what is the Rvalue and Lvalue in c

Possible Duplicates: lvalue and rvalue difference between c's expression and c++'s expression On executing the program below, I got error an message like "required Lvalue is missing in main function" main() { int i; printf("%d",++i++); } Please tell me what are rvalues and lvalues. If there are any other values of this kind Please explain that also. http://www


可能重复: 左值和右值 c的表达和c ++的表达之间的区别 在执行下面的程序时,出现错误消息,如“主函数中缺少所需的左值” main() { int i; printf("%d",++i++); } 请告诉我什么是右值和左值。 如果有这种类型的其他值,请解释一下。 http://www.devx.com/tips/Tip/5696 我的东西++我不是左值所以(++ i)++是错误的。

Are literal strings and function return values lvalues or rvalues?

Just wonder if a literal string is an lvalue or an rvalue. Are other literals (like int, float, char etc) lvalue or rvalue? Is the return value of a function an lvalue or rvalue? How do you tell the difference? string literals are lvalues, but you can't change them rvalue, but if it's a pointer and non-NULL, the object it points to is an lvalue The C standard recognizes the ori


只是想知道一个文字串是一个左值还是右值。 其他文字(如int,float,char等)是左值还是右值? 函数的返回值是左值还是右值? 你如何分辨这些差异? 字符串文字是左值,但是你不能改变它们 rvalue,但是如果它是一个指针而非NULL,它指向的对象是一个左值 C标准认识到原始术语代表左侧和右侧,如L = R ; 然而,它认为将左值看作定位符值,这大致意味着您可以获取对象的地址,因此该对象具有位置。 (见C99中的6.3.

GCC PowerPC avoiding .rodata section for floats

I'm writing C code and compile it for the PowerPC architecture. That said C code contains floating point variable constants which I want to be placed in the .text section instead of .rodata so the function code is self-contained. The problem with this is that in PowerPC , the only way to move a floating point value into a floating point register is by loading it from memory. It is an inst

GCC PowerPC避免浮动的.rodata节

我正在编写C代码并将其编译为PowerPC体系结构。 也就是说C代码包含浮点变量常量,我想将它放在.text节中,而不是.rodata因此函数代码是自包含的。 问题在于,在PowerPC ,将浮点值移入浮点寄存器的唯一方法是从内存中加载它。 这是一个指令集限制。 为了说服GCC帮助我,我尝试将float声明为static const 。 没有不同。 使用指针,结果相同。 对函数使用__attribute__((section(".text"))) ,单独使用相同的结

All possible array initialization syntaxes

C#中可能的所有数组初始化语法是什么? These are the current declaration and initialization methods for a simple array. string[] array = new string[2]; // creates array of length 2, default values string[] array = new string[] { "A", "B" }; // creates populated array of length 2 string[] array = { "A" , "B" }; // creates populated array of length 2 Note that other techniques of obtaining arrays


C#中可能的所有数组初始化语法是什么? 这些是简单数组的当前声明和初始化方法。 string[] array = new string[2]; // creates array of length 2, default values string[] array = new string[] { "A", "B" }; // creates populated array of length 2 string[] array = { "A" , "B" }; // creates populated array of length 2 请注意,还有其他获取数组的技术,例如IEnumerable<T>上的Linq ToArray()扩展。 还要

C function syntax, parameter types declared after parameter list

I'm relatively new to C. I've come across a form of function syntax I've never seen before, where the parameter types are defined after that parameter list. Can someone explain to me how it is different than the typical C function syntax? Example: int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { return(0); } That's the old-style syntax for parameter lists, which is still suppo


我对C比较陌生。我遇到过一种我从未见过的函数语法形式,其中参数类型在参数列表之后定义。 有人能向我解释它与典型的C函数语法有何不同吗? 例: int main (argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { return(0); } 这是参数列表的旧式语法,仍然受支持。 在K&R C中,你也可以不使用类型声明,而是默认为int。 即 main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { return 0; } 将是相同的功能。 有趣的是,调用约定与功能的区别

What's the difference between 'int?' and 'int' in C#?

I am 90% sure I saw this answer on stackoverflow before, in fact I had never seen the "int?" syntax before seeing it here, but no matter how I search I can't find the previous post, and it's driving me crazy. It's possible that I've been eating the funny mushrooms by accident, but if I'm not, can someone please point out the previous post if they can find it or re

'int?'有什么区别? 和'int'在C#中?

我90%确定我以前在stackoverflow上看到过这个答案,实际上我从未见过“int?” 语法之前,在这里看到它,但无论我如何搜索我无法找到以前的帖子,这让我疯狂。 有可能我偶然吃了有趣的蘑菇,但如果我不是,有人能指出以前的帖子,如果他们能找到它或重新解释它吗? 我的计算器搜索fu显然太低.... 诠释? 是Nullable<int>简写。 这可能是您正在寻找的帖子。 诠释? 是可空的。 MSDN:使用可空类型(C#编程指

How to get started with developing Internet Explorer extensions?

Does anyone here have experience with/in developing IE extensions that can share their knowledge? This would include code samples, or links to good ones, or documentation on the process, or anything. I really want to do this, but I'm hitting a giant wall with lousy documentation, lousy code/example code/lack thereof. Any help/resources you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Speci

如何开始开发Internet Explorer扩展?

有没有人在这里有开发可扩展知识的IE扩展的经验? 这将包括代码示例,或者链接到好的,或者关于这个过程的文档,或者其他任何东西。 我真的很想这样做,但是我正在用一个糟糕的文档,糟糕的代码/示例代码/缺少的巨大墙壁。 任何帮助/资源你可以提供将不胜感激。 具体来说,我想从如何从IE扩展中访问/操作DOM开始。 编辑,甚至更多的细节: 理想情况下,我想种植一个工具栏按钮,点击后会弹出一个菜单,其中包含指向外

How can I figure out which tiles move and merge in my implementation of 2048?

I am building a little 2048 WinForms game just for fun. Note that this is not about a 2048 AI. I am just trying to make a 2048 game that can be played by humans. I first decided to use 0-17 to represent the tiles. 0 represents an empty tile. 1 represents a 2 tile. 2 represents a 4 tile. 3 represents a 8 tile, and so on. Then I was thinking about how to calculate the resulting board, gi


我正在构建一个小小的2048 WinForms游戏,只是为了好玩。 请注意,这不是关于2048 AI。 我只是想制作一个可以被人类玩的2048游戏。 我首先决定使用0-17来表示瓦片。 0代表一个空的瓦片。 1代表2瓦片。 2代表4个瓷砖。 3代表8瓦片,依此类推。 然后,我考虑如何计算最终的纸板,给出移动前的移动方向和纸板。 以下是我的想法: 要向上移动,只需将电路板逆时针旋转90度,向左移动,然后旋转电路板 要向右移动,只

Configure WebClient to speed up download

What I am doing I am trying to migrate Classic Asp app to ASP.NET MVC. Classic App was written for 15 years. There are no chance to write new project and migrate all code at one moment. Business app must work 24/7. What solutions I have found I did not find any good solution. One advice I have found starts with words "I feel your pain, bro". Business can not give such human r


我在做什么 我正尝试将Classic Asp应用程序迁移到ASP.NET MVC。 经典应用程序已写入15年。 没有机会编写新项目并且一次性迁移所有代码。 商业应用必须全天候工作。 我找到了什么解决方案 我没有找到任何好的解决方案。 我发现的一条建议是以“我感到你的痛苦,兄弟”这个词开始的。 企业不能为全球重构提供这样的人力资源。 所以我发现的唯一方法是使用WebClient编写某种代理。 建筑 我有托管经典ASP应用程序的IIS

What exactly is the difference between big oh and omega notation?

I know that big oh is for upper bound and omega is for lower bound but most of the places I see only big oh notation. For eg. In linear search algorithm, the worst case is big oh(n). However, searched no. can be found on very first place. so, no. of inputs is 1. Hence, it's the best case scenario. so, we can write it as big omega(1). But I have seen, at many places big oh is used for


我知道,大哦是上界,欧米茄是下界,但大多数地方我只看到很大的哦符号。 例如。 在线性搜索算法中,最坏的情况是大哦(n)。 但是,搜索没有。 可以在第一个地方找到。 所以不行。 的投入是1.因此,这是最好的情况。 所以,我们可以把它写成大欧米茄(1)。 但我已经看到,在很多地方,大哦也用于最好的情况,但我不知道为什么。 我知道两种符号之间的理论差异。 但是,我几乎无法理解它。 有三个重要的复杂类: