I can't get to the bottom of this error, because when the debugger is attached, it does not seem to occur. Below is the code. This is a WCF server in a Windows service. The method NotifySubscribers is called by the service whenever there is a data event (at random intervals, but not very often - about 800 times per day). When a Windows Forms client subscribes, the subscriber ID is added
我无法得到这个错误的底部,因为当调试器被连接时,它似乎不会发生。 以下是代码。 这是Windows服务中的WCF服务器。 每当发生数据事件时(服务器会随机调用NotifySubscribers方法,但并不经常 - 每天大约800次)。 当Windows Forms客户订阅时,订阅者ID被添加到订阅者字典中,当客户端取消订阅时,它将从字典中删除。 错误发生在客户退订时(或之后)。 看起来,下一次调用NotifySubscribers()方法时,foreach()循环
Is it possible to have an anonymous type implement an interface. I've got a piece of code that I would like to work, but don't know how to do this. I've had a couple of answers that either say no, or create a class that implements the interface construct new instances of that. This isn't really ideal, but I'm wondering if there is a mechanism to create a thin dynamic class
是否有可能有一个匿名类型实现一个接口。 我有一段我想工作的代码,但不知道该怎么做。 我有几个答案,要么不说,要么创建一个实现接口的类来构造新的实例。 这并不是很理想,但我想知道是否有一种机制可以在简单的界面之上创建一个薄动态类。 public interface DummyInterface { string A { get; } string B { get; } } public class DummySource { public string A { get; set; } public string C { get;
nb I know that this question has been asked on StackOverflow before in a variety of different ways and circumstances, but the search for the answer I seek doesn't quite help my specific case. So while this initially looks like a duplicate of a question such as How can I convert an integer to a hexadecimal string in C? the answers given, are accurate, but not useful to me. My question is h
NB我知道这个问题已经以各种不同的方式和情况在StackOverflow上被询问过了,但是寻找我寻求的答案对我的具体情况并没有什么帮助。 所以,尽管这最初看起来像一个问题的重复,如何如何将整数转换为C中的十六进制字符串? 给出的答案是准确的,但对我无用。 我的问题是如何手动将十进制整数转换为十六进制字符串。 我知道stdlib.h和printf有一些节奏技巧,但这是一项大学任务,我需要手动完成(教授的命令)。 然而,我们被
suppose I have x.dll in C++ which looks like this MYDLLEXPORT const char* f1() { return "Hello"; } MYDLLEXPORT const char* f2() { char* p = new char[20]; strcpy(p, "Hello"); return p; } Now, suppose I want to use this in C# [DllImport("x.dll")] public static extern string f1(); [DllImport("x.dll")] public static extern string f2(); Is there any way to tell CLR to take strong
假设我在C ++中有x.dll,它看起来像这样 MYDLLEXPORT const char* f1() { return "Hello"; } MYDLLEXPORT const char* f2() { char* p = new char[20]; strcpy(p, "Hello"); return p; } 现在,假设我想在C#中使用它, [DllImport("x.dll")] public static extern string f1(); [DllImport("x.dll")] public static extern string f2(); 有什么办法可以告诉CLR对f2返回的字符串拥有强大的所有权,但不是f1
About one percent of our users experience sudden crash while using our application. The logs show below exception, the only thing in common that I've seen so far is that, they all have XP SP3. Thanks in advance Out of memory. at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status) at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32
大约百分之一的用户在使用我们的应用程序时遇到突然崩溃。 日志显示下面的例外,迄今为止我见过的唯一共同点是,它们都具有XP SP3。 提前致谢 Out of memory. at System.Drawing.Graphics.CheckErrorStatus(Int32 status) at System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawImage(Image image, Rectangle destRect, Int32 srcX, Int32 srcY, Int32 srcWidth, Int32 srcHeight, GraphicsUnit srcUnit, ImageAttributes imageAttrs, Draw
I just want know best practice about writing repository methods. Problem is deciding to write repository in which context has no lazy loading. How do you naming your method if it is GetById but it is not clear that which the navigations included in entity. So I am thinking to write method names like GetUserByIdIncludedPosts Or it is better to use lazy loading activated context ? If I write
我只想知道编写存储库方法的最佳实践。 问题在于决定编写其中上下文没有延迟加载的存储库。 你如何命名你的方法,如果它是GetById,但不清楚哪些导航包含在实体中。 所以我正在考虑编写像GetUserByIdIncludedPosts这样的方法名或者使用延迟加载激活的上下文更好? 如果我在方法名称中写入包含的属性,那么对于很少导航属性来说,真的很烦人。 我在我的存储库基类中使用以下内容以允许检索实体以及用户指定的依赖关系/关
i have a string that gets generated and looks like this: word1:word2:word3:word4 the words i want to find out a seperated by ":" so i coded the following: string word1 = ""; string word2 = ""; string word3 = ""; string word4 = ""; int part = 1; int last_sign = 0; for (int i = 0; i < string1.Length; i++) { if (string1[i] == ':') { if (part == 2)
我有一个生成的字符串,如下所示: WORD1:WORD2:WORD3:word4 我想找到一个单独的词“:” 所以我编码如下: string word1 = ""; string word2 = ""; string word3 = ""; string word4 = ""; int part = 1; int last_sign = 0; for (int i = 0; i < string1.Length; i++) { if (string1[i] == ':') { if (part == 2) { part = part + 1; } }
I have a simple flat file like this: Forbidden Words Word1 Word6 Word3 Then I'm going to remove these words from a column values in a table like this(words are separated using ';'): Original Column Values word1;word5;word8;word2;word6 word2;word4;word1;word0;word9 // and so on I used an OLE DB Source to read the table from SQL and do some conversion and used a scri
我有这样一个简单的平面文件: 禁止的词 字1 Word6 WORD3 然后,我将从这样的表中的列值中移除这些单词(单词使用';'分隔): 原始列值 WORD1;的word5; word8; WORD2; word6 WORD2; word4; WORD1; WORD0; word9 // 等等 我使用OLE DB Source从SQL中读取表并进行一些转换,并使用脚本组件删除这些词。 我可以使用Flat文件源来读取禁止的单词,但是如何在脚本组件中使用它们,请使用如下结果: 转
How do I know how many groups of two words exist in a phrase? this is my Code var str = "word1 word2 word3 word4 word5"; Console.WriteLine(str.CountGroupWords(2)); Console.ReadKey(); The result should be: 2 because word1 and word2 is a group and word3 and word4 is other group, word5 is not part of any group Exists a regex pattern for solve this problem? Using rege
我怎么知道一个短语中有两个单词组有多少组? 这是我的代码 var str = "word1 word2 word3 word4 word5"; Console.WriteLine(str.CountGroupWords(2)); Console.ReadKey(); 结果应该是:2,因为word1和word2是一个组,word3和word4是另一个组,word5不是任何组的一部分 存在解决此问题的正则表达式模式? 使用正则表达式解决方案。 将仅匹配[a-zA-Z0-9_]并忽略任何多个空格 示例: string
"Everyone" knows the usefull DistintBy extension from MoreLinq, i need to use it to distinct a list os object by more than one property (no problem with it) and when one of this properties is a list, here is my custom class: public class WrappedNotification { public int ResponsibleAreaSourceId { get; set; } public int ResponsibleAreaDestinationId { get; set; } public List&l
“每个人”都知道MoreLinq有用的DistintBy扩展,我需要使用它来通过多个属性来区分一个列表的os对象(没有问题),并且当这些属性之一是一个列表时,这里是我的自定义类: public class WrappedNotification { public int ResponsibleAreaSourceId { get; set; } public int ResponsibleAreaDestinationId { get; set; } public List<String> EmailAddresses { get; set; } public string GroupName { get;