Speech to Text API

I am trying to create a windows application in C# windows application which should use IBM Watson service to perform a Speech to Text conversion. How can we implement IBM Watson Speech to Text API service https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api which should listen to User voice and write the output text. I have searched many articles and in all those examples, .wav (audio) file w


我正尝试在C#windows应用程序中创建一个应用程序,该应用程序应使用IBM Watson服务执行语音到文本转换。 我们如何实现IBM Watson Speech to Text API服务https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api,它应该监听用户语音并编写输出文本。 我搜索了很多文章,在所有这些例子中,.wav(音频)文件作为输入传递并输出文本。 我正在尝试将此语音更加实时地发送到文本,而不是传递现有或存储的音频(.wav)文件。

System.Speech.Recognition; background control or voice recognition

I'm not sure if it is possible but anyway, I use using System.Speech.Recognition; in winform C# app. I'm wondering if it is possible not only to recognize speech, but also recognize voice, somehow recognize difference between different voices to get something near to reading of multiply content from each separate voice, for example from two simultaneously or separately speaking use

System.Speech.Recognition; 背景控制或语音识别

我不确定是否有可能,但无论如何, 我使用using System.Speech.Recognition; 在winform C#应用程序中。 我想知道是否不仅可以识别语音,而且还可以识别语音,从而以某种方式识别不同声音之间的差异 以获得接近读取来自每个单独语音的乘法内容的东西,例如从两个同时或分开讲话的用户作为不同的两个读取。 或者至少也许有一些方法可以控制背景音量,例如,如果AudioLevelUpdated事件允许我查看输入音量,但也可能存在某

Fuzzy EmulateRecognize on Windows Speech Recognition

Microsoft C# API provide a SpeechRecognitionEngine to recognize Audio stream. One way to test recogition is to call method SpeechRecognizer.EmulateRecognize According to documentation: recognizers ignore case and character width when applying grammar rules to the input phrase I'd like to know if there is a way to handle more fuzzy string because confidence is very low even for mispelled


Microsoft C#API提供SpeechRecognitionEngine来识别音频流。 测试识别的一种方法是调用SpeechRecognizer.EmulateRecognize方法 根据文件: recognizers ignore case and character width when applying grammar rules to the input phrase 我想知道是否有办法处理更多模糊的字符串,因为即使拼写错误的文本信心也很低! 远离现实生活... 随着音频我可以说,你好,赫洛,赫洛有一个很好的信心 用文本引擎是非常严格的

Reuse Speech Recognition Training Profile on another Computer

I have developing speech to text conversion application in Android. The basic idea is to record voice in android and send the recorded wav file to a server. On the server-end i created a C#-Service application that uses the Microsoft Speech Recognition APIs. This service receives the audio wav file from the Android device, converts it to text and sends the recognized text back to the Android


我在Android中开发语音到文本转换应用程序。 基本的想法是在android中录制语音并将录制的wav文件发送到服务器。 在服务器端,我创建了一个使用Microsoft语音识别API的C#服务应用程序。 此服务从Android设备接收音频wav文件,将其转换为文本并将识别的文本发送回Android设备。 这工作正常,因为我已经多次训练了语音识别API。 现在我的问题是:我能否在另一台计算机上使用已经过训练的语音识别配置文件? 我不知道如何

Train voice recognition

I have built a voice recognition system in C# and I'm using the Microsoft Speech Platform 11.0 (Swedish language packs). I use a wav file as an input for the SpeechRecognitionEngine. The problem is that some of the words (40%) are not recognized at all. I would like to record some commands (a limited number of Swedish words and/or numbers) to a sound file and import them so that the Spee


我已经在C#中构建了一个语音识别系统,并且正在使用Microsoft Speech Platform 11.0(瑞典语言包)。 我使用一个wav文件作为SpeechRecognitionEngine的输入。 问题是一些词(40%)根本不被识别。 我想将一些命令(数量有限的瑞典语单词和/或数字)记录到一个声音文件中并导入它们,以使SpeechRecognitionEngine能够理解它们。 例如: 记录用户如何说出“Katt”(瑞典语为猫),然后能够告诉RecognitionEngine这意味着“K

Create an Index on IdentityUser.Email

In my project, my user class is inheriting from IdentityUser, and because i have alot of users and i'm performing alot of queries against the user email (which is an IdentityUser property) i wish to have it indexed. How can one index properties of IdentityUser? I was thinkin about overriding the Email property and put the [Index] annotation, but will this breaks something? Note that my


在我的项目中,我的用户类是从IdentityUser继承的,并且因为我有很多用户,并且我正在对用户电子邮件执行大量查询(这是IdentityUser属性),我希望将其编入索引。 IdentityUser的一个索引属性如何? 我想重写电子邮件属性并放置[Index]注释,但这会打破什么? 请注意,我的项目基于ASP.NET MVC 6模板,我使用的是实体框架代码优先的方法。

Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider

Background-info: I'm using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. Info about my (lack of) experience: the problem occured within the first tutorial that I'm trying to work through. Some additional-info: I'm comfortable with C#, Postgres, Rails (so MVC & Web-apps are not new to me) I have no experience with ASP.NET or SQL Server Problem Description: I'm tryi


背景信息: 我正在使用Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express。 关于我(缺乏)经验的信息:问题出现在我尝试通过的第一个教程中。 一些附加信息: 我对C#,Postgres,Rails感到满意(所以MVC和Web应用程序对我来说并不陌生) 我没有使用ASP.NET或SQL Server的经验 问题描述: 我试图完全遵循“Intro to ASP.NET MVC 3”教程中的步骤,并且在第5部分的第一步中遇到了一个问题 - 添加MoviesController: 当

should I go straight to MVC framework (c.f. ASP.net)

I'm done some WinForms work in C# but now moving to have to develop a web application front end in .NET (C#). I have experience developing web apps in Ruby on Rails (& a little with Java with JSP pages & struts mvc). Should I jump straight to MVC framework? (as opposed to going ASP.net) That is from the point of view of future direction for Microsoft & as well ease in ramping


我在C#中完成了一些WinForms工作,但现在转向必须在.NET(C#)中开发Web应用程序前端。 我有在Ruby on Rails中开发Web应用程序的经验(对于带有JSP页面和struts mvc的Java稍微有一点经验)。 我应该直接跳到MVC框架吗? (而不是去ASP.net)这是从微软的未来方向的角度来看,也可以轻松地从我自己开始。 或者,如果你喜欢,根据我迄今的经验,对于我来说MVC和ASP.net有什么优点/缺点? 谢谢 如果你需要真正接近线路

How does Asp.Net MVC compare to Java MVC frameworks

I've started my career as a Java developer, then moved to Asp.NET and recently to the Asp.Net MVC, which I like a lot. When developing in Java I used Struts1, which I remember as a hideous framework with loads of XML. Now I suspect that Java MVC frameworks have moved on from the Struts times. So how do modern Java MVC frameworks compare to the ASP.Net MVC? Which one of them is the most si

Asp.Net MVC如何与Java MVC框架进行比较

我从Java开发人员开始了自己的职业生涯,然后转移到了Asp.NET,最近又转向了我非常喜欢的Asp.Net MVC。 在Java中开发时,我使用了Struts1,我记得它是一个带有大量XML的可怕框架。 现在我怀疑Java MVC框架已经从Struts时代发展而来。 那么现代Java MVC框架如何与ASP.Net MVC进行比较? 哪一个与Asp.Net MVC最相似? Play是MVC框架的很好的例子。 我更喜欢短暂的编辑运行周期,而不仅仅是配置超越配置原则。 JVM上MVC框架

From Monorail to ASP.Net MVC

The last time I took on a non-trivial .Net/C# application I used Castle Monorail and, on the whole, enjoyed the experience. Early-access/preview releases of .Net MVC were not yet available. Many "Microsoft shops" will now find the "official" solution more appealing. Has anyone gone from Monorail to .Net MVC. How did you find the switch? What are the biggest differences,

从单轨到ASP.Net MVC

最后一次我使用了Castle Monorail的非平凡的.Net / C#应用程序,并且总体而言享受了这种体验。 .Net MVC的早期访问/预览版尚未公布。 现在许多“微软商店”会发现“官方”解决方案更具吸引力。 有没有人从单轨铁路去.Net MVC。 你是怎么找到这个开关的? 目前最大的区别是什么? 我已经开关了,因为你指出这将是微软商店的首选方式。 这个开关非常简单,Mike指出它默认提供了webform视图引擎,但是像Mike还表示,你仍然可