Is there a RegExp.escape function in Javascript?

I just want to create a regular expression out of any possible string. var usersString = "Hello?!*`~World()[]"; var expression = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(usersString)) var matches = "Hello".match(expression); Is there a built in method for that? If not, what do people use? Ruby has RegExp.escape . I don't feel like I'd need to write my own, there's gotta be something standard out


我只是想从任何可能的字符串中创建一个正则表达式。 var usersString = "Hello?!*`~World()[]"; var expression = new RegExp(RegExp.escape(usersString)) var matches = "Hello".match(expression); 有没有内置的方法呢? 如果不是,人们使用什么? Ruby有RegExp.escape 。 我不觉得自己需要写自己的东西,那里必须有标准。 谢谢! 上面链接的功能不足。 它无法转义^或$ (字符串的开始和结尾)或- ,在字符组中用于

Javascript equivalent for curl command

I am using below curl command to get the data from Druid cluster hosted on remote server, in the json format curl -X POST "" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"queryType": "groupBy","dataSource": "twsample","granularity": "none","dimensions": ["created_at"],"aggregations": [{"type": "count", "name": "tweetcount"}],"intervals": ["2013-08-06T11:30:00.


我正在使用下面的curl命令以json格式从远程服务器上托管的Druid集群中获取数据 curl -X POST "" -H 'content-type: application/json' -d '{"queryType": "groupBy","dataSource": "twsample","granularity": "none","dimensions": ["created_at"],"aggregations": [{"type": "count", "name": "tweetcount"}],"intervals": ["2013-08-06T11:30:00.000Z/2020-08-07T11:40:00.000Z"]}'

Online payments service with the best NodeJS library/wrapper

I am looking for an online payments solution like Chargify, Braintree or something else. The context is I am using NodeJS and for now just want to test how to work with online payments in development mode. So, main aspects for me is not how these services work in real-world apps, but more which of them has the most convenient connector library/wrapper written for NodeJS. Please advise. 您可


我正在寻找像Chargify,Braintree或其他的在线支付解决方案。 上下文是我正在使用NodeJS,现在只想测试如何在开发模式下使用在线支付。 所以,对我来说主要的方面并不是这些服务如何在真实世界的应用程序中工作,但更多的是为NodeJS编写的最方便的连接器库/包装器。 请指教。 您可以检查Node的Github存储库中提供的模块列表:,您可以在其中找到Braintree

window.onload vs $(document).ready()

JavaScript的window.onload和jQuery的$(document).ready()方法有什么区别? The ready event occurs after the HTML document has been loaded, while the onload event occurs later, when all content (eg images) also has been loaded. The onload event is a standard event in the DOM, while the ready event is specific to jQuery. The purpose of the ready event is that it should occur as early as possible af

window.onload vs $(document).ready()

JavaScript的window.onload和jQuery的$(document).ready()方法有什么区别? ready事件发生在HTML文档被加载后,而onload事件发生在稍后,当所有内容(例如图像)也被加载时。 onload事件是DOM中的标准事件,而ready事件特定于jQuery。 ready事件的目的是在文档加载后应尽早发生,以便为页面中的元素添加功能的代码不必等待所有内容加载。 window.onload是内置的JavaScript事件,但由于它的实现在浏览器(Firefox,Internet

How to uncheck checked radio button

This question already has an answer here: Setting “checked” for a checkbox with jQuery? 38 answers This simple script allows you to uncheck an already checked radio button. Works on all javascript enabled browsers. var allRadios = document.getElementsByName('re'); var booRadio; var x = 0; for(x = 0; x < allRadios.length; x++){ allRadios[x].onclick = function() { if(booRadio =


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 设置“检查”的复选框与jQuery? 38个答案 这个简单的脚本允许您取消选中已经选中的单选按钮。 适用于所有启用JavaScript的浏览器。 var allRadios = document.getElementsByName('re'); var booRadio; var x = 0; for(x = 0; x < allRadios.length; x++){ allRadios[x].onclick = function() { if(booRadio == this){ this.checked = false; booRadio = null;

javascript if statement if url contains substring

This question already has an answer here: How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript? 49 answers You can use the indexOf method // Function is used to determine whether a string contains another string function contains(search, find) { ///<summary>Sees if a string contains another string</summary> ///<param type="string" name="search">The stri

javascript if语句如果url包含子字符串

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何检查一个字符串是否包含JavaScript中的子字符串? 49个答案 您可以使用indexOf方法 // Function is used to determine whether a string contains another string function contains(search, find) { ///<summary>Sees if a string contains another string</summary> ///<param type="string" name="search">The string to search in</param> ///&l

JavaScript adding a string to a number

I was reading the re-introduction to JavaScript on MDN and in the section Numbers it said that you can convert a string to a number simply by adding a plus operator in front of it. For example: +"42" which would yield the number output of 42. But further along in the section about Operators it says that by adding a string "something" to any number you can convert that nu


我正在阅读关于MDN上的JavaScript的重新介绍,以及Numbers中的部分,它表示只需在其前面添加一个加号运算符即可将字符串转换为数字。 例如: +“42”,这将产生42的数字输出。 但是在关于运算符的章节中进一步说,通过向任何数字添加一个字符串“something”,您可以将该数字转换为字符串。 他们还提供了让我困惑的以下例子: “3”+ 4 + 5可能会在输出中产生一串345,因为数字4和5也会被转换为字符串。 然而,3 + 4 +“5”不

What does this symbol mean in JavaScript?

What is this? This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in JavaScript. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list. Why is this? Stack Overflow does not allow searching for particular characters. As a consequence, many questions about operators and other syntax tokens are not found easily when searching


这是什么? 这是一个不时出现的关于JavaScript中语法问题的集合。 这也是一个社区Wiki, 所以每个人都被邀请参与维护这个列表。 为什么是这样? 堆栈溢出不允许搜索特定的字符。 因此,在搜索运算符和其他语法令牌时,很难找到许多有关运算符和其他语法令牌的问题。 这也使关闭重复更加困难。 下面的列表是为了帮助解决这个问题。 主要想法是链接到堆栈溢出的现有问题,所以我们可以更容易地引用它们,而不是从ECMAS

javascript: plus symbol before variable

this really sounds like a simple question but I had no luck searching. what does the +d in function addMonths(d, n, keepTime) { if (+d) { means? The + operator returns the numeric representation of the object. So in your particular case, it would appear to be predicating the if on whether or not d is a non-zero number. Reference here. And, as pointed out in comments, here. It is a


这听起来像一个简单的问题,但我没有运气搜索。 +d是什么? function addMonths(d, n, keepTime) { if (+d) { 手段? +运算符返回对象的数字表示。 所以在你的具体情况下,它似乎是预测d是否是非零数字。 在这里引用。 正如评论中指出的那样。 它是一个一元“+”运算符,它产生一个数字表达式。 我相信这与d*1是一样的。 正如其他答案中所解释的那样,它将变量转换为数字。 当d可以是一个数字或一个数值函数时

How does this alternative to a for loop iteration work? (Javascript)

This question already has an answer here: javascript: plus symbol before variable 3 answers What does = +_ mean in JavaScript 12 answers let args = process.argv <- That gets the arguments let sum = args.reduce(function(acc, curr) { <- that uses array reduce, which reduces it to a single value return +acc + +curr; <- this uses a unary operator to convert both into a numeric represen

for循环迭代的这种替代方法是如何工作的? (JavaScript)的

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: javascript:在变量3的答案前加上符号 JavaScript中的= + _意味着什么12个答案 let args = process.argv < - 获取参数let sum = args.reduce(function(acc, curr) { < - 使用array reduce,将其减少为单个值return +acc + +curr; < - this使用一元运算符将两者转换为数字表示然后添加它们 console.log(sum) < - 用于控制从array.reduce返回的值,然后将其分配给sum。 减少