If I want to make a javascript object's properties immutable, I can use Object methods such as defineProperties() , defineProperty() , and freeze() . My question is, how can I do the same with HTML element attributes? I've already tried the aforementioned methods, and while they can be used to prevent an element's properties from being set directly (eg elem.id = 'foo'; ), a
如果我想使javascript对象的属性不可变,我可以使用defineProperties() , defineProperty()和freeze() 。 我的问题是,我怎么能做到HTML元素属性相同? 我已经尝试了上述方法,尽管它们可以用来防止直接设置元素的属性(例如elem.id = 'foo'; ),但是仍然可以通过setAttribute()更改基础属性, 。 答案是“不,这是不可能的”是可以接受的,但我还没有遇到任何明确的说法。 您可以使用突变观察者来恢复旧的属性值
Are there any issues with using async/await in a forEach loop? I'm trying to loop through an array of files and await on the contents of each file. import fs from 'fs-promise' async function printFiles () { const files = await getFilePaths() // Assume this works fine files.forEach(async (file) => { const contents = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8') console.log(contents) })
在forEach循环中使用async/await有什么问题吗? 我试图循环访问一组文件并await每个文件的内容。 import fs from 'fs-promise' async function printFiles () { const files = await getFilePaths() // Assume this works fine files.forEach(async (file) => { const contents = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8') console.log(contents) }) } printFiles() 这段代码确实有效,但是会出现这种情况吗?
I was curious about the possibilities of animating features in OpenLayers3. I'm very aware of the examples presented here http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/examples/animation.html and here https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/26546/openlayers-animation-examples-and-algorithms However, the official examples for OL3 don't quite fit my needs. Let's assume that I have a layer (geoj
我对OpenLayers3中动画功能的可能性感到好奇。 我非常了解这里提供的示例http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/examples/animation.html和https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/26546/openlayers-animation-examples -and-算法 但是,OL3的官方示例并不完全符合我的需求。 让我们假设我有一个图层(例如geojson),它有一个包含大量时间值的“时间”列。 我想要实现类似滑块的功能,根据用户的操作添加/删除功能(或更改其
i'm trying to save data from rpivotTable in my dashboardUI. I already read https://github.com/smartinsightsfromdata/rpivotTable/issues/62 and in works with ui.r and server.r But when i rty ti use this with dashboard - it's nothing . dashboard.r # install.packages("devtools") #devtools::install_github("smartinsightsfromdata/rpivotTable",ref="master") options(java.parameters = "-Xmx80
我试图从我的dashboardUI中的rpivotTable保存数据。 我已经阅读过https://github.com/smartinsightsfromdata/rpivotTable/issues/62,并且与ui.r和server.r一起工作。但是,当我将它与仪表板一起使用时 - 它什么都没有。 dashboard.r # install.packages("devtools") #devtools::install_github("smartinsightsfromdata/rpivotTable",ref="master") options(java.parameters = "-Xmx8000m") library(shiny) library(shinyj
Running into an interesting browser problem -- I've implemented jQuery to toggle a page's stylesheet link href, on click of a button, between a normal view css file and a print-friendly css file. It works, except that when the viewer goes to the print-friendly version, I call window.print() after the new link href has been applied. The print preview automatically comes up, and in the pr
遇到一个有趣的浏览器问题 - 我已经实现了jQuery来切换页面的样式表链接href,点击按钮,在普通视图css文件和易于打印的css文件之间。 它的工作原理除了当查看者转到易于打印的版本时,我在应用新链接href后调用window.print()。 打印预览会自动出现,并且在预览中,某些应该显示的元素:无可见的打印版本。 如果点击“打印”,则打印出来就像预览一样。 如果取消打印,那么屏幕上的页面仍然处于易于打印的模式,但一切都很
i have created a small editor where i have done a few commands as an example font formatting and alignment etc so it is working fine in the browsers but i want to export the data which is written in the editable area while i tried to fetch the data inside the editable iframe but it gives me an error. error message: Uncaught ReferenceError: innerDoc is not defined the following code is wri
我已经创建了一个小编辑器,我已经做了几个命令作为示例字体格式和 对齐等,所以它在浏览器中工作正常,但我想导出写入的数据 在可编辑区域,而我试图获取可编辑的iframe中的数据,但它给了我一个错误。 错误消息:未捕获ReferenceError:innerDoc未定义 下面的代码被写入 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> </ TITLE> <SCRIPT> 函数iFrameOn(){ richTextField.document.designMode ='
I'm writing web application which should support both mouse and touch interactions. For testing I use touch screen device with Windows 7. I've tried to sniff touch events in latest Firefox and Chrome canary and got the following results: On touch Firefox fires touch and corresponding mouse event. Chrome fires touchstart/mousedown , touchend/mouseup pairs, but mousemove fired in very s
我正在编写应该支持鼠标和触摸交互的网络应用程序。 为了测试,我在Windows 7上使用了触摸屏设备。我尝试在最新的Firefox和Chrome canary中嗅探触摸事件并获得以下结果: 触摸Firefox触发触摸和相应的鼠标事件。 Chrome会触发touchstart/mousedown , touchend/mouseup对,但mousemove以非常奇怪的方式touchmove一次/两次。 所有鼠标事件一如既往地处理。 在现代触摸屏上可以同时处理鼠标和触摸屏吗? 如果Firefox触发
I would like to know how local variables are allocated memory in javascript. In C and C++ local variables are stored on stack. Is it the same in javascript? or everything is stored in heap? It's actually a very interesting area of Javascript. Details in the spec, but: Javascript's way of handling local variables is quite different from the way C does it. When you call a function, a
我想知道本地变量如何在javascript中分配内存。 在C和C ++中,局部变量存储在堆栈中。 在JavaScript中它是一样的吗? 或者一切都存储在堆? 这实际上是一个非常有趣的Javascript领域。 规范中的细节,但是:Javascript处理局部变量的方式与C的方式完全不同。 当你调用函数时,除了别的以外,还会创建一个用于该调用的“变量环境”,其中有一些称为“绑定对象”的东西。 (简称为“变量对象”;称为“变量环境的绑定对象”只是有点
I've been trying to debug my node app to find the source of an error in my log that shows up only as " Error: Can't set headers after they are sent ", with no trace information or any context. As it happens, I think I've now fixed this... I am using connect-timeout and I was continuing processing a callback passed to an asynchronous network operation, which callback would
我一直在尝试调试我的节点应用程序,以便在我的日志中找到错误的来源,该错误仅显示为“ Error: Can't set headers after they are sent ”,没有跟踪信息或任何上下文。 碰巧,我想我已经解决了这个问题......我正在使用connect-timeout并且我正在继续处理传递给异步网络操作的回调,该回调最终会尝试执行res.send() ,尽管req.timedout在网络操作期间通过connect-timeout设置为“真”。 但我仍然不明白为什么我的日志不显
How can I convert a JavaScript object into a string? Example: var o = {a:1, b:2} console.log(o) console.log('Item: ' + o) Output: Object { a=1, b=2} // very nice readable output :) Item: [object Object] // no idea what's inside :( I would recommend using JSON.stringify , which converts the set of the variables in the object to a JSON string. Most modern browsers support this method
如何将JavaScript对象转换为字符串? 例: var o = {a:1, b:2} console.log(o) console.log('Item: ' + o) 输出: 对象{a = 1,b = 2} //很好的可读输出:) Item:[object Object] //不知道里面是什么:( 我建议使用JSON.stringify ,它将对象中的一组变量转换为JSON字符串。 大多数现代浏览器本身支持此方法,但对于那些不支持的方法,可以包含JS版本: var obj = { name: 'myObj' }; JSON.stringify(obj); 当然