How to JSON.stringify and JSON.parse without getting an empty object?

the reason I am asking this question is because I want to use LocalStorage for my objects. And as you might know, when using LocalStorage you have to JSON.stringify the objects and then parse them back to javascript objects. I am trying to JSON.stringify an object with methods and then parse it back but all I get is an empty object. Please take a look at this code. Person.js function Pers


我问这个问题的原因是因为我想为我的对象使用LocalStorage。 正如你可能知道的,当使用LocalStorage时,你必须对JSON进行处理,然后将它们解析回javascript对象。 我正在尝试JSON.stringify一个对象的方法,然后解析它,但我得到的只是一个空对象。 请看看这段代码。 Person.js function Person(name, telePhone) { this.getName = function () { return name; } this.setName = function (_name) { name = _na

sort object properties and JSON.stringify

My application has a large array of objects, which I stringify and save to disk. Unfortuately, when the objects in the array are manipulated, and sometimes replaced, the properties on the objects are listed in different orders (their creation order?). When I do JSON.stringify() on the array and save it, a diff shows the properties getting listed in different orders, which is annoying when tryin


我的应用程序有大量的对象,我将其串行化并保存到磁盘。 不幸的是,当数组中的对象被操纵,有时被替换,对象的属性以不同的顺序(它们的创建顺序?)列出。 当我在数组上执行JSON.stringify()并保存它时,diff将显示以不同顺序列出的属性,这在尝试将数据与diff和合并工具进一步合并时很恼人。 理想情况下,我希望在执行字符串化之前按字母顺序对对象的属性进行排序,或者将其作为字符串化操作的一部分。 在很多地方都有


I have tried to fix this problem in several different ways, so I must start from the beginning. I have a config file named , pictured here: const path = require("path"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { entry:


我试图用几种不同的方式解决这个问题,所以我必须从头开始。 我有一个名为的配置文件,如下图所示: const path = require("path"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const ExtractTextPlugin = require("extract-text-webpack-plugin"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); module.exports = { entry: "./src/script.js", output: { filename: "

Scrollable table with fixed columns and header, with modern CSS

How to make a table with so little JavaScript as possible using modern CSS? The features I'm trying to have is: fixed column(s) (positioning and width) scrollable in X and Y axis responsive in the X axis (for non fixed width columns). Note: I did see and analyse some of the most popular/seen questions and answers in SO, like here and here for example. I know this can be done with


如何使用现代CSS尽可能少使用JavaScript? 我想要的功能是: 固定柱(定位和宽度) 可在X和Y轴上滚动 在X轴响应(对于非固定宽度的列)。 注意:我确实看到并分析了一些最流行/见过的问题和答案,就像这里和这里一样。 我知道这可以通过用于滚动的JavaScript事件处理程序完成,以便固定列可以向下/向上移动以跟随主列。 我试图构建的功能(但大量脚本化)的例子可能是这样的。 我们还可以将父元素中的MutationObse

Three.js: Transition 2 Textures with Zoom and Blend Effects

I am trying to smoothly transition from one panoramic cube image into another to achieve a walk-through effect inside the room. I used this sample as a starter with Scene, Camera, Mesh SkyBox all set up. Now I am thinking of best ways to transition into a new panoramic cube so one cube image zooms in and blends into another as if user walks in the room. I have thought of having a second Scene


我试图从一个全景立方体图像平滑过渡到另一个全景立方体图像,以实现房间内的步行效果。 我用这个样本作为一个初始的场景,相机,网格SkyBox全部设置。 现在,我正在考虑转换为新的全景立方体的最佳方法,以便一个立方体图像放大并混合到另一个立方体图像中,就像用户走在房间中一样。 我想过要有第二个场景和第二个相机,因为旧图像需要放大和淡出,而新图像需要放大和淡入以实现非常平滑的过渡。 我在同一时间显示2张图像

Get search box to filter results

I have a list of filter buttons that filter gallery items. The filtering works well, and the filter state is saved in session storage. I'm trying to link up the search box and button. The behavior I'm trying to achieve is when someone types into the search box then hits enter or clicks search button, their entry is passed to the filter function and matching results are shown. I'


我有一个筛选图库项目的筛选器按钮列表。 过滤效果很好,过滤器状态保存在会话存储中。 我试图将搜索框和按钮链接起来。 我试图达到的行为是当某人键入搜索框然后点击输入或点击搜索按钮时,他们的条目被传递给过滤器函数并显示匹配结果。 我无法获取字符串并将其分配给一个变量。 我无法让过滤器在该变量上工作。 我做了一个小提琴演示: JS: $(document).re

How to set mousemove update speed?

im generating a function where it needs to set easy and fast a signature. I'm writing the signature in an canvas field. I use jQuery for it, but the refresh rate of mousemove coordinates is not fast enough. What happens is that if you write your signature to fast, you see some white spaces between writed pixels. How can I set the refresh speed of the mousemove faster? $("#xx").mousemove


即时消息生成一个功能,它需要设置简单和快速的签名。 我正在画布领域写签名。 我使用jQuery,但mousemove坐标的刷新速度不够快。 会发生什么是如果你写签名的速度很快,你会看到writed像素之间有一些空白。 如何更快地设置鼠标移动的刷新速度? $("#xx").mousemove(function(e){ ctx.fillRect(e.pageX - size, e.pageY - size, size, size); $("#pagex").html(e.pageX - size); $("#pagey").html(e.pageY -

SendBird create GroupChannel with file as cover

I'm trying to create a group Channel with a cover photo, this.sendBirdInstance.GroupChannel.createChannelWithUserIds(userIds, true, this.groupName, this.groupPhotoFile, '', function (createdChannel, error) { ... } According to the documentation I can add a url or a file coverUrl : the file or URL of the cover image, which you can fetch to render into the UI. But when adding a file, I


我正在尝试用封面照片创建一个组频道, this.sendBirdInstance.GroupChannel.createChannelWithUserIds(userIds, true, this.groupName, this.groupPhotoFile, '', function (createdChannel, error) { ... } 根据文档,我可以添加一个url或一个文件 coverUrl:封面图片的文件或URL,您可以将其提取到UI中。 但是当添加文件时,我总是得到: "SendBirdException", code: 800110, message: "Invalid argumen

How to put the first letter capitalized and the rest lowercase? [JS]

1) I'm trying to apply the first letter in uppercase and the other as lowercase . If the user write in the input, it should automatically transform. Examples: "isaac guilherme araújo" to "Isaac Guilherme Araújo" "iSAAC guILHErme aRAÚJO" to "Isaac Guilherme Araújo" 2) In Brazil there are names with connectives. Examples: "das" "da

如何把第一个字母大写,其余的小写? [JS]

1)我正在尝试将第一个字母应用为大写字母 ,将另一个字母应用为小写字母 。 如果用户在输入中写入,它应该自动转换。 例子: “isaac guilhermearaújo”改为“Isaac GuilhermeAraújo” “iSAAC guilherme arajjo”改为“Isaac GuilhermeAraújo” 2)在巴西,有连词的名字。 例如:“das”“da”“dos”“do”“de”“e”。 卡洛斯爱德华多胡利奥多斯桑托斯 Carlos Eduardo dos Santos e Silva 卡洛斯·爱德华多· 达席尔瓦 3)我有这

ngAnimate stopped working in AngularJS 1.6.4

I've got a simple application with a simple css animation which works like a charm in AngularJS 1.2.2 + ngAnimate 1.2.2 : -> Runnable demo works like a charm. For (maybe) no reason the same codes doesn't work with AngularJS 1.6.4 + ngAnimate 1.6.4 : -> Broken animation demo The animation css classes were not added. There is no error in console. I can't figure out whats

ngAnimate在AngularJS 1.6.4中停止工作

我有一个简单的应用程序,其中包含一个简单的css动画,它在AngularJS 1.2.2 + ngAnimate 1.2.2像一个魅力一样工作: - > Runnable演示就像一个魅力。 对于(也许)没有理由相同的代码不适用于AngularJS 1.6.4 + ngAnimate 1.6.4 : - > 破碎的动画演示 动画css类没有被添加。 控制台中没有错误。 我无法弄清楚这里有什么问题。 请注意$scope.pictures是虚拟数据。 视图 <!DOCTYPE html> <html>