I am working on a code in which at two places there are 64bit by 32 bit fixed point division and the result is taken in 32 bits. These two places are together taking more than 20% of my total time taken. So I feel like if I could remove the 64 bit division, I could optimize the code well. In NEON we can have some 64 bit instructions. Can any one suggest some routine to get the bottleneck reso
我正在研究一个代码,其中在两个地方有64位乘32位定点除法,结果取32位。 这两个地方在一起占用了我总时间的20%以上。 所以我觉得如果我可以删除64位分区,我可以很好地优化代码。 在NEON中,我们可以有一些64位指令。 任何人都可以建议一些例行程序,通过使用一些更快的实现来解决瓶颈问题。 或者如果我可以在C中使用32位/ 32位除法来实现64位/ 32位除法,那也很好吗? 如果有人有一些想法,你能帮我解决吗? 过去我
Many times in the examples of C programs, I came across these kind of loops. What do these kind of loops really do? do { while (...) // Check some condition if it is true. { calculation 1 } // Some new condition is checked. } while(true); What is the need of while(true); Is it used for infinite looping? Can someone please explain what the above loop really does.
在C程序的例子中,我经常遇到这种类型的循环。 这些循环究竟做了什么? do { while (...) // Check some condition if it is true. { calculation 1 } // Some new condition is checked. } while(true); 什么是while(true);的需要while(true); 它用于无限循环吗? 有人可以解释一下上面的循环究竟做了什么。 我是C编程的新手 当人们想要永远循环并且不知道循环中的突发情况时,就会使用这
Recently I was running into the following exception when using a generic dictionary An InvalidOperationException has occurred. A collection was modified I realized that this error was primarily because of thread safety issues on the static dictionary I was using. A little background: I currently have an application which has 3 different methods that are related to this issue. Method A it
最近我在使用通用字典时遇到以下异常 发生InvalidOperationException。 一个集合被修改了 我意识到这个错误主要是因为我使用的静态字典中存在线程安全问题。 一点背景:我目前有一个应用程序有3种不同的方法与这个问题有关。 方法A使用foreach遍历字典并返回一个值。 方法B将数据添加到字典中。 方法C改变字典中键的值。 有时在迭代字典时,数据也被添加,这是导致此问题的原因。 我一直在我的代码的foreach部分
I am using jQuery 1.9.1 and MVC 4. I have the following javascript: $.ajax({ url: '/Home/doSomething', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ devices: [{ Id: 123, Name: "something", MapName: "map" },{ Id: 321, Name: "a name", MapName: "another map" }] }), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json' } And the following c# in my HomeController: [HttpPost] public string
我正在使用jQuery 1.9.1和MVC 4。 我有以下的JavaScript: $.ajax({ url: '/Home/doSomething', type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ devices: [{ Id: 123, Name: "something", MapName: "map" },{ Id: 321, Name: "a name", MapName: "another map" }] }), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json' } 和我的HomeController中的以下c#: [HttpPost] public string doSomething( Device[ ]
I studied this article on MSDN, as well as some questions/answers on SO regarding this topic, but cannot figure why below code does not work (in a sample console app). AggregateException is expected to be thrown, according to MSDN, which would contain one inner exception with hello message. Instead, this hello exception is unhandled. It happens when inside a debugger. If you press continue
我在MSDN上研究了这篇文章,以及关于这个主题的一些关于SO的问题/答案,但是不能确定下面的代码为什么不起作用(在示例控制台应用程序中)。 根据MSDN的说法,预计会抛出AggregateException,其中包含一个带有hello消息的内部异常。 相反,这个hello异常是未处理的。 它发生在调试器内部时。 如果您按继续或独立运行,它按预期工作。 有什么办法可以避免在VS中一直持续按下? 毕竟, Try...Catch块中的任何内容都被认为
I have a post build event which is writing to a text file. It is working fine when I am building the project from Visual Studio. But when I am using msbuild.exe the Post build event is not writing to the file. I am using msbuild with following parameters: msbuild.exe TestProj.Web.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:OutDir=C:TestProjbin /p:WebProjectOutputDir=C:TestProj /p:DebugSymbols=false /p
我有一个写入文本文件的帖子构建事件。 当我从Visual Studio构建项目时它工作正常。 但是,当我使用msbuild.exe Post生成事件不写入文件。 我正在使用带有以下参数的msbuild: msbuild.exe TestProj.Web.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:OutDir=C:TestProjbin /p:WebProjectOutputDir=C:TestProj /p:DebugSymbols=false /p:DebugType=None 后期构建事件如下所示: <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(BUILD_NUMBER)'=='
FxCop issues a violation of rule CA2201 if you throw System.IndexOutOfRangeException in your code (see reference). The rationale for this is that System.IndexOutOfRangeException is "reserved and should be thrown only by the common language runtime" according to the documentation. But what can actually go wrong if you throw System.IndexOutOfRangeException ? Nothing. From a technic
如果在代码中抛出System.IndexOutOfRangeException (参见参考资料),FxCop会违反规则CA2201。 这样做的基本原理是System.IndexOutOfRangeException是“保留的,应该根据文档仅由公共语言运行时引发”。 但是,如果抛出System.IndexOutOfRangeException那么究竟会出现什么问题呢? 没有。 从技术角度来看,抛出这个异常是非常好的。 如果你这样做,什么都不会破坏 但请记住,你应该抛出System.IndexOutOfRangeException
Edit: I just tried this with VS 2010, and the problem didn't occur. The issue only happens with VS 2012. Could this really be a bug? This is also happening on two separate laptops of mine, and even on a friend's laptop (that just got the latest code). First, a screenshot of the problem. This method is all new code. The debugger is skipping code from my recent check-in. The comment
编辑:我刚刚与VS 2010一起尝试,并没有发生问题。 这个问题只发生在VS 2012上。难道这真的是一个错误? 这也发生在我的两个独立的笔记本电脑上,甚至在朋友的笔记本电脑上(刚刚得到最新的代码)。 首先,该问题的截图。 这种方法都是新的代码。 调试器正在跳过我最近签入的代码。 下面的代码中的注释说明了我调试此方法时发生的情况。 所以实际上不需要尝试和理解代码; 只是注意到代码行被跳过了。 如果您认为代码
Doing this is bad form because it doesn't preserve a stack trace: try { /*... some code that can throw an exception ...*/ } catch (Exception e) { throw e; // ...Use "throw;" by itself instead } However, if the exception is caught on a non-UI thread, I want to do raise it back up to the UI and handle it so the user gets the message like so: try { /*... some code that can throw an except
这样做是不好的形式,因为它不保留堆栈跟踪: try { /*... some code that can throw an exception ...*/ } catch (Exception e) { throw e; // ...Use "throw;" by itself instead } 但是,如果在非UI线程上捕获到异常,我想要将其提交回UI并进行处理,以便用户可以像这样获取消息: try { /*... some code that can throw an exception ...*/ } catch (Exception e) { Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() => { throw;
Is there a way to make the code analysis spell-checker accept an acronym that contains a number? I'm getting CA1704 and CA1709 warnings from code analysis in a C# application where I have identifiers with an acronym that contains a number. For example, "CheckAbc2deStatus". CA1704 wants to correct the spelling of Abc, while CA1709 wants "de" changed to "DE".
有没有办法让代码分析拼写检查器接受包含数字的首字母缩略词? 在C#应用程序中,我从代码分析中得到CA1704和CA1709警告,其中包含一个包含数字的首字母缩略词的标识符。 例如,“CheckAbc2deStatus”。 CA1704想要更正Abc的拼写,而CA1709要将“de”更改为“DE”。 我发现代码分析,丢失在CA1709和CA1704之间,并尝试将“Abc2de”放入代码分析字典中作为单词/识别/单词,单词/复合词/术语以及首字母缩写词/ CasingExceptions / Acr