。 我实际上得到了一个有效的JSONP输出,而不是XML
When building a web project on a machine that doesn't have the SDK installed, you get this warning: warning MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.0" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or Targeting Pack
在未安装SDK的计算机上构建Web项目时,会出现以下警告: 警告MSB3644:找不到框架“.NETFramework,Version = v4.0”的引用程序集。 要解决此问题,请为此框架版本安装SDK或Targeting Pack,或将您的应用程序重定向到您安装了SDK或Targeting Pack的框架版本。 请注意,程序集将从全局程序集缓存(GAC)中解析出来,并将用于代替引用程序集。 因此,您的程序集可能无法正确定位您想要的框架。 显然,摆脱警告的一种方法是安
Why can I use the VBScript for each statement to iterate a System.Collections.ArrayList oject, but not a Systems.Collections.SortedList object? Given the following: set aList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") aList.Add "a" aList.Add "b" aList.Add "c" for each item in aList ' do something next set sList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList") sList.Add "a
为什么可以使用VBScript for each语句来迭代System.Collections.ArrayList oject,但不是Systems.Collections.SortedList对象? 鉴于以下情况: set aList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList") aList.Add "a" aList.Add "b" aList.Add "c" for each item in aList ' do something next set sList = Server.CreateObject("System.Collections.SortedList") sList.Add "a", 1 sList.Add "b", 2 sList.Ad
Currently we have 2 databases that we are going to use. One comes from a pre-existing product and thus we have no control over it. the other is one that we have full control over. Currently we use the EF4 CTP as we need spatial features but obviously this cannot be used in product code and the recent release of EF hasn't spatial as this is for a later release of the .Net Framework and so
目前我们有2个我们将要使用的数据库。 一个来自现有的产品,因此我们无法控制它。 另一个是我们完全可以控制的。 目前我们使用EF4 CTP,因为我们需要空间特征,但显然这不能用于产品代码,EF的最新版本没有空间,因为这是为.Net框架的后续版本而做的,因此决定将作为到前进的方向,一个建议是转移到NHibernate和使用空间插件。 所以第一个问题是关于学习曲线和工具之间的移动。 对我而言,似乎NHibernate在做什么时更加明
I have a program which would use the Application Role to write data to a SQL Server 2005. using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommand.Connection = sqlCon; sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlCommand.CommandText = ""; sqlCommand.CommandText = "EXEC sp_setapprole 'name','password';"; sqlComman
我有一个使用应用程序角色将数据写入SQL Server 2005的程序。 using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(); sqlCommand.Connection = sqlCon; sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; sqlCommand.CommandText = ""; sqlCommand.CommandText = "EXEC sp_setapprole 'name','password';"; sqlCommand.CommandText += sqlComm; sql
I've been reading up on Data Annotations (ie Scott Guthrie's blog post) and I am thrilled about the concept of having validation logic in one place. Has anyone been able to use this technique successfully when prompting the user to enter a subset of the properties associated with a given class? For example (pseudocode)... public class Person { [Required] public string Name [Re
我一直在阅读Data Annotations(例如Scott Guthrie的博客文章),我对在一个地方使用验证逻辑的概念感到兴奋。 有没有人能够在提示用户输入与给定类关联的属性的子集时成功地使用该技术? 例如(伪代码)... public class Person { [Required] public string Name [Required] public string Email } 然后让我们假设你有一个视图只显示名称的表单。 该视图的HttpPost控制器中的ModelState.IsValid的值将始终为fal
I have a WPF application which I am trying to implement in a MVVM pattern (as much as possible). One of my view models opens a child window with code like this: SomeChildWindow childWin = new SomeChildWindow(); childWin.DataContext = someChildViewModel; childWin.ShowDialog(); The problem I am having is that a RoutedCommand I am using in SomeChildWindow is not getting received: <Button Con
我有一个WPF应用程序,我试图以MVVM模式实现(尽可能)。 我的一个视图模型用这样的代码打开一个子窗口: SomeChildWindow childWin = new SomeChildWindow(); childWin.DataContext = someChildViewModel; childWin.ShowDialog(); 我遇到的问题是我在SomeChildWindow使用的SomeChildWindow没有收到: <Button Content="Do Work" Command="root:GlobalCommand.DoWork"/> GlobalCommand是一个静
I'm trying to learn how to use WPF commands, and how they fit into the MVVM pattern. I understand that some controls, like a button or menu, have a Command property which when set to an instance of an ICommand class connects the button to that command. Once this is set the button will then disable and enable with the CanExecuteChanged event of the command, and clicking the control will call
我试图学习如何使用WPF命令,以及它们如何适应MVVM模式。 我知道某些控件(如按钮或菜单)具有一个Command属性,该属性在设置为ICommand类的实例时将按钮连接到该命令。 一旦设置完成,该按钮就会通过命令的CanExecuteChanged事件关闭并启用,然后单击该控件将调用该命令的Execute方法。 但是,每个ICommand的实例应该在哪里生存? 我在教程中看到了各种不同的选项,我不确定哪个是正确的。 在一些示例中,创建一个静态的“
In the MVVM pattern for WPF, handling dialogs is one of the more complex operations. As your view model does not know anything about the view, dialog communication can be interesting. I can expose an ICommand that when the view invokes it, a dialog can appear. Does anyone know of a good way to handle results from dialogs? I am speaking about windows dialogs such as MessageBox. One of the w
在WPF的MVVM模式中,处理对话框是更复杂的操作之一。 由于您的视图模型不知道视图的任何内容,对话框通信可能很有趣。 我可以公开一个ICommand,当视图调用它时,会出现一个对话框。 有谁知道处理对话结果的好方法吗? 我正在谈论诸如MessageBox之类的Windows对话框。 我们做这件事的方式之一是在视图模型上有一个事件,当需要对话时视图会订阅。 public event EventHandler<MyDeleteArgs> RequiresDeleteDialog;