Raphael JS Pie: Add ID to path slices

I've seen this question asked over at the Raphael Google Groups, but after hours of searching there, and also on here, and Google, I cannot seem to find a solution. I would simply like to be able to target my pie chart (svg path) slices using jQuery, but I cannot figure out how to add custom id's to the path tags - there is no ID attribute in there by default: <path fill="#764c29" s

Raphael JS Pie:将ID添加到路径切片

我在拉斐尔Google网上论坛上看到过这个问题,但是经过几个小时的搜索,在这里和谷歌,我似乎无法找到解决方案。 我只是希望能够使用jQuery来定位我的饼图(svg path)切片,但我无法弄清楚如何将自定义的id添加到路径标记中 - 默认情况下没有ID属性: <path fill="#764c29" stroke="none" d="M350,350L350.6911881148345,94.00093308961084A256,256,0,0,1,561.8463375189659,206.2741175716762Z" style="stroke-width: 1; s

How to access SVG elements with Javascript

I'm messing around with SVG and I was hoping I could create SVG files in Illustrator and access elements with Javascript. Here's the SVG file Illustrator kicks out (It also seems to add a load of junk to the beginning of the file that I've removed) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/


我搞乱了SVG,我希望我可以在Illustrator中创建SVG文件并使用Javascript访问元素。 这里是Illustrator踢出的SVG文件(它也似乎在我删除的文件的开头添加了一大堆垃圾) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http:/

How are Controllers used with MVC in Extjs application

I am quite new to Extjs and after going through some tutorials and blogs on Extjs MVC pattern, I am not clear as to how a complex app(say 10 - 15 page navigation) can be built on extjs platform. From the sencha forums, it is suggested that all controllers need to be defined upfront in the app.js(because loading controllers before hand will not be a performance hit as compared to UI which loads


对于Extjs来说,我很新,在浏览一些关于Extjs MVC模式的教程和博客之后,我不清楚如何在extjs平台上构建一个复杂的应用程序(比如10 - 15页导航)。 在sencha论坛中,建议所有的控制器都需要在app.js中预先定义(因为与加载DOM的UI相比,手动加载控制器不会有性能问题,请注意,这是由sencha论坛提及的经理)。 通过以上方法,我有几个问题: 什么时候一个控制器被实例化? 当应用程序加载时,它们是否全部加载并安装,

Extjs MVC nested views events and async function

I'm developing an extJS 4.2 MVC app. I've this context menu view object defined: Ext.define('XApp.view.message.inbox.CtxMenu', { extend : 'Ext.menu.Menu', alias : 'widget.inboxctxmenu', items : [ { itemId : 'buttonSetFlags', text : 'ToRead' }] }); this context menu is builded when i'm creating this grid (and other my extended grids): Ext.define('XAp

Extjs MVC嵌套视图事件和异步函数

我正在开发一个extJS 4.2 MVC应用程序。 我有这个上下文菜单视图对象定义: Ext.define('XApp.view.message.inbox.CtxMenu', { extend : 'Ext.menu.Menu', alias : 'widget.inboxctxmenu', items : [ { itemId : 'buttonSetFlags', text : 'ToRead' }] }); 这个上下文菜单是当我创建这个网格(和其他我的扩展网格)时建立的: Ext.define('XApp.view.message.inbox.Grid', { extend: 'Ex

ExtJS File Upload Woes

ExtJS Version : 4.1.0 Answered - See my response below... quite silly really I have a simple form with a few fields, one of them being of the xtype fileuploadfield . I listen for the click event on my form's save button in the Controller's this.control method. When the click event occurs, I run a method saveForm , which looks like this: saveForm: function(button) { /** Get the


ExtJS版本:4.1.0 回答 - 见下面我的回答...真的很愚蠢 我有一个带有几个字段的简单表单,其中一个是xtype fileuploadfield 。 我在控制器的this.control方法中侦听窗体保存按钮上的click事件。 当发生click事件时,我运行一个saveForm方法,它看起来像这样: saveForm: function(button) { /** Get the Window Object and retrieve the Form*/ var currentWin = button.up('window'), form = cur

Extjs 4, Event handling, scope, custom components

I have following problem. I have grid with tbar . Inside tbar I have number of Ext.form.field.Trigger . When the user click on trigger button I want to filter the store using function that is provided with grid . I want to define functionality of triggerclick inside defined class , so I can reuse this component with different grid . So, in short I want to find the panel where clicked compo

Extjs 4,事件处理,范围,自定义组件

我有以下问题。 我有tbar网格。 在tbar里面我有一些Ext.form.field.Trigger 。 当用户点击触发按钮时,我想使用grid提供的功能过滤商店。 我想在定义的class定义triggerclick功能,因此我可以在不同的grid重用此组件。 所以,简而言之,我想找到放置点击组件的面板并调用面板函数,或者将面板的引用传递给triggerclick ,或者使用根据点击按钮的位置计算出的某个参数触发事件,或者可能存在一个更好的方法来完成这一点。

ExtJS and Complex Save Operations

ExtJS 4.1.0 Update 6/6/13 : I have posted this same question on the Sencha forums where there hasn't been much action. The post is more or less the same, but I figured I would add it here just for reference. I am still eager to hear other community members' input on what must be a very common scenario in an ExtJS Application! http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?265358-Comple


ExtJS 4.1.0 6/6/13更新 : 我已经在Sencha论坛上发布了同样的问题,在那里没有太多的行动。 这篇文章或多或少是一样的,但我想我会在这里添加它仅仅作为参考。 我仍然渴望听到其他社区成员对ExtJS应用程序中常见的情况的意见! http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?265358-Complex-Model-Save-Decoupling-Data-and-Updating-Related-Stores 2013年7月16日更新(结论?) Sencha的帖子收到了很少的讨论。 我

Detecting if a Javascript variable is really undefined

How can we differentiate between var foo; and var foo=undefined; ? typeof foo will return for both "undefined" and foo in window will return for both true; var foo implies var foo=undefined , unless of course undefined is set to something other than undefined . This can be seen in the Browser Console, if you initialise a variable but don't give it a value, it will have the v


我们如何区分var foo; 和var foo=undefined; ? typeof foo将返回“undefined”和foo in window将返回true; var foo意味着var foo=undefined ,除非undefined被设置undefined 。 这可以在浏览器控制台中看到,如果初始化一个变量但不给它一个值,它将具有undefined的值(并且类型"undefined" ) 我们如何区分var foo; 和var foo=undefined; ? 他们之间没有什么区别, 如果该行之前的所有使用foo 。 (不

Shortest null check in c#

Is there a shorter way to write this in c# : if(myobject!=null){ } In JavaScript we can do this: if(myobject){ } Disclaimer: I know this will match 'true' as well in JavaScript. This would only be used on variables that should be a specific type of object. I found some similar questions, but they're asking slightly different things: C# Shortest Way to Check for Null and Ass


有没有更简单的方式来写在C#中 : if(myobject!=null){ } 在JavaScript中,我们可以这样做: if(myobject){ } 免责声明:我知道这将在JavaScript中匹配'true'。 这只会用于应该是特定类型对象的变量。 我发现了一些类似的问题,但他们要求稍微不同的事情: C#最短路如果没有,则检查空值并指定另一个值 检查对象是否为空的最佳和最快的方法 如何确定变量是'undefined'还是'null'? 您

Checking for null or undefined

Although there are semantic differences between JavaScript's null and undefined , many times they can be treated as the same. What's the preferable way of checking if the value is either null or undefined? Right now I'm doing the following: if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) { // do something } Which is pretty verbose. I could, of course, create a function f


虽然JavaScript的null和undefined之间存在语义差异,但很多时候它们可以被视为相同。 检查值是否为空或未定义的最佳方法是什么? 现在我正在做以下事情: if (typeof value === "undefined" || value === null) { // do something } 这非常详细。 当然,我可以为此创建一个函数并导入到任何地方,但我希望有更好的方法来实现这一点。 另外,我知道这一点 if (value == null) { } 将90%的时间完成工作,除非值为零