I am merging XPS files via an IIS web application but during the merging process, it leaves the document reference file handles open. In a Windows WPF or console application, I wouldn't worry about the handles as they would get released after the application closed. Recycling the app pool would effectively close the handles too. However, I can't recycle the app pool just for closing th
我通过IIS Web应用程序合并XPS文件,但在合并过程中,它使文档引用文件句柄保持打开状态。 在Windows WPF或控制台应用程序中,我不担心这些句柄,因为它们会在应用程序关闭后发布。 回收应用程序池也会有效地关闭手柄。 但是,由于缓存和性能的原因,我无法仅仅关闭应用程序池来关闭文件句柄。 合并完成后有没有办法关闭这些文件句柄? 我尝试了几种不同的合并方法,但下面的代码给了我最好的结果: private DocumentPagin
Here is the code that I use to close my application, its associated processes and to delete all the files that have been extracted during the use of the application: private void Quit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //close the application { //kill cinector after all import is done Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); for (int i = 0; i < processes.Count(); i++)
以下是我用来关闭应用程序及其关联进程的代码,并删除在使用应用程序期间已提取的所有文件: private void Quit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) //close the application { //kill cinector after all import is done Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); for (int i = 0; i < processes.Count(); i++) { if (processes[i].ProcessName.ToLower().Contains("CinectorProcess"))
Scenario (for force deleting a file, can't go for delete on restart): I have a file that is opened in some program, say MS Word. There could be some other files as well opened in MS Word. In my C# program, I need to know what process is accessing that particular file and need to close/release only that particular file from Word. Other files should not be disturbed, so I won't use Pr
方案(强制删除文件,不能在重新启动时删除): 我有一个在某些程序中打开的文件,例如MS Word。 可能还有一些其他文件在MS Word中打开。 在我的C#程序中,我需要知道什么进程正在访问该特定文件,并且需要关闭/从Word释放该特定文件。 其他文件不应该被打扰,所以我不会使用Process.Kill()方法。 鉴于上述情况,我做了以下工作: 找到在这里使用代码访问我的目标文件的过程(Process类的实例) 找到该进程拥有的
I have ac# application which shows images in a form. I'm trying to overwrite these images and regenerate them. I get an exception while I'm trying to delete an existing image (it's a png in this case). I tried disposing the image that the picturebox is using and then setting it to null, but I still get an exception due to a sharing violation. Nevertheless, I can go to explorer and
我有一个ac#应用程序,它在一个窗体中显示图像。 我试图覆盖这些图像并重新生成它们。 我在尝试删除现有图像时遇到异常(这是本例中的png)。 我试图处理图片框正在使用的图像,然后将其设置为空,但由于共享冲突,我仍然收到异常。 不过,我可以去浏览器并删除文件没有任何问题。 在试图找出哪个进程被锁定的情况下,Process Monitor告诉我这是托管我的应用程序的vhost.exe 。 我怎样才能解决这个问题? 有什么方法可
we are using save/opn file dialog in our desktop application(C#). When we open the dialog for the first time, handles are increased by 100. After closing the dialog the handles are not getting reduced. From the next time onwards handles are increasing by 10 or so and getting reduced by 2 to 4. We tried decreasing the handles by calling dispose and making it null. And also tried with using bl
我们正在桌面应用程序(C#)中使用save / opn文件对话框。 当我们第一次打开对话框时,句柄增加了100.关闭对话框后,句柄没有变小。 从下一次开始,手柄会增加10个左右,并减少2个到4个。 我们尝试通过调用dispose并将其设置为null来减少句柄。 并尝试使用块。 但是他们都没有解决这个问题。 你能告诉我有关这方面的任何工作吗? 或者我们可以使用任何自定义控件等 请对此提出建议 提前致谢 代码:代码是 SaveFi
I work for a small E-Commerce shop and we are looking for a process that will handle resizing our product images dynamically. Currently our designers take high resolution photos, either provided by the manufactures or created in house, and alter them to fit various pages on our site. The designers are constantly resizing, cropping, altering compression levels, etc., of each product photo to fit
我在一家小型电子商务店工作,我们正在寻找能够动态调整产品图像大小的流程。 目前,我们的设计师采用高分辨率照片,无论是由制造商提供的还是在室内创建的,并将其更改为适合我们网站上的各种页面。 设计师不断调整每个产品照片的大小,裁剪,更改压缩级别等以适应业务需求。 由于我们的产品线经常更新,这成为一项单调的任务。 Abobe Scene7完全符合我们的要求,图像由CDN提供。 不幸的是我们发现它太贵了。 我很想知
Does an Integer variable in C occupy 2 bytes or 4 bytes? What are the factors that it depends on? Most of the textbooks say integer variables occupy 2 bytes. But when I run a program printing the successive addresses of an array of integers it shows the difference of 4. I know it's equal to sizeof(int) . The size of an int is really compiler dependent. Back in the day, when processors
C中的整数变量占用2个字节还是4个字节? 它依赖于什么因素? 大多数教科书都说整数变量占用2个字节。 但是当我运行一个打印整数数组的连续地址的程序时,它显示了4的差异。 我知道它等于sizeof(int) 。 int的大小实际上是依赖于编译器的。 当天,当处理器是16位时, int是2个字节。 如今,它在32位和64位系统上最常见的是4个字节。 尽管如此,使用sizeof(int)是获取执行程序的特定系统的整数大小的最佳方法。 编辑
This question already has an answer here: What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be? 24 answers 你可以通过使用limits.h定义的宏UINT_MAX来找出这个值。
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: C ++标准规定int,long类型的大小是什么? 24个答案 你可以通过使用limits.h定义的宏UINT_MAX来找出这个值。
This question already has an answer here: What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be? 24 answers the specs say that sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) but at least 32bit for long and 16bit for int . http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ (prefix singned or unsigned make no difference for the space they need) if you want to use a specified bit width i reco
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: C ++标准规定int,long类型的大小是什么? 24个答案 规格说明 sizeof(int) <= sizeof(long) ,但至少32位为long和16位为int 。 http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/variables/ (前缀singned或unsigned不会影响他们所需的空间) 如果你想使用指定的位宽,我建议使用int32_t , uint64_t等。 根据数据类型大小的文档,您的结果是正确的。 long int (有符号和无符号)和int
As far as I understand, in C89 all boolean expressions are of type integer. This also means that function parameters that represent bool usually get represented by an int parameter. Now my question is how I can most ideally take such an int and put it into a bitfield so that it only occupies one bit (let's ignore padding for now). The first thing here is which type to use. Using int or
据我所知,在C89中,所有布尔表达式都是整型。 这也意味着表示bool的函数参数通常由int参数表示。 现在我的问题是我如何最理想地将这样一个int放入一个位域,以便它只占用一个位(现在让我们忽略填充)。 这里的第一件事是使用哪种类型。 使用int或任何其他无符号类型不起作用,因为当只有一个位时,只能表示-1和0 (至少使用二进制补码)。 尽管-1技术上评估为true ,但这并不理想,因为实际上将其分配而没有未定义的行