I'm trying to implement correct DST adjustment handling in my alarm clock app. So I'm reading description for DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION that I use to retrieve the current DST adjustment information via the GetTimeZoneInformationForYear API, and it says the following: DaylightDate : A SYSTEMTIME structure that contains a date and local time when the transition from standard time t
我试图在闹钟应用程序中实施正确的DST调整处理。 因此,我正在阅读DYNAMIC_TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION的描述,该描述用于通过GetTimeZoneInformationForYear API检索当前的DST调整信息,并说明以下内容: DaylightDate : 在此操作系统上发生从标准时间到夏令时间的转换时包含日期和本地时间的SYSTEMTIME结构。 如果时区不支持夏令时或呼叫者需要禁用夏令时,则SYSTEMTIME结构中的wMonth成员必须为零。 如果指定了此日期,则
This code is correct C++: #include <ctime> int main() { std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr); } However, this compiles fine too (GCC 5.2): #include <ctime> int main() { time_t t = time(nullptr); } More generally, it seems that legacy "C" data types and functions don't require namespace qualifying. It seems to me that this is a dangerous behaviour, as both are a
这段代码是正确的C ++: #include <ctime> int main() { std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr); } 不过,这个编译也很好(GCC 5.2): #include <ctime> int main() { time_t t = time(nullptr); } 更一般地说,传统的“C”数据类型和函数似乎不需要命名空间限定。 在我看来,这是一种危险的行为,因为两者都被接受,名称冲突的可能性仍然存在。 我想(错误地?)标准命名空间std在那里保护我不受这个影响
I was wondering why dynamic arrays are directly supported by std::unique_ptr<> but not by std::shared_ptr<> : unique_ptr<int[]> ptr1(new int[n]); /// OK! shared_ptr<int[]> ptr2(new int[n]); /// Incorrect: will not call delete[] Update: I found out that the second line can be rewritten as: shared_ptr<int> ptr2(new int[n], default_delete<int[]>()); Now I am
我想知道为什么动态数组由std::unique_ptr<>直接支持,而不是由std::shared_ptr<>直接支持: unique_ptr<int[]> ptr1(new int[n]); /// OK! shared_ptr<int[]> ptr2(new int[n]); /// Incorrect: will not call delete[] 更新:我发现第二行可以改写为: shared_ptr<int> ptr2(new int[n], default_delete<int[]>()); 现在我想知道在场景后面发生了什么,使std::shared_ptr可以与第二
I am making use of opendir() as below to access a directory. DIR *dp; if((dp = opendir(dir.c_str())) == NULL) { cout << "Error(" << errno << ") opening " << dir << endl; return errno; } However, I keep getting the error below, even though the directory exists. Error(2) opening /path/to/folder/ I am able to get a list of file names when I do ls /path/to/f
我正在使用opendir()来访问一个目录。 DIR *dp; if((dp = opendir(dir.c_str())) == NULL) { cout << "Error(" << errno << ") opening " << dir << endl; return errno; } 但是,即使目录存在,我仍然会收到以下错误。 Error(2) opening /path/to/folder/ 当我执行ls / path / to /文件夹时,我能够获得文件名列表 请注意,/ path / to /文件夹与/ path / to / folder / errno
This question already has an answer here: How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit? 26 answers 使用std::bitset或boost::dynamic_bitset
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何设置,清除和切换一个位? 26个答案 使用std::bitset或boost::dynamic_bitset
This question already has an answer here: How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit? 26 answers To get bit n state (returns bit n as 0 or 1): (value>>n) & 1 To set bit n state (flag is 0 or 1): value = (value & ~(1 << n)) | (flag << n)
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何设置,清除和切换一个位? 26个答案 要获得第n位状态(将位n返回为0或1): (value>>n) & 1 要设置第n位状态(标志为0或1): value = (value & ~(1 << n)) | (flag << n)
Possible Duplicate: How do you set, clear and toggle a single bit in C? I'm studying for an upcoming final and I want to verify some questions from the study guide. Some context: The Set() function sets a bit in a byte to 1 The Unset() function sets a bit in a byte to 0 The Flip() function "flips" the bit to the opposite of what it is So some kid in our class took it u
可能重复: 你如何设置,清除并切换C中的一个位? 我正在为即将到来的决赛进行学习,我想验证学习指南中的一些问题。 一些背景: Set()函数将一个字节的位设置为1 Unset()函数将一个字节中的某个位设置为0 Flip()函数将该位“翻转”到与原来相反的位置 所以我们班的一些孩子自己回答了学习指导的问题,但我已经发现了一些错误,这些答案听起来很腥。 这就是他所说的: Set使用哪个操作? 或运营商| Unset使用
This question already has an answer here: How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit? 26 answers Just use : p = p & ~(1u<<3); What happens here ? 1. (1u<<3) 0...01000 2. ~(1u<<3) 1...10111 // Invert the bits 3. p & ~(1u<<3) *****0*** // Here * means the bit representation of p That's how the bit changes to 0. Hope it helps :)
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何设置,清除和切换一个位? 26个答案 只需使用: p = p & ~(1u<<3); 这里发生了什么? 1. (1u<<3) 0...01000 2. ~(1u<<3) 1...10111 // Invert the bits 3. p & ~(1u<<3) *****0*** // Here * means the bit representation of p 这就是该位变为0的方式。 希望能帮助到你 :)
Possible Duplicates: How do you set, clear and toggle a single bit in C? Removing lowest order bit n is a positive integer. How can its rightmost set bit be unset? Say n = 7 => n = 0111. I want 0110 as the output. Is there any simple bitwise hack to achieve the goal? Try n & (n-1) where & is bitwise AND n = 7 n - 1 =6 n & (n-1)=> 0 1 1 1 (7) & 0 1 1
可能重复: 你如何设置,清除并切换C中的一个位? 删除最低位 n是一个正整数。 它的最右边的位怎么可能不被设置? 说n = 7 => n = 0111。我想要0110作为输出。 是否有任何简单的按位破解来实现目标? 尝试n & (n-1) ,其中&是按位与 n = 7 n - 1 =6 n & (n-1)=> 0 1 1 1 (7) & 0 1 1 0 (6) --------- 0 1 1 0 (done!) 编辑 (回应森林给出的评论)
This question already has an answer here: How do you set, clear, and toggle a single bit? 26 answers You can set the fourth bit of a number by OR-ing it with a value that is zero everywhere except in the fourth bit. This could be done as x |= (1u << 3); Similarly, you can clear the fourth bit by AND-ing it with a value that is one everywhere except in the fourth bit. For example:
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 你如何设置,清除和切换一个位? 26个答案 您可以设置数字的第四位,除了第四位以外,其它位置的值都是零。 这可以做到 x |= (1u << 3); 同样,可以通过将第四位与除第四位以外的值进行AND来清除第四位。 例如: x &= ~(1u << 3); 最后,可以通过将第四位与第四位中除零以外的值进行异或来切换第四位: x ^= (1u << 3); 要明白为什么这会起作用,我们需要看两