This question only applies to Haxe version < 2.10 I've known about haxe for a while, but never really played with it until yesterday. Being curious, I decided to port showdown.js, a javascript port of, to haxe. This was pretty straightforward, and the javascript it generates seems to run fine ( edit: If you want to see it in action, check it out here). However, I noticed
这个问题仅适用于Haxe版本<2.10 我已经知道haxe一段时间了,但直到昨天才真正玩过它。 很好奇,我决定将markdown.pl的JavaScript端口showdown.js移植到haxe。 这很简单,它生成的JavaScript看起来运行良好( 编辑:如果你想看到它的行动,请检查它在这里)。 然而,我注意到生成的代码在全局命名空间中转储了大量的东西......更糟糕的是,它通过将值分配给未声明的标识符而不使用var关键字来实现,所以即使您将整个关闭
I want to display a string of SVG on a canvas; One method is to have a dummy img element on the page and use it to "transform" the SVG into something you can draw on a canvas. const svg='<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" width="1657" height="1235" viewBox="0 0 1657 1235">rn <title>MTF</title>rn<rect x="10" y="10" width="100
我想在画布上显示一串SVG; 一种方法是在页面上有一个虚拟img元素,并用它将SVG“转换”为可以在画布上绘制的东西。 const svg='<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" width="1657" height="1235" viewBox="0 0 1657 1235">rn <title>MTF</title>rn<rect x="10" y="10" width="100" height="100" stroke="blue" fill="purple" fill-opacity="0.5" stroke-opacity="0.
In my ASP.NET MVC project, we have introduced Lucine Searching, (Though in this context these details are not required, just giving some background, because I believe my issue has something to do with IE browser and caching). In this page the user can filter their search based on a keyword. And the user can click to go to the listed out items and come back to the same page with the browser bac
在我的ASP.NET MVC项目中,我们已经介绍了Lucine Searching(尽管在这种情况下,这些细节并不是必需的,只是给出了一些背景知识,因为我相信我的问题与IE浏览器和缓存有关)。 在此页面中,用户可以根据关键字过滤搜索结果。 用户可以点击进入列出的项目,并返回到同一页面的浏览器后退按钮或手动HTML按钮,它具有JavaScript代码, onclick = "location.href = 'Javascript:history.go(-1);'" )。 在Chr
Small intro to what's happening before the question: When typing text in a contenteditable that contains html tags, it continues inserting within the tag if you are to the right of the tag. For instance, if I have text like this: The <b>quick</b> fox jumped over the lazy dog. and it renders like this The quick | fox jumped over the lazy dog. My cursor is located at the p
介绍发生问题之前的情况: 当在包含html标签的contenteditable中输入文本时,如果您在标签的右侧,它将继续在标签内插入。 例如,如果我有这样的文字: The <b>quick</b> fox jumped over the lazy dog. 它呈现像这样 快速 | 狐狸跳过那只懒惰的狗。 我的光标位于管道位置,紧跟在单词quick后面。 如果我输入棕色,我会得到 The <b>quick brown</b> fox jumped over the lazy dog. 快速的
I'm new to using npm and bower, building my first app in emberjs :). I do have a bit of experience with rails, so I'm familiar with the idea of files for listing dependencies (such as bundler Gemfile) Question: when I want to add a package (and check in the dependency into git), where does it belong - into package.json or into bower.json ? From what I gather, running bower install
我新使用npm和bower,在emberjs中构建我的第一个应用:)。 我有一些使用rails的经验,所以我很熟悉列表依赖关系的文件(比如bundler Gemfile) 问题:当我想添加一个包(并检查依赖到git中)时,它属于哪里 - 放入package.json或放入bower.json ? 从我收集的内容来看, 运行bower install将获取该软件包并将其放入/vendor目录中, 运行npm install它将获取它并将其放入/node_modules目录中。 这回答说,鲍尔是前端和
How do you compare npm , bower and volo ? All three can be used to install JavaScript dependencies for a UI project. I understand npm is more node specific. So, when to use what? npm still stands distant, but bower and volo seem to be solving exactly the same problem, although I am not able to draw a line between npm and bower-volo . A description that best describes the difference betwe
你如何比较npm , bower和volo ? 所有这三个都可以用来为UI项目安装JavaScript依赖关系。 我知道npm更具节点特定性。 那么,什么时候用什么? 虽然我无法在npm和bower-volo之间划出volo ,但npm仍然遥远,但是bower和volo似乎解决了完全相同的问题。 最好描述npm和bower之间区别的描述是:npm管理称为包的JavaScript模块,Bower管理称为组件的前端组件(即css,html和JavaScript)。 npm也用于安装凉亭。 这是一篇关
How do you compare npm , bower and volo ? All three can be used to install JavaScript dependencies for a UI project. I understand npm is more node specific. So, when to use what? npm still stands distant, but bower and volo seem to be solving exactly the same problem, although I am not able to draw a line between npm and bower-volo . A description that best describes the difference betwe
你如何比较npm , bower和volo ? 所有这三个都可以用来为UI项目安装JavaScript依赖关系。 我知道npm更具节点特定性。 那么,什么时候用什么? 虽然我无法在npm和bower-volo之间划出volo ,但npm仍然遥远,但是bower和volo似乎解决了完全相同的问题。 最好描述npm和bower之间区别的描述是:npm管理称为包的JavaScript模块,Bower管理称为组件的前端组件(即css,html和JavaScript)。 npm也用于安装凉亭。 这是一篇关
When I override the clone() method of a Backbone.Model , is there a way to call this overriden method from my implantation? Something like this: var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ clone: function(){ super.clone();//calling the original clone method } }) You'll want to use:; This will call the original clone() method from Backbo
当我重写Backbone.Model的clone()方法时,有没有办法从我的植入中调用这个重写方法? 像这样的东西: var MyModel = Backbone.Model.extend({ clone: function(){ super.clone();//calling the original clone method } }) 你会想要使用:; 这将调用原始clone()从法Backbone.Model用的情况下this (目前的模式)。 来自骨干文档: 除了super之外,JavaScrip
This question already has an answer here: What is the difference between call and apply? 19 answers callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) is simply calling function callback with object[name] as context ( this ) and args as arguments. jQuery provides a way to break a loop by returning false , as stated in the docs: We can break the $.each() loop at a particular iteration by making the ca
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 通话和申请有什么区别? 19个答案 callback.apply( object[ name ], args )只是用object[name]作为context( this )和args作为参数来调用函数callback 。 正如文档中所述,jQuery提供了一种通过返回false来打破循环的方法: 通过使回调函数返回false我们可以在特定的迭代中打破$.each()循环。 返回非错误与for循环中的continue语句相同; 它会立即跳到下一个迭代。 所以,这段代码: i
This question already has an answer here: What is the difference between call and apply? 19 answers Apply takes a single array of arguments, useful for method chaining, the javascript equivalent of calling super. in Java etc. function makeNoise() { Foo.prototype.makeNoise.apply(this, arguments); } Call takes list of parameters, more useful other situations where the arguments are only
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 通话和申请有什么区别? 19个答案 应用程序接受一个单一的参数数组,对于方法链接来说非常有用,这相当于调用super的javascript。 在Java等。 function makeNoise() { Foo.prototype.makeNoise.apply(this, arguments); } 调用需要参数列表,更有用的其他情况下参数只能作为单个变量提供。, x, y, z); 这只是简写 fn.apply(this, [x, y, z]) 鉴于你有一系列参数,你需