There are several parts to this question. According to most of the resources available on net and according to the text books as well, heap and stack memory grow in opposite directions. Do Heap and Stack actually always grow in opposite directions towards each other, especially when extra memory is allocated by the OS for Heap memory? Consider that initially in the program, only heap alloca
这个问题有几个部分。 根据网上可用的大部分资源,根据教科书,堆栈和堆栈内存的增长方向相反。 堆和堆实际上总是朝着彼此相反的方向发展,特别是当操作系统为堆内存分配了额外的内存时? 考虑到最初在程序中,只有堆分配发生并且使用最小的堆栈内存。 因此,堆将覆盖为堆栈和堆分配的几乎全部的组合内存。 之后,Stack开始增长。 会抛出一个错误还是将新的内存位置分配给堆栈以增加到其最大限制(最大限制=“ulimit -s”
I've been programming for a while but It's been mostly Java and C#. I've never actually had to manage memory on my own. I recently began programming in C++ and I'm a little confused as to when I should store things on the stack and when to store them on the heap. My understanding is that variables which are accessed very frequently should be stored on the stack and objects, ra
我已经编程了一段时间,但主要是Java和C#。 我从来没有必要自己管理记忆。 我最近开始使用C ++进行编程,我对于何时应该将东西存储在堆栈上以及何时将其存储在堆上有些困惑。 我的理解是,非常频繁访问的变量应该存储在堆栈中,并且对象,很少使用的变量以及大型数据结构都应该存储在堆中。 这是正确的还是我不正确? 不,堆栈和堆之间的区别不是性能。 它的使用寿命:函数内部的任何局部变量(任何你不需要malloc()
I am debugging a (native) multi-threaded C++ application under Visual Studio 2008. On seemingly random occasions, I get a "Windows has triggered a break point..." error with a note that this might be due to a corruption in the heap. These errors won't always crash the application right away, although it is likely to crash short after. The big problem with these errors is that the
我在Visual Studio 2008下调试了一个(本机)多线程C ++应用程序。在看似偶然的场合,我得到一个“Windows引发了一个断点...”的错误,并注意到这可能是由于堆。 这些错误不会总是使应用程序崩溃,尽管它很可能会在短期内崩溃。 这些错误的主要问题是,只有在腐败实际发生后才会弹出,这使得他们很难跟踪和调试,特别是在多线程应用程序上。 什么样的事情会导致这些错误? 我如何调试它们? 提示,工具,方法,启示...是
I am new to vc++, I have to create a simple vc++ application so that I can turn off or turn on an LED ( or an electrical bulb powered by a cell), How can I take the control out from my program, I would like to use a USB for connecting the output. Is there any library available for implementing USB integrating in the program ? Have a look into the FTDI FT232RL series of chips. They're so
我是vc ++的新手,我必须创建一个简单的vc ++应用程序,以便我可以关闭或打开LED(或由电池供电的电灯泡),如何从我的程序中取出控件,我想使用USB连接输出。 是否有任何库可用于在程序中实现USB集成? 看看FTDI FT232RL系列芯片。 它们非常常见,驱动程序已经包含在大多数操作系统中。 它是一个USB到串口的设备,但它有一个“bit bang”模式,可以将串行线路转换为单独的可寻址IO线路,可以用作自己协议的信号线,也可以用
This question already has an answer here: What and where are the stack and heap? 25 answers I hear these words thrown around a lot ... Yes, these are widely used coming from misconception and sticking to inappropriate terminologies, mixing hardware and OS concepts with the programming language implementation. Do these concepts exist in C++? As long you're referring to "heap&qu
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么和堆栈和堆在哪里? 25个答案 我听到很多这样的话...... 是的,这些广泛使用来自误解和坚持不适当的术语,混合硬件和操作系统的概念与编程语言实现。 这些概念是否存在于C ++中? 只要您将“堆”称为动态存储持续时间 ,将“堆栈”称为自动存储持续时间 ,c ++标准就没有任何关于这些特定术语的概念,而是使用其他术语。 所以不行。 请注意,局部变量,全局变量或参数的自动存储时间
Possible Duplicate: What and where are the stack and heap? A vary basic question, please forgive my ignorance. Please let me know whether a simple variable declaration in C++ for an ordinary (automatic non-static and non-global) variable for example.... float x; within the scope of a function, say main() uses stack or heap (free store) memory? I am asking this because code such as the one
可能重复: 什么和堆栈和堆在哪里? 一个不同的基本问题,请原谅我的无知。 请让我知道一个普通(自动非静态和非全局)变量的C ++中的简单变量声明,例如... float x; 在函数的范围内,说main()使用堆栈或堆(自由存储)内存? 我问这是因为下面给出的代码在C ++中工作,但不在C中。预先感谢。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a,b; cin >> a >> b; if(a
This question already has an answer here: What and where are the stack and heap? 25 answers Let's go through this line by line. int main() { A new function starts with this line, and therewith a new scope. MyClass myClass(100), *p; Two things happen here. One, a variable myClass is declared within the function's scope, which makes it a local variable and thus it's alloca
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么和堆栈和堆在哪里? 25个答案 我们一行一行地去看看。 int main() { 一条新的功能从这条线开始,并伴随着一个新的范围。 MyClass myClass(100), *p; 这里发生两件事。 一个,变量myClass在函数的作用域内声明,这使得它成为一个局部变量,因此它被分配到栈中。 编译器将发出在堆栈上保留足够空间的机器指令(通常是通过颠倒sp堆栈指针寄存器),然后执行对类构造函数的调用。
Possible Duplicate: What and where are the stack and heap I am programming in C++ and I am always wondering what exactly is stack memory vs heap memory. All I know is when I call new, I would get memory from heap. If if create local variables, I would get memory from stack. After some research on internet, the most common answer is stack memory is temporary and heap memory is permanent.
可能重复: 什么和堆栈和堆在哪里 我用C ++进行编程,我总是在想,堆栈内存和堆内存究竟是什么。 我所知道的是当我打电话给新的时候,我会从堆中获得记忆。 如果创建局部变量,我会从栈中获取内存。 在对互联网进行一些研究后,最常见的答案是堆栈内存是暂时的,堆内存是永久的。 堆栈和堆内存模型是操作系统还是计算机体系结构的概念? 所以有些可能不遵循堆栈和堆内存模型,或者它们都遵循它? 堆栈和堆内存是对虚
One of the most interesting projects I've worked on in the past couple of years was a project about image processing. The goal was to develop a system to be able to recognize Coca-Cola 'cans' (note that I'm stressing the word 'cans', you'll see why in a minute). You can see a sample below, with the can recognized in the green rectangle with scale and rotation. Some
过去几年中我最感兴趣的项目之一就是一个关于图像处理的项目。 我们的目标是开发一个能够识别可口可乐'罐'的系统 (请注意,我强调'罐'这个词,你会在一分钟内看到为什么。 您可以在下面看到一个示例,其中可以通过缩放和旋转在绿色矩形中识别。 项目的一些限制: 背景可能非常嘈杂。 该罐可以具有任何比例或旋转或甚至定向(在合理范围内)。 图像可能具有一定程度的模糊性(轮廓可能不完全是直的)
I know that in C++11 we can now use using to write type alias, like typedef s: typedef int MyInt; Is, from what I understand, equivalent to: using MyInt = int; And that new syntax emerged from the effort to have a way to express " template typedef ": template< class T > using MyType = AnotherType< T, MyAllocatorType >; But, with the first two non-template examples, are
我知道在C ++ 11中,我们现在可以using用于写入类型别名,如typedef s: typedef int MyInt; 据我所知,相当于: using MyInt = int; 这种新的语法来源于努力去表达“ template typedef ”: template< class T > using MyType = AnotherType< T, MyAllocatorType >; 但是,对于前两个非模板示例,标准中是否还有其他细微差别? 例如, typedef以“弱”方式进行别名。 也就是说,它不会创建新的类型,而只是一个