side vs. server

Which is better to do client side or server side validation? In our situation we are using jQuery and MVC. JSON data to pass between our View and Controller. A lot of the validation I do is validating data as users enter it. For example I use the the keypress event to prevent letters in a text box, set a max number of characters and that a number is with in a range. I guess the better


哪个更适合做客户端或服务器端验证? 在我们的情况下我们正在使用 jQuery和MVC。 JSON数据在View和Controller之间传递。 我做的许多验证是在用户输入数据时验证数据。 例如,我使用keypress事件来防止文本框中的字母,设置最大字符数以及数字在某个范围内。 我想更好的问题是,在客户端做服务器端验证是否有任何好处? 真棒回答大家。 我们拥有的网站受密码保护,并且适用于小型用户群(<50)。 如果他们没有

Show a caret in a custom textarea without displaying its text

I have a custom textarea. In this example, it makes the letters red or green, randomly. var mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'), myta = document.getElementById('myta'); function updateDiv() { var fc; while (fc = mydiv.firstChild) mydiv.removeChild(fc); for (var i = 0; i < myta.value.length; i++) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = Math.


我有一个自定义textarea。 在这个例子中,它会随机地使字母变为红色或绿色。 var mydiv = document.getElementById('mydiv'), myta = document.getElementById('myta'); function updateDiv() { var fc; while (fc = mydiv.firstChild) mydiv.removeChild(fc); for (var i = 0; i < myta.value.length; i++) { var span = document.createElement('span'); span.className = Math.random() < 0.

repeat angular js

I have an angular ng-repeat like bellow, <div class="row" > <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,data) in mydata"> <-- my content --> </div> </div> This will create output like below, <div class="row" > <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,data) in mydata"> <-- my content --> </div> <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,


我有一个像波纹管一样的角度重复, <div class="row" > <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,data) in mydata"> <-- my content --> </div> </div> 这将创建如下输出, <div class="row" > <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,data) in mydata"> <-- my content --> </div> <div class="col-md-6" ng-repeat="(index,data) in mydata"> &

Apply CSS if text exceeds a certain length

Is there a way to apply a CSS to an element if the text within the element exceeds a certain length. For instance <p class="foo">123456789</p> . Then, when the text within the element exceeds x characters a new class is applied <p class="foo text-exceeds-X-chars">12345678910101010101</p> 我建议使用addClass回调函数: $('').addClass(function() { return


如果元素中的文本超过特定长度,是否有办法将CSS应用于元素。 例如<p class="foo">123456789</p> 。 然后,当元素中的文本超过x个字符时,将应用一个新类 <p class="foo text-exceeds-X-chars">12345678910101010101</p> 我建议使用addClass回调函数: $('').addClass(function() { return $.trim(this.textContent).length > 10 ? 'text-exceeds-X-chars'

Break point is not hitting in javascript file

I'm facing some trouble on break point in Visual Studio 2013 update2 What the issue is: I'm having a place where the button has to Submit. On submitting of button, I need to call a java script function, later it should go to some function in c#. This is the work flow. Here, I kept a break point on a line in JS file, and C#. Now, on submitting, the break point hits the js line but


我在Visual Studio 2013 update2中遇到了一些麻烦 问题是: 我有一个地方的按钮必须提交。 在提交按钮时,我需要调用一个java脚本函数,稍后它应该转到c#中的某个函数。 这是工作流程。 在这里,我在JS文件和C#中保留了一个断点。 现在,在提交时,中断点击中了js线,但它突然消失并移动到c#行。 我试过的是: 只要我得到这个错误,我开始在谷歌上冲浪。 很长一段时间后,我发现下面的事情要解决。 但没有人能

Audio duration NaN on certain page request action

I have been trying to create my custom media player using HTML5 and Jquery. I have followed different approaches and ran into some trouble based on my way of refreshing the page. First Case $(document).ready(function(){ duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration); $('#duration').html(duration); }); In this case, the duration returns NaN when I redirect the page to the same URL by p


我一直在尝试使用HTML5和Jquery创建自定义媒体播放器。 我采用了不同的方法,并根据我刷新页面的方式遇到了一些麻烦。 第一种情况 $(document).ready(function(){ duration = Math.ceil($('audio')[0].duration); $('#duration').html(duration); }); 在这种情况下,当我通过按地址栏中的ENTER键将页面重定向到相同的URL时,持续时间返回NaN。 但是,使用reload button或按F5按钮进行刷新时,它工作得很好。 第

Why are two click events registered in this html/css/jquery

I am trying to style a checkbox list. I've added my styles and they appear correctly when rendered. I want to add a class when the label for the checkbox is clicked. This is my markup and here is the same in a jsfiddle. You can see from my fiddle that two click events are registered with just one click. Why? html: <ul> <li> <label for="test_0" class="">

为什么在这个html / css / jquery中注册了两个点击事件

我正在设计一个复选框列表。 我已经添加了我的样式,并且它们在呈现时正确显示。 我想在复选框的标签被点击时添加一个类。 这是我的标记,在jsfiddle中也是这样。 您可以从我的小提琴中看到,只需点击一次即可注册两个点击事件。 为什么? HTML: <ul> <li> <label for="test_0" class=""> <input id="test_0" name="offering_cycle" type="checkbox" value="1"> Fall

Reinterpret cast floating point number to integer

This question is probably "unusual", but I need to cast a float Number to an integer Number , without modifying its binary representation. For example, the float 37.5 is represented by the bytes 0x42160000 (according to IEEE 754). I need to reinterpret 0x42160000 as an integer, ie the number 1108738048 How do I do this? I'm thinking there could be some bitwise tricks to accomp


这个问题可能是“不寻常”,但我需要转换的浮动Number为整数Number ,而不改变其二进制表示。 例如,浮点数37.5由字节0x42160000 (根据IEEE 754)表示。 我需要重新解释0x42160000作为一个整数,即数字1108738048 我该怎么做呢? 我在想,可能会有一些按位技巧来实现这个目标? 要清楚,我不是在寻找Math.round或parseInt 。 类型数组可以派上用场:。 // create array which is specialized

Zoomable Circle Packing with Automatic Text Sizing in D3.js

I'm trying to merge two of Mike's examples: Zoomable Circle Packing + Automatic Text Sizing. It works when initially displayed at the top-level. However, if you zoom in to the next level, the fonts are not sized correctly. I'm not sure if I need to modify the transform, or modify the part which calculates the font size. Here's my codepen:


我试图合并Mike的两个示例:可缩放圆包装+自动文本大小。 它在最初显示在顶层时起作用。 但是,如果放大到下一个级别,则字体大小不正确。 我不确定是否需要修改转换,或修改计算字体大小的部分。 这是我的codepen: var circleFill = function(d) { if (d['color']) { return d.color; } else { return d.children ? color(d.depth) : '#FFF'; } } var c

How to combine CKEditor in my app code using RequireJS, grunt and uglify?

Here is my 'common.js' file: requirejs.config({ paths: { domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady', jquery: 'lib/jquery', datatables: '../vendor/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min', tabletools: '../vendor/datatables/extensions/TableTools/js/dataTables.tableTools', fixedheader: '../vendor/datatables/extensions/FixedHeader/js/dataTables.fixedHeader.min',


这是我的'common.js'文件: requirejs.config({ paths: { domReady: '../vendor/requirejs-domready/domReady', jquery: 'lib/jquery', datatables: '../vendor/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min', tabletools: '../vendor/datatables/extensions/TableTools/js/dataTables.tableTools', fixedheader: '../vendor/datatables/extensions/FixedHeader/js/dataTables.fixedHeader.min',