I'm playing around with signals: SIGSTOP and SIGCONT in particular. Here is a test program I wrote. The idea is to create a chain of N + 1 processes (including the main process). Each one has to wait for its child to stop, then stop itself. The main process has to wake up its child when the latter has stopped. To do so, the f function recursively create the process chain. Each of the p


我在玩弄信号: SIGSTOP和SIGCONT 。 这是我写的一个测试程序。 这个想法是创建一个N + 1过程链(包括主过程)。 每个人都必须等待孩子停下来,然后停下来。 当后者停止时,主要过程必须唤醒其孩子。 为此, f函数递归地创建流程链。 除了最后一个直接停止自己的孩子以外,每个进程都使用SIGCHLD信号的sigsuspend。 当其孩子停止时,一个进程将收到SIGCHLD信号,然后它可以停止。 当主进程接收到SIGCHLD信号时,意味着

signals in linux c programing

I am programing a system with 3 processes, Judge , Player 1 , and player 2 . I use signal kill(playerPid,SIGUSR1) for the judge to wake up a player on his turn, and a signal kill(judge,SIGHUP) to wake up the judge after a turn is complete. after each kill signal i use a pause() so the process wont continue. the problem is sometimes after a kill signal for example from player to judge , the j

在linux c编程中的信号

我正在用3个进程编写一个系统, Judge , Player 1和player 2 。 我使用信号kill(playerPid,SIGUSR1)让judge在轮到他时唤醒一名player ,并在信号完成后用信号kill(judge,SIGHUP)来唤醒法官。 在每个kill signal我使用一个pause()所以这个过程不会继续。 问题有时会发生在例如来自player judge的kill signal之后,在球员pause()之前, judge醒来pause() 。 并且下一次judge会唤醒这名player他会pause并且我的程序将会叠加

How are asynchronous signal handlers executed on Linux?

I would like to know exactly how the execution of asynchronous signal handlers works on Linux. First, I am unclear as to which thread executes the signal handler. Second, I would like to know the steps that are followed to make the thread execute the signal handler. On the first matter, I have read two different, seemingly conflicting, explanations: The Linux Kernel, by Andries Brouwer, §5.


我想知道在Linux上如何执行异步信号处理程序。 首先,我不清楚哪个线程执行信号处理程序。 其次,我想知道让线程执行信号处理程序的步骤。 关于第一个问题,我读了两个不同的,看似矛盾的解释: 由Andries Brouwer撰写的Linux Kernel第5.2节“接收信号”指出: 当信号到达时,过程中断,当前寄存器被保存,并且调用信号处理程序。 当信号处理程序返回时,中断的活动将继续。 StackOverflow问题“在多线程程序中处理异步

Signalling all threads in a process

Without keeping a list of current threads, I'm trying to see that a realtime signal gets delivered to all threads in my process. My idea is to go about it like this: Initially the signal handler is installed and the signal is unblocked in all threads. When one thread wants to send the 'broadcast' signal, it acquires a mutex and sets a global flag that the broadcast is taking plac


在不保留当前线程列表的情况下,我试图看到实时信号传递给我的进程中的所有线程。 我的想法是这样做: 首先安装信号处理程序,并在所有线程中解除信号阻塞。 当一个线程想要发送'广播'信号时,它会获取一个互斥并设置广播发生的全局标志。 发送方为自己阻塞信号(使用pthread_sigmask ),并进入一个重复调用raise(sig)的循环,直到sigpending指示信号处于挂起状态(信号被阻塞时没有剩余线程)。 当线程接收到

How to read / parse input in C? The FAQ

I have problems with my C program when I try to read / parse input. Help? This is a FAQ entry. StackOverflow has many questions related to reading input in C, with answers usually focussed on the specific problem of that particular user without really painting the whole picture. This is an attempt to cover a number of common mistakes comprehensively, so this specific family of questions c

如何读取/解析C中的输入? FAQ

当我尝试读取/解析输入时,我的C程序出现问题。 帮帮我? 这是一个FAQ条目。 StackOverflow有很多与阅读C语言输入有关的问题,答案通常集中在特定用户的特定问题上,而不是真正绘制整个图片。 这是一个全面涵盖一些常见错误的尝试,所以这个特定的问题家族可以简单地通过将它们标记为这个问题的重复来回答: 为什么最后一行打印两次? 为什么我的scanf("%d", ...) / scanf("%c", ...)失败?

What's happening here? What kind of member is "Optional"?

Can anyone tell me what is happening in below code. What is the reason behind declaring a member as the class type ?? public sealed class UrlParameter { // Summary: // Contains the read-only value for the optional parameter. public static readonly UrlParameter Optional; // Summary: // Returns an empty string. This method supports the ASP.NET MVC infrastructure

这里发生了什么事? 什么样的成员是“可选”?

任何人都可以告诉我下面的代码中发生了什么。 将成员声明为类类型的原因是什么? public sealed class UrlParameter { // Summary: // Contains the read-only value for the optional parameter. public static readonly UrlParameter Optional; // Summary: // Returns an empty string. This method supports the ASP.NET MVC infrastructure // and is not intended to be used d

Transactions in .net

What are the best practices to do transactions in C# .Net 2.0. What are the classes that should be used? What are the pitfalls to look out for etc. All that commit and rollback stuff. I'm just starting a project where I might need to do some transactions while inserting data into the DB. Any responses or links for even basic stuff about transactions are welcome. There are 2 main kinds o


在C#.Net 2.0中执行事务的最佳实践是什么? 什么是应该使用的类? 有什么陷阱要留意等所有提交和回滚的东西。 我刚刚开始一个项目,在将数据插入数据库时​​可能需要执行一些事务。 任何有关交易的基本内容的反应或链接都是受欢迎的。 主要有两种交易; 连接交易和环境交易。 连接事务(如SqlTransaction)直接绑定到数据库连接(例如SqlConnection),这意味着您必须保持传递连接 - 在某些情况下可以,但不允许“创建/使

Authenticating WCF Rest webservices

I have a created webservice REST Webservice in C# without any authentication. Now, i am looking into adding authentication to the webservice. The webservice exposes 6 methods (all are GET), out of these 6 methods, i want to restrict the access of 2 methods to member of "Admin" group. Currently, my webservice is hosted on a ConsoleHost. The consumer of this service would be in same d


我有一个创建的Web服务REST Web服务在C#中没有任何身份验证。 现在,我正在考虑向web服务添加身份验证。 webservice公开了6种方法(全部都是GET),在这6种方法中,我想限制2个方法对“Admin”组成员的访问。 目前,我的webservice托管在一个ConsoleHost上。 此服务的使用者将位于同一个域中(通常是另一个应用程序),所以如果我能够将客户端的域/用户名(Windows Credentials)传递给Web服务。 我可以检查web服务,以查找

Downgrading solution from Visual Studio 2017 RC to Visual Studio 2015

I have had a project in VS 2015 Update 3 with a lot of code logic behind. I upgraded it to VS 2017 RC successfully. The code implementation went on and on until getting to the point where VS 2017 RC exhibited a lot of issues and instabilities eg .Net Core DLL template removed! by installer or Resource file could not be compiled and so forth! I'd like to revert the solution back to VS 2015

将解决方案从Visual Studio 2017 RC降级到Visual Studio 2015

我在VS 2015 Update 3中有一个项目,后面有很多代码逻辑。 我成功升级到VS 2017 RC。 代码实现一直持续到VS 2017 RC展示了很多问题和不稳定性,例如.Net Core DLL模板被移除! 由安装程序或资源文件无法编译等等! 我想将该解决方案恢复到VS 2015以保持完美工作,但由于在VS 2017中实施了大量代码(不包括新的Roslyn功能),因此很难做到这一点。 任何建议如何执行降级? 这确实是一个手动过程,没有任何工具可以自动化。

C# generic collections

I'm coming to C# from a Java background and keep bumping in to the same sort of problem with generics that would be trivial to solve in Java. Given the classes: interface IUntypedField { } class Field<TValue> : IUntypedField { } interface IFieldMap { void Put<TValue>(Field<TValue> field, TValue value); TValue Get<TValue>(Field<TValue> field); } I'


我来自Java背景的C#,并且继续碰到类似的问题,而泛型在Java中很容易解决。 鉴于类: interface IUntypedField { } class Field<TValue> : IUntypedField { } interface IFieldMap { void Put<TValue>(Field<TValue> field, TValue value); TValue Get<TValue>(Field<TValue> field); } 我想写一些如下所示的内容: class MapCopier { void Copy(IEnumerable<IUntypedField&