Query to detect duplicate rows

I had read data from an XML file into DataSet by using c# than I want to identify duplicate (completely the same ) rows in that set. I tried such kind of grouping and that works! var d= from r1 in table.AsEnumerable() group r1 by new { t0 = r1[0], t1 = r1[1], t2 = r1[2], t3 = r1[3], t4 = r1[4], t5 = r1[5],


我已经通过使用c#从一个XML文件读取数据到DataSet中,而不是我想要识别该集合中的重复(完全相同)的行。 我尝试了这样的分组,并且可行! var d= from r1 in table.AsEnumerable() group r1 by new { t0 = r1[0], t1 = r1[1], t2 = r1[2], t3 = r1[3], t4 = r1[4], t5 = r1[5], t6 = r1[6], t7 = r1[7],

Local Block as a part of the ContentArea

Preambula [ContentType(...)] public abstract class _BaseSitePage : PageData { ... } [ContentType(...)] public abstract class _ContentPage : _BaseSitePage { [Display(Name = "Content 1", GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 4)] public virtual ContentArea Content1 { get; set; } } public abstract class _FixedBodyLayoutPage : _ContentPage { [Display(Name = "Body", GroupName = S


Preambula [ContentType(...)] public abstract class _BaseSitePage : PageData { ... } [ContentType(...)] public abstract class _ContentPage : _BaseSitePage { [Display(Name = "Content 1", GroupName = SystemTabNames.Content, Order = 4)] public virtual ContentArea Content1 { get; set; } } public abstract class _FixedBodyLayoutPage : _ContentPage { [Display(Name = "Body", GroupName = S

Accessing the serial port in a portable class library in C#

I'm writing a UWP App in which I'm accessing the serial port via Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialDevice . Now I have to export my code into a portable class library. In the pcl I have no access to any framework which grand me access to the serial port of my computer. I've found this article. It says that I have to implement an interface in my pcl and write the code for


我正在编写一个UWP应用程序,通过Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialDevice访问串行端口。 现在我必须将我的代码导出到可移植的类库中。 在pcl中,我无法访问任何允许我访问我的计算机串口的框架。 我找到了这篇文章。 它说我必须在我的pcl中实现一个接口,并在一个额外的库中编写用于访问每个特定平台的串行端口的代码。 但我在编码方面没有那么先进,我也不太懂得如何去做。 正因为如此,我在问是否有人在访

How to serialize an object into an array of bytes (Portable Class Library)

I have an object that I want to serialize into byte[] in order to save it or move it around. Let's assume it's: public class Message { public MessageType MessageType { get; set; } public byte[] Body { get; set; } } public enum MessageType : byte { Type1 = 1, Type2 = 2, } My code is a .Net 4.5, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 PCL (Portable Class Library), and all the


我有一个对象,我想序列化为byte[]以保存或移动它。 我们假设它是: public class Message { public MessageType MessageType { get; set; } public byte[] Body { get; set; } } public enum MessageType : byte { Type1 = 1, Type2 = 2, } 我的代码是.Net 4.5,Windows 8.1和Windows Phone 8.1 PCL(可移植类库),我遇到的所有库,示例和答案都不适用于PCL,主要是因为它们使用了BinaryFormatter ,它是

Portable Class Library vs. library project

I want to know the difference between PCL (Portable Class Library) and a normal library. PCL uses profiles with which it can be determined which platforms and features are available. Both can generate a DLL which can be used on different platforms. For a normal library project you can also set the target framework (eg .NET 3.5). Xamarin says that #if compiler directives are only suitable for


我想知道PCL(可移植类库)和普通库之间的区别。 PCL使用可以确定哪些平台和功能可用的配置文件。 两者都可以生成可在不同平台上使用的DLL。 对于普通的库项目,你也可以设置目标框架(例如.NET 3.5)。 Xamarin说#if编译器指令只适用于共享项目,这意味着它们不在PCL中使用。 我认为PCL和图书馆项目非常相似。 那么,在处理不同的移动平台时,有什么不同呢? 可移植类库是平台独立的。 它们不使用条件编译和非托管代

Portable Class Libraries & WebRequest.ContentLength

I have a Portable Class Library that targets ".NET for Windows Store apps" and "Windows Phone 7.5 or higher". I make HTTP POST requests and as of last week, the admins in charge of the back-end decided that I need to send a ContentLength of 0 as opposed to -1 that is defaulted by .NET. I use the WebRequest class but i'm flexible enough to use HttpWebRequest if needed.


我有一个可移植类库,其目标是“.NET Windows应用商店应用程序”和“Windows Phone 7.5或更高版本”。 我做了HTTP POST请求,截至上周,负责后端的管理员决定发送ContentLength为0,而不是由.NET默认的-1。 我使用WebRequest类,但如果需要,我足够灵活以使用HttpWebRequest。 通常我会使用WebRequest.Create并设置ContentLength属性。 在PCL库中,ContentLength属性不可用。 如果我尝试添加一个带有“Content-Length”键的标题

Portable class library: recommended replacement for [Serializable]

I am porting a .NET Framework C# class library to a Portable Class Library. One recurring problem is how to deal with classes decorated with the [Serializable] attribute, since this attribute is not part of the Portable Class Library subset. Serialization functionality in the Portable Class Library subset instead appears to be covered by DataContractAttribute. To preserve as much of functiona


我正在将.NET Framework C#类库移植到可移植类库中。 一个反复出现的问题是如何处理用[Serializable]属性修饰的类,因为该属性不是可移植类库子集的一部分。 可移植类库子集中的序列化功能似乎被DataContractAttribute覆盖。 为了在可移植类库中保留尽可能多的功能,用[DataContract]属性替换[Serializable]是否足够(暗示所有需要序列化的字段和属性都需要用[DataMember]装饰为好)? 什么(如果有的话)将我无法使用这

Where is user.config loaded from during Visual Studio debugging

I have an application that reads from a user settings file, typically stored in Users/{username}/AppData/Local/{publisher}/{app}/{version}/user.config. I want to test making changes directly to the file, not through the Visual Studio properties editor. I found this answer to a different question that points to where the application is supposedly loading the file from, but it doesn't seem t

在Visual Studio调试期间从哪里加载user.config

我有一个从用户设置文件读取的应用程序,通常存储在用户/ {用户名} / AppData / Local / {发行者} / {app} / {版本} /user.config中。 我想测试直接对文件进行更改,而不是通过Visual Studio属性编辑器。 我发现这个答案是指向应用程序应该从何处加载文件的不同问题,但在Visual Studio中的调试会话期间检查时似乎并不存在。 例如,当我在立即窗口中在断点上停止时运行以下内容时,它无法找到该文件。 System.IO.File.Exist

Use user.config instead of app.config

Can someone give me a simple example on how to user user-settings instead of application-settings? I need to have user-specific Microsoft Unity section, but the config won't be created for the user on application startup. Also, I can't use the Visual Studio gui to create those settings. I need to modify some of the mappings during runtime as well. This is what I need in the User-Conf


有人能给我一个关于如何使用用户设置而不是应用程序设置的简单例子吗? 我需要具有用户特定的Microsoft Unity部分,但不会在应用程序启动时为用户创建配置。 另外,我不能使用Visual Studio gui来创建这些设置。 我需要在运行时修改一些映射。 这是我在User-Config中需要的(应该放在用户的应用数据中) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration> <configSections>

Is appname.exe.config required for user specific settings?

I'm building a simple winforms application which is using built-in settings for saving program options. All of the settings are per-user. As I can see from the generated cs file the default settings are embedded in the source code but the application still reads the appname.exe.config file when launched. If I delete the file the application seems to be working fine but I want to make sure


我正在构建一个简单的Winforms应用程序,它使用内置的设置来保存程序选项。 所有的设置都是每个用户。 正如我从生成的cs文件中看到的,默认设置嵌入在源代码中,但应用程序在启动时仍会读取appname.exe.config文件。 如果我删除文件,应用程序似乎工作正常,但我想确保它不会破坏任何东西。 那么,如果我只使用每个用户的设置,那么所需的文件呢? 设置设计器将默认值嵌入[DefaultSettingValue]属性中。 属性的“备注”部