What is the "double tilde" (~~) operator in JavaScript?

This question already has an answer here: What does ~~ (“double tilde”) do in Javascript? 9 answers That ~~ is a double NOT bitwise operator. It is used as a faster substitute for Math.floor() . It hides the intention of the code. It's two single tilde operators, so it does a bitwise complement (bitwise not) twice. The operations take out each other, so the only remaining effect i

什么是JavaScript中的“double tilde”(~~)运算符?

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: ~~(“double tilde”)在Javascript中做什么? 9个答案 那~~是一个双NOT运算符。 它用作Math.floor()的更快替代品。 它隐藏了代码的意图。 它是两个单独的代字符运算符,所以它按位补(不按位)两次。 这些操作互相取消,因此唯一剩下的效果是在应用第一个运算符之前完成的转换,即将该值转换为整数。 有些人使用它作为Math.floor的更快选择,但速度差别并不那么显着,在大多数情况下

Generating random whole numbers in JavaScript in a specific range?

如何在Javascript中的两个指定变量之间生成随机整数,例如x = 4和y = 8会输出4,5,6,7,8中的任意一个? There are some examples on the Mozilla Developer Network page: /** * Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) */ function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } /** * Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclus


如何在Javascript中的两个指定变量之间生成随机整数,例如x = 4和y = 8会输出4,5,6,7,8中的任意一个? Mozilla开发者网络页面上有一些例子: /** * Returns a random number between min (inclusive) and max (exclusive) */ function getRandomArbitrary(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min; } /** * Returns a random integer between min (inclusive) and max (inclusive) * Using Math.round()

Why is this function executed twice?

I've got a tree structure. JSBIN here in the directive scope.add_child_task = function() { scope.add_task(scope.path,"child of " + scope.member.name); if (!scope.has_children) { scope.add_children_element(); scope.has_children = true; } }; in the controller $scope.add_task = function(to,name) { DataFactory.add_task(to,name); }; The factory is finding th


我有一个树形结构。 JSBIN在这里 在指令中 scope.add_child_task = function() { scope.add_task(scope.path,"child of " + scope.member.name); if (!scope.has_children) { scope.add_children_element(); scope.has_children = true; } }; 在控制器中 $scope.add_task = function(to,name) { DataFactory.add_task(to,name); }; 工厂正在找到正确的位置并添加节点。 当添加一个孩

How to generate sequence of numbers/chars in javascript?

Is there a way to generate sequence of characters or numbers in javascript? For example, I want to create array that contains eight 1s. I can do it with for loop, but wondering whether there is a jQuery library or javascript function that can do it for me? You can make your own re-usable function I suppose, for your example: function makeArray(count, content) { var result = []; if(typ


有没有办法在JavaScript中生成字符或数字序列? 例如,我想创建包含八个1的数组。 我可以用for循环做,但想知道是否有一个jQuery库或JavaScript函数可以为我做? 你可以制作你自己的可重用功能,例如: function makeArray(count, content) { var result = []; if(typeof content == "function") { for(var i = 0; i < count; i++) { result.push(content(i)); } } else { for(var

What is the JavaScript >>> operator and how do you use it?

I was looking at code from Mozilla that add a filter method to Array and it had a line of code that confused me. var len = this.length >>> 0; I have never seen >>> used in JavaScript before. What is it and what does it do? It doesn't just convert non-Numbers to Number, it converts them to Numbers that can be expressed as 32-bit unsigned ints. Although JavaScript'

什么是JavaScript >>>运算符,你如何使用它?

我正在查看Mozilla的代码,它为Array添加了一个过滤器方法,并且它有一行代码让我困惑。 var len = this.length >>> 0; 我从来没有见过>>>在JavaScript中使用过。 它是什么,它有什么作用? 它不仅将非数字转换为数字,还将它们转换为可以表示为32位无符号整数的数字。 虽然JavaScript的Numbers是双精度浮点数(*),但按位运算符( << , >> , & , |和~ )是按照32位整数运算来定

Delete from array in javascript

3 hours ago, I asked a question in SO , about deleting a part of an object, so I linked this question to it: delete a part of object in javascript but now another problem occurred when I deleteed from that array. I use that object to populate a FlexiGrid. but when I delete an item from that object by following code, instead of delete that item , it sets to undefined :( and flexigrid did not


3小时前,我在SO中问了一个关于删除一个对象的一部分的问题,所以我将这个问题与它联系起来: 在javascript中删除一部分对象 但是现在当我从该数组中删除时出现了另一个问题。 我使用该对象来填充FlexiGrid。 但是当我通过下面的代码从该对象中删除一个项目时,而不是删除该项目,它将设置为undefined :(并且flexigrid不接受它用于输入数据。 for (var i = 0; i < Roomdata.length; i++) { if(Roomdata[i].id = X)

GET data is thrown into page on document load

This question already has an answer here: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? 73 answers 如果设置了$_GET['ok'] ,那么您可以使用PHP进行检查,然后将其回显为JavaScript变量: var ok = <?php echo intval(isset($_GET['ok'])) ?> You can use the following which was taken from How to get the value from URL Parameter? var QueryString = function () { // This function is ano


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我怎样才能在JavaScript中获取查询字符串值? 73个答案 如果设置了$_GET['ok'] ,那么您可以使用PHP进行检查,然后将其回显为JavaScript变量: var ok = <?php echo intval(isset($_GET['ok'])) ?> 您可以使用从URL参数中获取值的以下内容。 var QueryString = function () { // This function is anonymous, is executed immediately and // the return value is assigne

How do I put a javascript variable inside the url?

This question already has an answer here: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? 73 answers Parameters in the query string are not automatically passed to Javascript; they're usually meant for server-side scripts. To get one variable you could do this: var m = location.href.match(/[?&]variable=([^&]*)/), password; if (m) { password = m[1]; } you can pass variab


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我怎样才能在JavaScript中获取查询字符串值? 73个答案 查询字符串中的参数不会自动传递给Javascript; 它们通常用于服务器端脚本。 要得到一个变量,你可以这样做: var m = location.href.match(/[?&]variable=([^&]*)/), password; if (m) { password = m[1]; } 你可以像这样传递变量: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var scrt_var = 10;

How can I read a GET element from url via javascript?

This question already has an answer here: How can I get query string values in JavaScript? 73 answers You can try the following: if((window.location.href).indexOf('?') != -1) { var queryString = (window.location.href).substr((window.location.href).indexOf('?') + 1); // "queryString" will now contain kerdesPost=fdasdas%20ad%20asd%20ad%20asdas var value = (queryString.split('='


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我怎样才能在JavaScript中获取查询字符串值? 73个答案 您可以尝试以下方法: if((window.location.href).indexOf('?') != -1) { var queryString = (window.location.href).substr((window.location.href).indexOf('?') + 1); // "queryString" will now contain kerdesPost=fdasdas%20ad%20asd%20ad%20asdas var value = (queryString.split('='))[1]; // "value" will

how to get HTTP GET request value using javascript

Possible Duplicate: How can I get query string values? how can I get the HTTP GET request using javascript? for example if I have access www.sample.com/div/a/dev.php?name=sample how can I get the GET request of name=sample and the value if name which is sample ? window.location对象可能在这里很有用: var parameter = window.location.search.replace( "?", "" ); // will return the GET parame

如何使用javascript获取HTTP GET请求值

可能重复: 我怎样才能得到查询字符串值? 我怎样才能使用JavaScript获取HTTP GET请求? 例如,如果我访问www.sample.com/div/a/dev.php?name=sample 我如何获得name=sample的GET请求,以及name是sample的值? window.location对象可能在这里很有用: var parameter = window.location.search.replace( "?", "" ); // will return the GET parameter var values = parameter.split("="); console.log(values); // wi