Our low level logging library has to cope with all sorts of log messages sent to it. Some of these messages include curly braces (as part of the text), and some contain parameters to be formatted as part of the string using String.Format For example, this string could be an input to the Logger class: "Parameter: {Hostname} Value: {0}" With the correct variable sent to use for the
我们的低级日志记录库必须处理发送给它的各种日志消息。 这些消息中的一些包括大括号(作为文本的一部分),一些包含参数要使用String.Format格式化为字符串的一部分 例如,该字符串可以是Logger类的输入: “参数:{主机名}值:{0}”使用格式化程序发送的正确变量。 为了正确地做到这一点,我必须摆脱不属于格式化的大括号(通过将它们加倍)。 我想用Regex做这件事,但是这并不像看起来那么简单,因为我不知道如何将这
Possible Duplicate: Escape curly brace '{' in String.Format c# has a String.Format method that allows you to format a string but inserting params with the tokens {0} {1} I am trying to create a simple json string which requires curly brackets to be in the string, and so it is breaking the formatter String.Format("{ foo:'{0}', bar:'{1}' }", foo, bar); Adding an escape before the br
可能重复: 在String.Format中转义大括号'{' c#有一个String.Format方法,它允许你格式化一个字符串,但插入带有标记{0} {1} 我想创建一个简单的json字符串,它需要大括号在字符串中,所以它正在打破格式化程序 String.Format("{ foo:'{0}', bar:'{1}' }", foo, bar); 在大括号之前添加一个转义没有帮助 抛出一个异常说我的字符串格式不正确,任何人都知道如何解决这个问题? 你可以通过在你的格式字符串中加
Possible Duplicate: Unsubscribe anonymous method in C# Single-shot event subscription Is it possible to get a reference to an event handler from within the event handler itself so you can unhook it from the event that called it? For instance, I'd love to make the control.Loaded event point to a Lambda, but if I did, I don't know what to pass to the unhook (-=) call. Here's a
可能重复: 在C#中取消订阅匿名方法 单发事件订阅 是否有可能从事件处理程序本身中获取对事件处理程序的引用,以便您可以从调用它的事件中解除它的作用? 例如,我很乐意将control.Loaded事件指向一个Lambda,但如果我这样做了,我不知道要传递给unhook( - =)调用的是什么。 以下是代码摘录: private static void IsEnabled_Changed(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var control = (
I know a lot of people have asked the question of "how do I unsubscribe the following" myButton.Click += (s, e) => MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); With the obvious answer of EventHandler HelloWorld = delegate { MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); }; myButton.Click -= HelloWorld; myButton.Click += HelloWorld; But what I'm using a lambda to create a closure? What if my object ha
我知道很多人都问过“我如何取消订阅以下内容” myButton.Click += (s, e) => MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); 有了明显的答案 EventHandler HelloWorld = delegate { MessageBox.Show("Hello World!"); }; myButton.Click -= HelloWorld; myButton.Click += HelloWorld; 但是,我使用lambda来创建一个闭包? 如果我的对象有一个名为AssessmentRationChanged的Action类型的事件,我就这样连线: foreach (MassFMVUpdateD
UPDATE As of C# 6, the answer to this question is: SomeEvent?.Invoke(this, e); I frequently hear/read the following advice: Always make a copy of an event before you check it for null and fire it. This will eliminate a potential problem with threading where the event becomes null at the location right between where you check for null and where you fire the event: // Copy the event delegat
UPDATE 从C#6开始,这个问题的答案是: SomeEvent?.Invoke(this, e); 我经常听到/阅读以下建议: 在检查它为null并且启动之前,始终制作一个事件的副本。 这将消除线程潜在的问题,在检查null和发生事件的位置之间的位置,事件变为null : // Copy the event delegate before checking/calling EventHandler copy = TheEvent; if (copy != null) copy(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Call any handlers on the copied
I often run into a situation where I want to subscribe to an event, but I want to use a lambda to do so: public class Observable { public event EventHandler SomethingHappened; public void DoSomething() { // Do Something... OnSomethingHappened(); } } // Somewhere else, I hook the event observable.SomethingHappened += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine("Someth
我经常遇到想要订阅事件的情况,但我想使用lambda来实现: public class Observable { public event EventHandler SomethingHappened; public void DoSomething() { // Do Something... OnSomethingHappened(); } } // Somewhere else, I hook the event observable.SomethingHappened += (sender, args) => Console.WriteLine("Something Happened"); 我遇到的问题是我不知道如何解除事
UPDATE I have combined various answers from here into a 'definitive' answer on a new question. Original question In my code I have an event publisher, which exists for the whole lifetime of the application (here reduced to bare essentials): public class Publisher { //ValueEventArgs<T> inherits from EventArgs public event EventHandler<ValueEventArgs<bool>>
UPDATE 我已经将来自这里的各种答案综合成一个关于新问题的“确定性”答案。 原始问题 在我的代码中,我有一个事件发布者,它存在于应用程序的整个生命周期中(这里简化为必需品): public class Publisher { //ValueEventArgs<T> inherits from EventArgs public event EventHandler<ValueEventArgs<bool>> EnabledChanged; } 由于这个出版商可以在各地使用,我很高兴自己创建这个小帮手类,
Is there a difference between these two implementations? 1 : public class SMSManager : ManagerBase { private EventHandler<SheetButtonClickEventArgs> _buttonClickevent; public SMSManager(DataBlock smsDataBlock, DataBlock telephonesDataBlock) : base(smsDataBlock) { _buttonClickevent = new EventHandler<SheetButtonClickEventArgs>(OnButtonClick); Sh
这两个实现有什么区别吗? 1: public class SMSManager : ManagerBase { private EventHandler<SheetButtonClickEventArgs> _buttonClickevent; public SMSManager(DataBlock smsDataBlock, DataBlock telephonesDataBlock) : base(smsDataBlock) { _buttonClickevent = new EventHandler<SheetButtonClickEventArgs>(OnButtonClick); SheetEvents.ButtonClick += _button
I need someone to help me with this little problem I have. Here's a code fragment: void shuffle() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // here should be the computations of x and y buttons[i].Click += (s, e) => { show_coordinates(x, y); }; // shuffling going on } } void show_coordinates(int x, int y) { MessageBox.Show(x + " " + y); } as you can see
我需要有人帮助我解决这个小问题。 这是一个代码片段: void shuffle() { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // here should be the computations of x and y buttons[i].Click += (s, e) => { show_coordinates(x, y); }; // shuffling going on } } void show_coordinates(int x, int y) { MessageBox.Show(x + " " + y); } 正如你所看到的,我每次运行循环时都会为每个按钮创
I have a control that I added an event to. However, I needed to pass some extra parameters to the event method, so I use lambda expression like it was described here: Pass parameter to EventHandler comboBox.DropDown += (sender, e) => populateComboBox(sender, e, dataSource, selectedItem); But this event should only fire the first time the conditions are met after what it should be removed.
我有一个控件,我添加了一个事件。 但是,我需要将一些额外的参数传递给事件方法,所以我使用lambda表达式,如下所述: 将参数传递给EventHandler comboBox.DropDown += (sender, e) => populateComboBox(sender, e, dataSource, selectedItem); 但是这个事件应该在第一次满足条件后才会被解雇。 这样做不起作用: comboBox.DropDown -= (sender, e) => populateComboBox(sender, e, dataSource, selectedItem);