Why do pthreads’ condition variable functions require a mutex?

I'm reading up on pthread.h ; the condition variable related functions (like pthread_cond_wait(3) ) require a mutex as an argument. Why? As far as I can tell, I'm going to be creating a mutex just to use as that argument? What is that mutex supposed to do? It's just the way that condition variables are (or were originally) implemented. The mutex is used to protect the conditio


我正在阅读pthread.h ; 与条件变量相关的函数(如pthread_cond_wait(3) )需要一个互斥量作为参数。 为什么? 据我所知,我将创建一个互斥体来作为这个参数? 这个互斥量应该做什么? 这只是条件变量(或最初)实施的方式。 互斥量用于保护条件变量本身。 这就是为什么在你等待之前你需要锁定它。 等待将“原子地”解锁互斥体,允许其他人访问条件变量(用于信号发送)​​。 然后,当条件变量被发送或广播时,等待列表

How do I return null if my string has no null terminator

this is my first time posting here so sorry if I'm doing something wrong. I have a C programme that allocates a pool, then stores a char array, "Hello World", in memory and then retrieves it. One of the lines of the code in my main method reads: store(pool, 50, sizeof(str) - 1, str); (my store method variables are (Pool *pool, int offset, int size, void *object) If I am readi


这是我第一次在这里发帖很抱歉,如果我做错了什么。 我有一个C程序分配一个池,然后在内存中存储一​​个char数组“Hello World”,然后检索它。 我的主要方法中的代码行之一是: store(pool, 50, sizeof(str) - 1, str); (我的商店方法变量是(Pool * pool,int offset,int size,void * object) 如果我正确读取它,那么被分配的池比字符串大小小1,所以剪切 0将会结束。 我该如何检查该字符在最后失踪并因为它而返回nu

Main Menu choice prompt is gathered even on sub Function scanf (C)

Im creating a program that has a Main Menu linked to a couple of other functions. This is the Main Menu Code int main(){ int iMenuChoice,exit; iMenuChoice=0; exit =1; while (exit !=0){ system("cls"); printf("**********Main Menu************n"); printf("*1) Cartesian Plane *n"); printf("*2) Number to Words *n"); printf("*3) b *n"); printf("*4) c *n


我创建一个程序,其主菜单链接到其他一些功能。 这是主菜单代码 int main(){ int iMenuChoice,exit; iMenuChoice=0; exit =1; while (exit !=0){ system("cls"); printf("**********Main Menu************n"); printf("*1) Cartesian Plane *n"); printf("*2) Number to Words *n"); printf("*3) b *n"); printf("*4) c *n"); printf("*5) d *n"); printf("*6) e

how does int main() and void main() work

This question already has an answer here: What should main() return in C and C++? 19 answers Neither main() or void main() are standard C. The former is allowed as it has an implicit int return value, making it the same as int main() . The purpose of main 's return value is to return an exit status to the operating system. In standard C, the only valid signatures for main are: int ma

int main()和void main()如何工作

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: main()应该在C和C ++中返回什么? 19个答案 main()或void main()都不是标准C.前者是允许的,因为它有一个隐式的int返回值,使其与int main()相同。 main返回值的目的是将退出状态返回到操作系统。 在标准C中, main的唯一有效签名是: int main(void) 和 int main(int argc, char **argv) 您正在使用的表单: int main()是一个旧式样声明,指示main获取未指定数量的参数。 不要使用

Returning type casted array to main function

I am calling foo() function from main file whose return type is char*. from foo() I am returning int array by typecasting "(char*)ar". ar is array of size 2. Now I can retreive ar[0] in main() not ar[1](gives special char). foo.c #include <string.h> int ar[2]; char *foo(char* buf) { //static ar[2] this also gives same problem //various task not concen


我从返回类型为char *的主文件调用foo()函数。 从foo()我通过类型转换“(char *)ar”返回int数组。 ar是大小为2的数组。现在,我可以在main()中检索ar [0]而不是ar [1](给出特殊字符)。 foo.c的 #include <string.h> int ar[2]; char *foo(char* buf) { //static ar[2] this also gives same problem //various task not concen with ar[] buf[strlen(buf)-1]=''; if( (by

Interleaving of putchar() and printf() functions

It is a statement given in K&R that printf() and putchar() can be interleaved. If it true then why is the following code not giving the required output:- #include"stdio.h" void main() { char c,d; printf("Enter the first charactern"); scanf("%c",&c); printf("%cn",c); printf("Enter the second charactern"); d=getchar(); putchar(d); printf("n");


这是在K&R中给出的一个声明,printf()和putchar()可以交错使用。 如果它是真的,那么为什么下面的代码不提供所需的输出: - #include"stdio.h" void main() { char c,d; printf("Enter the first charactern"); scanf("%c",&c); printf("%cn",c); printf("Enter the second charactern"); d=getchar(); putchar(d); printf("n"); } 每当我执行这个程序时,输出如下

puts() not printing out string in main() but prints fine in function

#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void mergeStr(char *a, char *b, char *c); int main() { char a[80],b[80]; char c[80]; printf("Enter the first string: n"); gets(a); printf("Enter the second string: n"); gets(b); mergeStr(a,b,c); printf("mergeStr(): "); puts(c); return 0; } void mergeStr(char *a, char *b, char *c) { int size; int i ; int j=0 ; // again, forg


#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void mergeStr(char *a, char *b, char *c); int main() { char a[80],b[80]; char c[80]; printf("Enter the first string: n"); gets(a); printf("Enter the second string: n"); gets(b); mergeStr(a,b,c); printf("mergeStr(): "); puts(c); return 0; } void mergeStr(char *a, char *b, char *c) { int size; int i ; int j=0 ; // again, forg

printing strings populated with a loop in C?

I'm new to C and trying to learn about printing strings and single elements of arrays. In the main function I have created a char array of 5 characters and am able to print the string. I am also able to print 1 element of the array. This all works fine. I have then created a function which has a for loop to populate an array with 26 available slots and want to do the same thing, print t


我是C新手,并试图了解打印字符串和数组的单个元素。 在主函数中,我创建了一个由5个字符组成的字符数组,并且能够打印字符串。 我也能够打印数组的一个元素。 这一切工作正常。 然后我创建了一个函数,它有一个for循环来填充一个有26个可用插槽的数组,并且想要做同样的事情,打印整个字符串,然后打印它的单个元素。 当我的程序执行时,它应该打印:你好o ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ(这

Passing a string array to a function using pointers

So I am trying to a pass a char array into a function and print it out and then return the array back. Below is my main function. I am doing Binary Search Trees however Im just stuck on passing a char array. int main() { BST tree = new_bst(); int noRecords; int tfn; char name[10]; char *test; FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("welfare1.txt", "r"); fscanf(fileptr,


所以我试图将一个char数组传递给一个函数并打印出来,然后返回数组。 以下是我的主要功能。 我正在做二进制搜索树但是我只是坚持传递一个字符数组。 int main() { BST tree = new_bst(); int noRecords; int tfn; char name[10]; char *test; FILE *fileptr; fileptr = fopen("welfare1.txt", "r"); fscanf(fileptr, "%d", &noRecords); fscanf(fileptr, "%s", name); fscanf(f

Read struct from binary file and convert to Hex in C

I'm trying to read a simple struct from a binary file, and turn it into hex. I'm running into problems trying to print things out into the window. The "chunk" data is one big chunk, so I'm expecting it to print a lot of binary out into the window for the first printf and then hex for the 2nd printf. However, it just prints one line of an int that definitely isnt the hex


我试图从二进制文件中读取一个简单的结构,并将其转换为十六进制。 我遇到了将问题打印到窗口中的问题。 “块”数据是一个大块,所以我期待它在第一个printf的窗口中输出大量的二进制数,然后在第二个printf中输出十六进制数。 但是,它只是打印一行int,绝对不是它应该是的十六进制(它应该是一个非常长的字符) 我想知道我做错了什么? 我是否必须在每个字节上迭代一个while循环,然后在执行hexing之前将它变成byte_array