When doing something like: int value; if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out value)) { if (condition) { //value = 0; this copies by value so it doesn't change the existing value dict[key] = 0; } } else { dict[key] = 0; } Is there any way I can avoid index lookup to replace the existing value? I'm already verifying the key exists using TryGetValue so it seems like a
当做类似的事情时: int value; if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out value)) { if (condition) { //value = 0; this copies by value so it doesn't change the existing value dict[key] = 0; } } else { dict[key] = 0; } 有没有什么办法可以避免索引查找来替换现有值? 我已经使用TryGetValue验证了密钥是否存在,因此看起来像是一种浪费,不得不再次通过索引检索值。 在单独的说明中,与
I'm implementing a 2-byte Radix Sort. The concept is to use Counting Sort, to sort the lower 16 bits of the integers, then the upper 16 bits. This allows me to run the sort in 2 iterations. The first concept I had was trying to figure out how to handle negatives. Since the sign bit would be flipped for negative numbers, then in hex form, that would make negatives greater than the positive
我正在实现一个2字节的基数排序。 其概念是使用计数排序来排序整数的低16位,然后排序高16位。 这使我可以在2次迭代中运行排序。 我有的第一个想法是试图找出如何处理负面情况。 由于符号位将被翻转为负数,然后以十六进制形式使负数大于正数。 为了解决这个问题,我在符号位正向时翻转了符号位,以使[0,2 bil] = [128 000 000 000,255 255 ...)。 当它是负数时,我翻转所有的位,使其范围从(000 000 ..,127 255 ..)
I was following the answer to another question, and I got: // itemCounter is a Dictionary<string, int>, and I only want to keep // key/value pairs with the top maxAllowed values if (itemCounter.Count > maxAllowed) { IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, int>> sortedDict = from entry in itemCounter orderby entry.Value descending select entry; sortedDict = sortedDic
我正在回答另一个问题,我得到了: // itemCounter is a Dictionary<string, int>, and I only want to keep // key/value pairs with the top maxAllowed values if (itemCounter.Count > maxAllowed) { IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, int>> sortedDict = from entry in itemCounter orderby entry.Value descending select entry; sortedDict = sortedDict.Take(maxAllowed); it
I have a business requirement that forces me to store a customer's full credit card details (number, name, expiry date, CVV2) for a short period of time. Rationale: If a customer calls to order a product and their credit card is declined on the spot you are likely to lose the sale. If you take their details, thank them for the transaction and then find that the card is declined, you can ph
我有一个业务要求,迫使我在短时间内存储客户的完整信用卡详细信息(号码,姓名,到期日期,CVV2)。 理由:如果客户打电话订购产品,并且他们的信用卡在现场被拒绝,您可能会失去销售。 如果你拿他们的细节,感谢他们的交易,然后发现卡被拒绝,你可以给他们打电话,他们更有可能找到另一种方式来支付产品。 如果信用卡被接受,则清除订单中的详细信息。 我无法改变这一点。 现有的系统以明文形式存储信用卡详细信息,并
I have a weighted graph with (in practice) up to 50,000 vertices. Given a vertex, I want to randomly choose an adjacent vertex based on the relative weights of all adjacent edges. How should I store this graph in memory so that making the selection is efficient? What is the best algorithm? It could be as simple as a key value store for each vertex, but that might not lend itself to the most
我有一个带有(实际上)多达50,000个顶点的加权图。 给定一个顶点,我想根据所有相邻边的相对权重随机选择一个相邻顶点。 我应该如何将此图存储在内存中,以便使选择更有效率? 什么是最好的算法? 它可以像每个顶点的关键值存储一样简单,但这可能不适用于最有效的算法。 我还需要能够更新网络。 请注意,我一次只需要一个“步骤”。 更正式地 :给定一个加权的,有向的和可能完整的图,令W(a,b)为边a-> b的权重
I have a question regarding C#, Mono and OSX. I have created a Program in C# using Windows Forms and am trying to make it usable on a Mac. Problem is, that the performance is extremely poor on OSX and I just can´t find a way to speed it up. The program itself is quite simple actually: A Client Server System using just two DataGridViews, a few ComboBoxes and Buttons, a TabControl, a few SplitC
我有一个关于C#,Mono和OSX的问题。 我在C#中使用Windows Forms创建了一个程序,并试图使它在Mac上可用。 问题是,OSX的性能非常差,我无法找到加速它的方法。 实际上,程序本身非常简单:只使用两个DataGridViews,几个ComboBoxes和Buttons,一个TabControl,几个SplitContainer的客户端服务器系统 - 就这些! 在Windows上运行良好,没有任何速度问题。 当我在Mac(MacBook Air,OSX版本10.8.3)上打开该程序时,需要
I have two lists: var list1 = new List<string> { "A", "A", "B", C" }; var list2 = new List<string> { "A", "B" }; and I would like to produce a list like var result = new[] { "A", "C" }; Where the list is all the elements from list1 removed from list2 I don't think there is a Linq extension method for this since Except removes duplicates. The non-linq way to do this would be:
我有两个列表: var list1 = new List<string> { "A", "A", "B", C" }; var list2 = new List<string> { "A", "B" }; 我想列出一个列表 var result = new[] { "A", "C" }; 当名单是所有元素list1从删除list2 ,我不认为有这个,因为一个LINQ扩展方法Except删除重复。 非LINQ方式做到这一点将是: var tempList = list1.ToList(); foreach(var item in list2) { tempList.Remove(item); } 但我想知道是否
Requirements: Get raw input from a microphone in real time Play that raw input back in real time I can't seem to find much from Googling about it. Has anyone used something like that? I'm using C#, and it needs to work on Windows, Linux, and Mac, the latter two with Mono. I might be willing to use p/invoke, but I'm not especially familiar with native code and it would be to
要求: 实时从麦克风获取原始输入 实时播放原始输入 我似乎无法从谷歌搜索中找到很多。 有没有人使用过类似的东西? 我使用的是C#,它需要在Windows,Linux和Mac上工作,而后者则与Mono搭配使用。 我可能会愿意使用p / invoke,但我对本机代码并不熟悉,这很难。 如果有人可以建议一个本地图书馆,我会给它一个镜头。 ManagedBass是新的.NET跨平台封装器,用于具有MIT许可证的unseseen Bass库。 它不仅是包装 -
This really baffles me. I've tried removing the readonly, changing names.. What am I doing wrong here? public abstract class CatalogBase<T> where T : class { protected readonly String DataPath; protected readonly XmlSerializer Serializer; private readonly XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces; protected CatalogBase(String dataPath) { DataPath = dataPath;
这真让我感到困惑。 我尝试删除只读,不断变化的名称..我在这里做错了什么? public abstract class CatalogBase<T> where T : class { protected readonly String DataPath; protected readonly XmlSerializer Serializer; private readonly XmlSerializerNamespaces _namespaces; protected CatalogBase(String dataPath) { DataPath = dataPath; Serializer = new XmlSerializer
I'm currently evaluation whether AutoMapper can be of benefit to our project. I'm working on a RESTful Web API using ASP.NET Web API, and one of the things I must return is a resource that contains links. Consider this simplified example, using the following domain object: public class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } } I need to map this into a resource object, sort of
我目前正在评估AutoMapper是否对我们的项目有利。 我正在使用ASP.NET Web API处理RESTful Web API,并且我必须返回的其中一个内容是包含链接的资源。 考虑这个简化的例子,使用下面的域对象: public class Customer { public string Name { get; set; } } 我需要将它映射到一个资源对象,有点像DTO,但增加了属性以方便REST。 这是我的资源对象可能是这样的: public class CustomerResource { public string Name