This question already has an answer here: Why does Date.parse give incorrect results? 10 answers When you pass dates as a string, the implementation is browser specific. Most browsers interpret the dashes to mean that the time is in UTC. If you have a negative offset from UTC (which you do), it will appear on the previous local day. If you want local dates, then try using slashes instead
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 为什么Date.parse会提供不正确的结果? 10个答案 当您将日期作为字符串传递时,实现是特定于浏览器的。 大多数浏览器将破折号解释为时间以UTC为单位。 如果你有一个UTC的负偏移量(你这样做),它会出现在当地的前一天。 如果你想要本地日期,那么尝试使用斜线代替,如下所示: var date = new Date('2006/05/17'); 当然,如果你不必从字符串中解析出来,你可以传递个别的数字参数,只
Is there any way to add an temp extra field on the server inside of a publish function? I can't seem to get observe or transform to work. I have two subscriptions for the same collection 'listings'. There are times when I want to subscribe to certain listings so they're available for the chatroom list... but the problem is they're showing up in my 'listings' templa
有没有办法在发布函数内的服务器上添加一个临时额外字段? 我似乎无法观察或转换工作。 我有两个订阅相同的集合“清单”。 有些时候,我想订阅某些列表,以便他们可用于聊天室列表......但问题是他们显示在我的“列表”模板中。 独特的部分是在服务器上的性能(大型阵列)。 理想情况下,我希望我可以添加一个额外字段,例如'forChat:true',以便我可以在列表模板中检查该列表,并只列出没有'forChat'字段的
I have been fighting with this for a bit now. I'm trying to convert epoch to a date object. The epoch is sent to me in UTC. Whenever you pass new Date() an epoch, it assumes it's local epoch. I tried creating a UTC object, then using setTime() to adjust it to the proper epoch, but the only method that seems useful is toUTCString() and strings don't help me. If I pass that string
我现在一直在为此而战。 我试图将时代转换为日期对象。 时代以UTC发送给我。 每当你传递new Date()一个时代时,它就认为它是本地时代。 我尝试创建UTC对象,然后使用setTime()将其调整到适当的时期,但唯一似乎有用的方法是toUTCString()和字符串不帮助我。 如果我将该字符串传递到新的日期,它应该注意到它是UTC,但它不。 new Date( new Date().toUTCString() ).toLocaleString() 我的下一个尝试是尝试获取本地当前时代
I've written a text editor in JavaScript that draws directly to a Canvas element (for various reasons, but my primary reason is so I can slap that canvas onto a WebGL mesh as a texture). As a happy surprise, it's been easier to implement that any content-editable solutions I've found. One thing I noticed early on were complaints from people with keyboard layouts other than en-US QW
我用JavaScript编写了一个直接绘制到Canvas元素的文本编辑器(出于各种原因,但我的主要原因是我可以将该画布作为纹理贴在WebGL网格上)。 令人惊喜的是,实现我找到的任何可编辑内容的解决方案都变得更加容易。 我很早就注意到的一件事是,除了en-US QWERTY以外的键盘布局的人抱怨某些键显示不正确的字母。 在对Windows的语言设置和屏幕键盘进行了一些摆弄之后,我创建了一个基于代码页的解决方案,它将keyCode直接映射到不
I am writing a browser extension for privacy. One of the things I need to do is spoof the window.navigator object and it's properties which I have managed to do successfully for the main window object. I need to also spoof the window.navigator object for each iframe.contentWindow on the page. I suppose I could use self.frames and then loop through that spoofing each but what about frames t
我正在编写隐私浏览器扩展。 我需要做的一件事就是欺骗window.navigator对象,它是我成功为主窗口对象成功完成的属性。 我还需要欺骗页面上每个iframe.contentWindow的window.navigator对象。 我想我可以使用self.frames,然后通过欺骗每个循环,但是我的代码运行后创建的框架又如何,但是当我的代码运行时不存在,例如var myFrame = document.createElement(“iframe”); ??? 我希望所有导航器对象实例都是主窗口中的导航
Part of my extension involves accessing a webpage and then programatically performing certain functions for the user. The app would obviously be much cleaner if the user did not have to see all this happening in a browser window. In some situations this could be achieved by, displaying other content (useful to the user) in a browser window, loading the screen with the programmatic elements in
我的部分扩展包括访问网页,然后编程地为用户执行某些功能。 如果用户不必在浏览器窗口中看到所有这些情况,应用程序显然会更清洁。 在某些情况下,这可以通过在浏览器窗口中显示其他内容(对用户有用)来实现,将具有编程元素的屏幕加载到iframe中,并通过在加载的页面的页面加载时触发的操作脚本来操纵它们在iframe中。 但是,就我个人而言,这受到跨域限制的部分阻碍,并且完全取决于所讨论的站点不允许内联框架。 (
We're trying to enforce JavaScript best practices for the project we're working on, one of the limitations we're trying to set is to not pollute the global scope. We have an HTML template used for every page structured like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <h1>Test</
我们正在努力为我们正在开发的项目强制执行JavaScript最佳实践,我们试图设置的一个限制是不污染全球范围。 我们有一个用于每个页面的HTML模板,如下所示: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Test</title> </head> <body> <h1>Test</h1> <!-- Page content here --> <script src='
Update: Since this is unanswered, I'm changing the question slightly. Comments on the post on Dean's blog linked below indicate this technique does not work in Safari. My question now is: does the technique described below work* in modern browsers, and in particular can someone confirm whether it works in Safari? Here's a more recent blog post. It says at one point: Sandboxed
更新:由于这是没有答案,我稍微改变了这个问题。 关于下面链接的Dean博客文章的评论表明这种技术在Safari中不起作用。 我现在的问题是:下面描述的技术在现代浏览器中工作*,特别是有人可以确认它是否适用于Safari? 这是最近的博客文章。 它有一点说: 沙盒版本地......在各种浏览器中都受支持,包括... Safari 2.0+ ......但后来他说iframe技术“得到了除Safari之外的所有主流浏览器的支持”,并且他展示的后备方案涉
I have the Following script to control any element with a ID, in this case it's a div with a "wrapper" id: window.onload = window.onresize = function ResizeIFrame() { var div = document.getElementById("wrapper"); var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if (typeof (window.innerWidth) == 'number') { //Non-IE
我有以下脚本来控制具有ID的任何元素,在这种情况下,它是一个带有“包装器”ID的div: window.onload = window.onresize = function ResizeIFrame() { var div = document.getElementById("wrapper"); var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0; if (typeof (window.innerWidth) == 'number') { //Non-IE myWidth = window.innerWidth ;
We all know that global variables are anything but best practice. But there are several instances when it is difficult to code without them. What techniques do you use to avoid the use of global variables? For example, given the following scenario, how would you not use a global variable? JavaScript code: var uploadCount = 0; window.onload = function() { var frm = document.forms[0];
我们都知道全球变量只是最佳实践。 但是有几个例子,如果没有它们就很难编码。 你使用什么技术来避免使用全局变量? 例如,给定以下情况,您将如何不使用全局变量? JavaScript代码: var uploadCount = 0; window.onload = function() { var frm = document.forms[0]; = "postMe"; frm.onsubmit = function() { startUpload(); return false; } } function startUpload()