Js object key: plus value syntax

This question already has an answer here: What does = +_ mean in JavaScript 12 answers This is a unary conversion. It's a shorthand method to convert to a number. From the ECMAScript docs: The unary + operator converts its operand to Number type. The production UnaryExpression : + UnaryExpression is evaluated as follows: Let expr be the result of evaluating UnaryExpression. Retu


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: JavaScript中的= + _意味着什么12个答案 这是一个单一的转换。 这是一种转换为数字的简便方法。 来自ECMAScript文档: 一元+运算符将其操作数转换为数字类型。 生产UnaryExpression:+ UnaryExpression的计算方法如下: 让expr是评估UnaryExpression的结果。 返回ToNumber(GetValue(expr))。 var a = "45"; //typeof String a = +a; // now typeof Number

0, what does the '+' after '=' do?

This question already has an answer here: What does = +_ mean in JavaScript 12 answers Converts it into a number. It's the opposite of -fromIndex , so it has to convert into a number. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Arithmetic_Operators#-_.28Unary_Plus.29 +"0" >> 0 +true >> 1


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: JavaScript中的= + _意味着什么12个答案 将其转换为数字。 这与-fromIndex相反,所以它必须转换成数字。 请参阅https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Arithmetic_Operators#-_.28Unary_Plus.29 +"0" >> 0 +true >> 1

Single plus operator in javascript

This question already has an answer here: What does = +_ mean in JavaScript 12 answers The plus converts a string to a float. The code you provided is equivalent to the following: if ( obj.length === Number(obj.length) ) { // ... }


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: JavaScript中的= + _意味着什么12个答案 加号将字符串转换为浮点数。 您提供的代码等同于以下内容: if ( obj.length === Number(obj.length) ) { // ... }

Considering best practices, can we use double unary operator ! in JavaScript?

For my understanding the unary ! operator performs implicit type conversions, and are sometimes used for type conversion. So basically the ! operator converts its operand to a boolean and negates it. Now: !!x // Same as Boolean(x) In fact: !!'true' === Boolean('true') // true So I am assuming both !!x and Boolean(x) perform the same action. I would like to know: Do you know any cave

考虑到最佳实践,我们可以使用双重一元运算符! 在JavaScript中?

为了我的理解一元! 运算符执行隐式类型转换,有时用于类型转换。 所以基本上! 运算符将其操作数转换为布尔值并将其取反。 现在: !!x // Same as Boolean(x) 事实上: !!'true' === Boolean('true') // true 所以我假设!!x和Boolean(x)执行相同的操作。 我想知道: 你知道任何警告让我的假设错了吗? 从良好的做法来看,哪种方式应该是首选? 你知道在不同的ECMAScript版本或浏览器厂商之间有什么区别吗?

JS: What's the difference between =+ and +=

This question already has an answer here: Difference between += and =+ in javascript 1 answer =+ will cast implicitly x to a number and assign sumX the value += will add x to sumX without an attempt at casting sumY += y; adds y to sumY . sumY =+ y; is equivalent to sumY = (+y); . For numbers, the unary plus operator is a no-op, so the entire expression simply assigns y to sumY .

JS:= +和+ =有什么区别

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: javascript中的+ =和= +之间的差异1个答案 =+会隐含地将x转换为数字并将sumX赋值 +=会将x添加到sumX而不会尝试投射 sumY += y; 向sumY添加y 。 sumY =+ y; 相当于sumY = (+y); 。 对于数字来说,一元加运算符是一个空操作符,所以整个表达式只需将y赋给sumY 。

style properties of a Backbone.View

I'm trying to set the height, width and background image of a <ul> element. Here's what I've got for my Backbone.View: var RackView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', className: 'rack unselectable', template: _.template($('#RackTemplate').html()), render: function () { this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this;


我试图设置<ul>元素的高度,宽度和背景图像。 以下是我的Backbone.View的内容: var RackView = Backbone.View.extend({ tagName: 'ul', className: 'rack unselectable', template: _.template($('#RackTemplate').html()), render: function () { this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this; }, attributes: function () { var isFront =

jquery html() vs empty().append() performance

I have created a test case at http://jsperf.com/jquery-html-vs-empty-append-test to compare the performance of $.html() with $.empty().append() . I wondered that .empty().append() is faster. Can anyone explain this performance gap? Thanks. In your code $.empty().append() was running faster because, your selector was wrong, You should have used var $test = $("#test"); instead o

jquery html()vs empty()。append()的性能

我在http://jsperf.com/jquery-html-vs-empty-append-test上创建了一个测试用例来比较$.html()和$.empty().append() 。 我想知道.empty().append()更快。 任何人都可以解释这种表现差 谢谢。 在你的代码中, $.empty().append()运行得更快,因为你的选择器是错误的, 你应该使用var $test = $("#test"); 而不是var $test = $("test"); 进行比较。 请参阅此处的DEMO。 在jquery中正确使用选择

page .pdf with PhantomJS

I'm exporting a webpage of variable height into pdf using PhantomJS. Since pdfs can have any page size (more like ratio though, since it's vectorial), I would like to export it in a way that creates a single page in the pdf in which to fit the entire webpage. Luckily, using the evaluate PhantomJS method I can easily detect the page height page.includeJs('jquery.js', function() { var


我正在使用PhantomJS将可变高度的网页导出为pdf。 由于pdf可以具有任何页面大小(更像是比率,因为它是矢量的),所以我想以一种可以在pdf中创建单个页面的方式导出它,以适合整个网页。 幸运的是,使用evaluate PhantomJS方法,我可以轻松检测页面高度 page.includeJs('jquery.js', function() { var pageHeight = page.evaluate(function() { return $('#content').height(); }); }); 但是,我不确定我如何使用这

How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?

I want to make a JavaScript application that's not open source, and thus I wish to learn how to can obfuscate my JS code? Is this possible? Obfuscation: Try YUI Compressor . It's a very popular tool, built, enhanced and maintained by the Yahoo UI team. You may also use: Google Closure Compiler UglifyJS Private String Data: Keeping string values private is a different conce


我想制作一个不是开源的JavaScript应用程序,因此我希望学习如何能够混淆我的JS代码? 这可能吗? 混淆: 尝试YUI压缩机 。 这是一个非常受欢迎的工具,由Yahoo UI团队构建,增强和维护。 您也可以使用: Google Closure编译器 UglifyJS 私人字符串数据: 保持字符串值是私密的是另一个问题,混淆并不会带来太多好处。 当然,通过将你的源代码打包成一个乱码,混乱的文件,你可以通过默默无闻的方式获得一个安

Javascript templating language in reverse

Is there anything like a templating engine (a la Mustache.js) that can do templating in "reverse"? That means that I provide rendered html and a template file, run it through the engine, and get data from it (say a JSON structure). I realize this is the sort of thing that could be done with a "screen scraping library", but I have never seen a screen-scraping library that u


有没有什么像模板引擎(la Mustache.js)可以在“反向”模板中进行模板化? 这意味着我提供了呈现的html和模板文件,通过引擎运行它,并从中获取数据(比如JSON结构)。 我意识到这是可以用“屏幕抓取库”来完成的事情,但我从来没有见过使用胡须风格模板的屏幕抓取库(不管这些叫做什么)。 通用解决方案不存在。 例如,您永远不能撤消以下模板:{{foo}} {{bar}},因为无法找到第一个胡须停止位置和第二个胡须停止的位置。