I am currently using Highcharts 3.0.1 with Jquery 1.7.2. I would like to upgrade Jquery to the latest version (3.2.1) but I know even the current version of Highcharts officially only supports version 2.x of Jquery. Since Highcharts does have a standalone framework, can I force it to use that instead of jquery so that I no longer have a dependency on jquery? Or will it automatically use jquery
我目前使用Highcharts 3.0.1和Jquery 1.7.2。 我想升级Jquery到最新版本(3.2.1),但我知道即使当前版本的Highcharts正式也只支持Jquery 2.x版本。 由于Highcharts确实有一个独立的框架,我可以强制它使用它而不是jquery,这样我就不再依赖jquery了吗? 或者如果它可用,它会自动使用jquery吗? 理想情况下,我想用Highcharts 3.0.1版本来做到这一点,但如果有必要,我可以升级到5.x。 您可以使用jQuery的noconflict方法
I'm exporting a chart through an API call to export.highcharts.com with a JSON blob. In JavaScript localization is set on the global HighCharts object, and that works fine while exporting because the Highcharts library calls the server with an SVG blob that contains the localization. But when I try to call the API with my JSON blob I can't find a way to add localization langauge. The A
我使用JSON blob通过API调用导出图表到export.highcharts.com。 在JavaScript中,本地化设置在全局HighCharts对象上,并且在导出时工作正常,因为Highcharts库使用包含本地化的SVG blob调用服务器。 但是当我尝试用我的JSON blob调用API时,我无法找到添加本地化语言的方法。 API是从我的后端调用的(Scala,而不是JavaScript)。 有谁知道如何调用Highcharts的导出服务器(使用JSON blob)并获得本地化语言? 有一种解决
Does anyone know how to make the series in the highcharts clickable? as in if you click one of the items it will take you to an external link? I looked through the documentation and could not find an option in the highcharts. http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/series Here is the fiddle provided in the doc. if anyone could make the series clickable that would be awesome!! http
有没有人知道如何让这个系列的高点点击? 如果你点击其中一个项目,它会把你带到外部链接? 我浏览了文档,在高层图中找不到选项。 http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/series 这里是doc中提供的小提琴。 如果任何人都可以使这个系列的可点击,这将是真棒! http://jsfiddle.net/gh/get/jquery/1.7.1/highslide-software/highcharts.com/tree/master/samples/highcharts/series/data-array-of-arrays/ $(f
I have the following HTML form with input elements: <form id="forma" name="forma" method="post"> <div id="oblock"> <div class="dtable"> <div class="drow" id="drow1"> <div class="dcell"> <label for="aster">Aster:</label> <input type="text" id="aster" name="aster" value="0" stock="10" price="2
我有以下带有输入元素的HTML表单: <form id="forma" name="forma" method="post"> <div id="oblock"> <div class="dtable"> <div class="drow" id="drow1"> <div class="dcell"> <label for="aster">Aster:</label> <input type="text" id="aster" name="aster" value="0" stock="10" price="2.99" required>
For a specific use case I have to submit a single form the "old way". Means, I use a form with action="". The response is streamed, so I am not reloading the page. I am completely aware that a typical AngularJS app would not submit a form that way, but so far I have no other choice. That said, i tried to populate some hidden fields from Angular: <input type="hidden" n
对于一个特定的用例,我必须提交一个单一的表单“旧的方式”。 意思是,我使用了一个action =“”的表单。 响应流式传输,所以我不重新加载页面。 我完全知道一个典型的AngularJS应用程序不会以这种方式提交表单,但到目前为止,我没有其他选择。 这就是说,我试图从Angular中填充一些隐藏的字段: <input type="hidden" name="someData" ng-model="data" /> {{data}} 请注意,显示正确的数据值。 该表单看起来像一个
A project I'm working on requires the use of jQuery on customers' Web pages. Customers will insert a chunk of code that we'll supply which includes a few <script> elements that build a widget in a <script> -created <iframe> . If they aren't already using the latest version of jQuery, this will also include (most likely) a <script> for Google's hosted
我正在开发的一个项目需要在客户的网页上使用jQuery。 客户将插入我们将提供的一段代码,其中包含一些<script>元素,用于在<script>创建的<iframe>中构建一个窗口小部件。 如果他们还没有使用最新版本的jQuery,那么它也会包含(很可能)用于Google托管版本jQuery的<script> 。 问题是有些客户可能已经安装了旧版本的jQuery。 虽然这可能工作,如果它至少是一个相当新的版本,我们的代码确实依赖于
I am using JSON to transfer data. What do I need in my HTML page to read a file with Ajax that only includes one JSON object into my script? Do I need jQuery too, or is it possible to load that JSON file with Ajax? Is it different on different browsers? 你不需要任何库,一切都可以在香草JavaScript中获取一个JSON文件并解析它: function fetchJSONFile(path, callback) { var httpRequest = new
我正在使用JSON传输数据。 我的HTML页面需要什么来读取一个只包含一个JSON对象的Ajax文件到我的脚本中? 我是否也需要jQuery,还是可以使用Ajax加载该JSON文件? 它在不同的浏览器上有所不同吗? 你不需要任何库,一切都可以在香草JavaScript中获取一个JSON文件并解析它: function fetchJSONFile(path, callback) { var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
If contenteditable have span element at the end of the text and when using arrow keys its jump to another contenteditable. For example; I'm moving arrow keys on the second contenteditable when my cursor came at the and cursor jump to the third contenteditable section. But cursor must stay in second section. <div class="container translationSectiontargetText" contenteditable="true" spe
如果contenteditable在文本末尾有span元素,并且使用箭头键跳转到另一个contenteditable。 例如; 当我的光标移动到第二个内容时,我将移动箭头键,并且光标跳到第三个内容区域。 但光标必须留在第二部分。 <div class="container translationSectiontargetText" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false" dir="ltr" > before </div> <div class="container translationSectiontargetText" contenteditabl
Does anybody have workable solution to get or set cursor position in contenteditable div with elements inside? What I going to do is to create twitter-like field where I will insert on @ sign pressed. Problem is that browsers are pretty buggy with contenteditable attribute, so I cant rely on them for insert. So my algorithm is: When @ pressed GetCursorPos get content of div as a string,
有没有人有可行的解决方案来获取或设置内置元素的可满足div的光标位置? 我要做的是创建类似twitter的字段,我将在@ sign上插入。 问题在于浏览器与contenteditable属性差不多,所以我不能依赖它们来插入。 所以我的算法是: 当@按下时 GetCursorPos 获取div的内容作为一个字符串,将其分为两半 在两半之间插入跨度的字符串 做$(div).html(new_content) - 游标将被放置到开头 将光标移动到old_cursor + span
I have a contenteditable div that has elements within it. What I want to happen is for a new paragraph tag to be created immediately after the element that the caret is currently in when the enter key is pressed. I can create the paragraph tag when I press enter, but I want the caret to be placed at the end of the text of the paragraph tag right before the closing </p> Here's a demo
我有一个可以理解的div,它里面有元素。 我想要做的是在按下回车键时,在插入符号当前所在的元素之后立即创建新的段落标记。 当我按下回车键时,我可以创建段落标记,但是我希望在结束前将插入符放置在段落标记文本的末尾处</ p> 这里有一个演示: http://jsfiddle.net/qcf4d/1/ $(document).on('keypress', 'div[contenteditable="true"]', function(event) { //enter key if (event.which == 13) { //in