Tries and Suffix Trees implementation

I have studied Tries and Suffix Trees and wanted to implement the same. Please share some links where in I can get an idea about the structure and basic idea of implementation to start with. Any good example, if included, would be a plus. Implementation in C. The C Algorithms Library ( offers a Trie implementation in C. It's open-source with a BS


我学习了Tries和Suffix Trees,并想实现它。 请分享一些链接,我可以从中了解实施的结构和基本思路。 任何好的例子,如果包括,将是一个加号。 在C中实现 C算法库(提供了C语言的Trie实现。它是开源的,带有BSD风格的许可证。 C中的后缀树实现可以在这里找到: 我希望有所帮助。 #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h>

O Notation for prime number function?

I am trying to understand Big-O Notation. So sorry if I am asking something that is too obvious but I can't seem to wrap my head around this. I have the following C# code function that I am trying to calculate Big-O Notation for. for (i = 2; i < 100; i++) { for (j = 2; j <= (i / j); j++) if ((i % j) == 0) break; // if factor found, not prime if (j >


我正在尝试了解Big-O符号。 非常抱歉,如果我问的东西太明显了,但我似乎无法绕过这一点。 我有以下C#代码函数,我正在尝试计算Big-O符号。 for (i = 2; i < 100; i++) { for (j = 2; j <= (i / j); j++) if ((i % j) == 0) break; // if factor found, not prime if (j > (i / j)) Console.WriteLine("{0} is prime", i); } 现在到目前为止,我认为两个if子句

th key in a B

I'm trying to understand how I should think about getting the k-th key/element in a B-tree. Even if it's steps instead of code, it will still help a lot. Thanks Edit: To clear up, I'm asking for the k-th smallest key in the B-tree. There's no efficient way to do it using a standard B-tree. Broadly speaking, I see 2 options: Convert the B-tree to an order statistic tree to


我试图理解我应该如何考虑在B树中获得第k个键/元素。 即使它是步骤而不是代码,它仍然会有很大的帮助。 谢谢 编辑:为了清理,我要求B树中第k个最小的键。 使用标准的B-tree没有有效的方法。 一般来说,我看到2个选项: 将B-tree转换为订单统计树以允许在O(log n)中执行此操作。 也就是说,对于每个节点,保留一个变量,该变量表示以该节点(该节点,其所有子节点,所有子节点的子节点等)为根的子树的大小(元素数

Scaling an IdentityServer4 service

I have followed the IdentityServer4 quickstarts and am able to authenticate my javascript web page (almost the same as that provided in the quickstart) with a localhosted instance of IdentityServer using the Implicit grant. Again, my IdentityServer is almost exactly the same as that provided in the quickstart mentioned above - it just has some custom user details. I then moved my application (


我遵循IdentityServer4快速入门,并且能够使用隐式授权对IdentityServer的localhosted实例进行身份验证(与快速入门中提供的几乎相同)。 同样,我的IdentityServer与上面提到的快速入门中提供的几乎完全相同 - 它只是具有一些自定义用户详细信息。 然后,我将应用程序(C#.NET Core)移动到Docker容器中,并在Kubernetes集群(单个实例)中托管了一个这样的实例,并创建了一个Kubernetes服务(通过一个或多个“真实”服务实现

Why is there no Tree<T> class in .NET?

The base class library in .NET has some excellent data structures for collections (List, Queue, Stack, Dictionary), but oddly enough it does not contain any data structures for binary trees. This is a terribly useful structure for certain algorithms, such as those that take advantage of different traversal paths. I'm looking for a correctly written, free implementation. Am I simply blind,

为什么.NET中没有Tree <T>类?

.NET中的基类库对集合(列表,队列,堆栈,字典)有一些优秀的数据结构,但奇怪的是它没有包含二叉树的任何数据结构。 对于某些算法来说,这是非常有用的结构,例如那些利用不同遍历路径的算法。 我正在寻找一个正确书面,免费的实施。 我是盲目的,而没有发现它......它被埋在BCL的某个地方吗? 如果没有,有人可以推荐免费或开源C#/ .NET二进制树库? 最好使用泛型的一个。 编辑:澄清我在找什么。 我对内部使用树的

Are there any open source C libraries with common data structures?

我正在寻找一个C库,它具有常见的可重用数据结构,如链接列表,散列表等。类似于由Kyle Loudon用C(平装书)进行Mastering Algorithms分发的源代码。 BSD queue.h has: SLIST = singly linked list LIST = doubly linked list SIMPLEQ = singly linked queue TAILQ = doubly linked queue BSD tree.h has: RB - red-black tree SPLAY - splay tree See the queue(3) and tree(3) man pages for details. I reall


我正在寻找一个C库,它具有常见的可重用数据结构,如链接列表,散列表等。类似于由Kyle Loudon用C(平装书)进行Mastering Algorithms分发的源代码。 BSD queue.h有: SLIST =单链表 LIST =双向链表 SIMPLEQ =单链队列 TAILQ =双向链接队列 BSD tree.h有: RB - 红黑树 SPLAY - 松树 有关详细信息,请参阅队列(3)和树(3)手册页。 我真的很喜欢它们,因为它们是没有依赖关系的纯C宏(甚至没有libc)。 再

Fundamental Data Structures in C#

I would like to know how people implement the following data structures in C# without using the base class library implementations:- Linked List Hash Table Binary Search Tree Red-Black Tree B-Tree Binomial Heap Fibonacci Heap and any other fundamental data structures people can think of! I am curious as I want to improve my understanding of these data structures and it'd be


我想知道人们如何在C#中实现下列数据结构而不使用基类库实现: 链接列表 哈希表 二进制搜索树 红黑树 B树 二项式堆 斐波那契堆 以及人们可以想到的任何其他基础数据结构! 我很好奇,因为我想提高对这些数据结构的理解,并且很高兴看到C#版本,而非Internet上的典型C示例! 有关于这个主题的一系列MSDN文章。 但是,我自己并没有真正阅读过这些文字。 我相信.NET的集合框架有一个破损的界面,不能很好地

How do structures affect efficiency?

Pointers make the program more efficient and faster. But how do structures effect the efficiency of the program? Does it make it faster? Is it for just the readability of the code, or what? And may I have an example of how it does so? Structures have little to do with efficiency, they're used for abstraction. They allow you to keep all related data together, and refer to it by a single


指针使程序更高效,更快速。 但结构如何影响程序的效率? 它使它更快吗? 仅仅是为了代码的可读性,还是为了什么? 我可以举一个例子说明它是如何做到的? 结构与效率无关,它们用于抽象。 它们允许您将所有相关数据保存在一起,并以单一名称引用。 虽然有一些与性能相关的功能。 如果将所有数据都存放在一个结构中,则可以将指向该结构的指针作为函数的一个参数传递。 这比向函数传递大量单独的参数要好,因为每个值

Writing Visual Studio App.config

I recently found myself writing some XML in my Visual Studio 2010 Project's App.config file. The values I used were assemblyIdentity and bindingRedirect - neither of which show up using IntelliSense. I'd like to know some cool tricks that other developers have come up with to use in App.config - a file I rarely touch. There's a document on MSDN (+1 for other links), but it (most

编写Visual Studio App.config

我最近发现自己在Visual Studio 2010 Project的App.config文件中编写了一些XML。 我使用的值是assemblyIdentity和bindingRedirect - 两者都不使用IntelliSense显示。 我想知道其他开发人员在App.config使用的一些很酷的技巧 - 我很少碰到的一个文件。 MSDN上有一个文档(其他链接为+1),但它(很可能)不会详细讨论如何做一些技巧。 [更新] 由于Joe,djacobson,Henk Holterman,Mark Biek和Neil Knight共同投票结束

What data structures and algorithms are not implementable in C?

This may sound naive, but are there any data structures / algorithms that cannot be constructed in C, given enough code? I understand the argument of being Turing complete. I also know it's beneficial to have an elegant solution and that time complexity is important (ie more expressive or succinct when implemented in Ruby / Java / C# / Haskell / Lisp). All the languages I've researched


这可能听起来很幼稚,但是有没有任何数据结构/算法不能在C中构建,只要给出足够的代码? 我理解图灵完成的理由。 我也知道有一个优雅的解决方案是有好处的,并且时间复杂性很重要(例如,在Ruby / Java / C#/ Haskell / Lisp中实现时,表现力更强或更简洁)。 我研究或使用的所有语言似乎都已创建或随后被重构为基于C的编译器,解释器和/或虚拟机。 一些复杂的数据结构是否只能用解释器和/或虚拟机来实现? 如果这个虚拟机