I have the following XML : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tt xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:tt="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling" xmlns:ttp="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter" xml:lang="fr-FR" ttp:timeBase="smpte" ttp:frameRate="24" ttp:frameRat
我有以下XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tt xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:tt="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml" xmlns:tts="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling" xmlns:ttp="http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#parameter" xml:lang="fr-FR" ttp:timeBase="smpte" ttp:frameRate="24" ttp:frameRateMultiplier="
The function calculates the value of sinh(x) using the following development in a Taylor series: I want to calculate the value of sinh(3) = 10.01787, but the function outputs 9. I also get this warning: 1>main.c(24): warning C4244: 'function': conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data This is my code: int fattoriale(int n) { int risultato = 1;
该函数使用Taylor系列中的以下开发来计算sinh(x)的值: 我想计算sinh(3)= 10.01787的值,但函数输出为9.我也得到这个警告: 1> main.c(24):警告C4244:'函数':从'double'转换为'int',可能丢失数据 这是我的代码: int fattoriale(int n) { int risultato = 1; if (n == 0) { return 1; } for (int i = 1; i < n + 1; i++) { risultato =
I have been struggling with this code and just do not seem to grasp what I am doing wrong. The code is suppose to calculate : Sum of a series of "Cosine" with pattern [(-1)^i(x)^2i]/(2i)! Here is my code thus far: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> float factorial(int n){ if (n==0) return 1; else return 2*n*factorial(n-1); } int main (){
我一直在努力处理这些代码,但似乎并没有把握我做错了什么。 该代码假设计算:具有模式[(-1)^ i(x)^ 2i] /(2i)的一系列“余弦”的和! 这是我迄今为止的代码: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> float factorial(int n){ if (n==0) return 1; else return 2*n*factorial(n-1); } int main (){ float i, n; float sum=0; printf("Enter desired interger: ");
Before any rapid answer i would like to explain my needs. I'm working on a C-Posix project focused on parallel computing with Pthreads. I did my research, and i found dozens of algorithms to calculate Pi: Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula, Machin-like formula, Leibniz formula for π, Chudnovsky algorithm, monte-carlo, Ramanujan, etc. The problem is that I don't need the "Best" alg
在任何快速回答之前,我想解释我的需求。 我正在研究一个专注于与Pthreads并行计算的C-Posix项目。 我做了我的研究,并且发现了数十种计算Pi的算法:Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe公式,Machin-like公式,π的Leibniz公式,Chudnovsky算法,monte-carlo,Ramanujan等。问题是我不' t在速度收敛或每次迭代数字方面需要“最佳”算法,因为获得pi不是项目本身的目标。 该项目的真正目标是比较解决串行和并行pthread的相同编程问题的性
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers Sorting date saved as string will only work when your date format is year.month.day . If you can't (or do not want) use DateTime variable to store date you will have to write your own comparer for 'Issue' or override Equals method. I'd advice to use proper type for Da
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 排序日期保存为字符串只有在日期格式为year.month.day时才有效。 如果你不能(或不想)使用DateTime变量来存储日期,你将不得不为自己的比较器编写'Issue'或覆盖Equals方法。 我建议使用适当的类型DateTime而不是字符串。 其中一种方法是使用linq,假设您的StartDate属性是string类型。 var sortedList = usersissueslist.OrderBy(it
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers You could use OrderBy linq extension and sort element. isSort= isSort.OrderBy(x=>x).ToList(); If Item is an object, specify property name in OrderBy expression to sort on that property. //ex.. isSort= isSort.OrderBy(x=>x.Value).ToList();
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 你可以使用OrderBy linq扩展和排序元素。 isSort= isSort.OrderBy(x=>x).ToList(); 如果Item是对象,请在OrderBy表达式中指定属性名称以对该属性进行排序。 //ex.. isSort= isSort.OrderBy(x=>x.Value).ToList();
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers Do you intend to make list elements generic? Like this: public static class ObjectExtension { public static List<T> Sort<T>(this List<T> list) where T : IFoo { list.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name)); return list; } } publ
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 你是否打算使列表元素通用? 喜欢这个: public static class ObjectExtension { public static List<T> Sort<T>(this List<T> list) where T : IFoo { list.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name)); return list; } } public interface IFoo { string Name { get; } } public
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers var sortedList = listname.OrderBy(l => int.Parse(l[1])); This assumes that the second entry in each array is parsable as int . If you're not sure about that, you'd need to add some checks and maybe use int.TryParse . 您可以在OrderBy引用数组的适当索引: var l = new List<
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 var sortedList = listname.OrderBy(l => int.Parse(l[1])); 这假定每个数组中的第二个条目可以解析为int 。 如果你不确定,你需要添加一些检查,也许使用int.TryParse 。 您可以在OrderBy引用数组的适当索引: var l = new List<string[]>() { new string[] { "a", "b", "c" },
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers LINQ makes it really easy to work with collections of things and it has an OrderBy option. Once you have them ordered you can again use LINQ to Select the process name of each and then use those names and use Select to insert them into the list. proc = Process.GetProcesses() .Ord
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 LINQ使得处理事物集合变得很容易,并且它有一个OrderBy选项。 一旦你有了它们,你可以再次使用LINQ来Select每个进程的名称,然后使用这些名称并使用Select将它们插入到列表中。 proc = Process.GetProcesses() .OrderBy(p => p.ProcessName) .ToArray(); proc.Select(p => p.ProcessName) .Select(listBox1.Items.Add); 请检查
This question already has an answer here: How to Sort a List<T> by a property in the object 19 answers It's definitely not something you should do manually (unless you're training your algorithmics skills :) ). It will make your code more complex and harder to maintain. Just put: using System.Linq; and do this: var sorted = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.PersonalNumber).
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何按对象中的属性排序列表<T> 19答案 这绝对不是你应该手动做的事情(除非你正在训练你的算法技能:))。 它会使你的代码更加复杂和难以维护。 刚刚说: using System.Linq; 并做到这一点: var sorted = list.OrderByDescending(x => x.PersonalNumber).ToList(); 你不需要成为Linq ninja来使用它。 我也强烈建议开始使用它。 我认为你可以认同它很容易阅读,而且很明显它