full outer join 3 DataTables using Linq in c#

/*See last 3 lines of my question for my explanation of how my question is different than the suggested possible duplicate. */ I'm trying to join 3 DataTables together using Linq. Let's say the DataTable names are table1, table2, and table3 Let's say each Datatable has 6 columns, and the column names are col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, and col6. I want to join these tables where


/ *请参阅我的问题的最后3行,以解释我的问题与建议的可能副本的不同之处。 * / 我试图用Linq一起加入3个DataTables。 假设DataTable名称为table1,table2和table3假设每个Datatable有6列,列名称为col1,col2,col3,col4,col5和col6。 我想加入col1,col2,col3和col4匹配的这些表格。 我想将表2和表3中的第5列和第6列附加到table1中,结果是table4有10列,所有记录是否匹配(如果不匹配,则返回null)。 我早上大

How to filter certain DataRows in a Data Table

I have a DataTable like the one above, what is the efficient way to filter the rows Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4 should be matching with other row(s) Col5 differs something like below, How to extract the rows which differs by the Col5 Thanks I think that you may use ToTable(distinct, columns) method of System.Data.DataView. Below is the code sample: DataView view = new DataView(table); Da


我有一个像上面那样的DataTable,过滤行的有效方法是什么 Col1,Col2,Col3,Col4应与其他行匹配 Col5不同 像下面的东西, 如何提取Col5不同的行 谢谢 我认为你可以使用System.Data.DataView的ToTable(distinct,columns)方法。 以下是代码示例: DataView view = new DataView(table); DataTable distinctValues = view.ToTable(true, "Col1", "Col2" ,"Col3","Col4","Col5"); // DataTable dt = new DataTable(

Replace string values with LINQ

I have the following string containing column names: string colsToSelect; This string contains column names (eg: col1+col2+col3+col4+col5 or col1+col3) and in those columns there are numerical values. I am using this to get the total of all these columns from database. SELECT " + colsToSelect + " AS totalVolume " + "FROM myTable However I need to add nvl(col1,0) to each of the columns as th


我有以下包含列名称的字符串: string colsToSelect; 该字符串包含列名称(例如:col1 + col2 + col3 + col4 + col5或col1 + col3),并且在这些列中有数字值。 我正在使用它从数据库中获取所有这些列的总数。 SELECT " + colsToSelect + " AS totalVolume " + "FROM myTable 不过,我需要将nvl(col1,0)添加到每个列,因为这些列可能包含null。 我已经这样做了: colsToSelect = colsToSelect.Replace("+", "+nvl(

How to show multiple values in datagridview cell

I am unware the fact that whether it is possible to show different values from access table to a single datagridview cell. For example. If table xyz contain data like this col1 col2 col3 col4 Col5 B1 P1 P1 P2 P1/P1 B2 P1 P2 P3 B3 P1 P2 P3 B4 P2 P2 P3 P2/P2 I hope I am clear what I want to know? If this is possible how can I achieve this? Regards to all. if you want only show da


我不知道是否可以将访问表中的不同值显示为单个datagridview单元格。 例如。 如果表xyz包含这样的数据 col1 col2 col3 col4 Col5 B1 P1 P1 P2 P1 / P1 B2 P1 P2 P3 B3 P1 P2 P3 B4 P2 P2 P3 P2 / P2 我希望我清楚我想知道什么? 如果这是可能的,我怎么能做到这一点? 关心所有。 如果您只想显示数据,则需要转换ToString ,然后连接所需列的值。 只需创建一个查询( Access query ): SELECT col1 , col2

modifying a string variable

I have a string variable which is named query . It's value is: select col1, col2 from tab1 inner join (select col3, col4 from tab2) Would it be possible to apply a treatment to this string variable to replace the first appearance of select with select top 100 ? The string variable should become: select top 100 col1, col2 from tab1 inner join (select col3, col4 from tab2) var que


我有一个名为query的字符串变量。 它的价值在于: 从tab1中选择col1,col2 内部联接(从tab2选择col3,col4) 是否可以对这个字符串变量应用一个处理来替换select top 100的第一个select外观? 字符串变量应该变成: 从tab1中选择top 100 col1,col2 内部联接(从tab2选择col3,col4) var query = "select col1, col2 from tab1 inner join (select col3, col4 from tab2)"; var regex = new Regex("select"); que

select certain columns of a data table

I have a datatable and would like to know if its possible for me to select certain columns and input the data on a table. the columns are set out as below |col1 |col2 |col3|col4 |col5 |col6|col7 |col8 |col9 |col10 |col11 | I want to select column col1, col2 col6, col7,col3. and dispay the data in a gridview of the rows within the datatable.. currently the code that i am using is below and o


我有一个数据表,想知道是否可以选择某些列并将数据输入到表中。 列如下列出 | col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5 | col6 | col7 | col8 | col9 | col10 | col11 | 我想选择列col1,col2 col6,col7,col3。 并在数据表内的行的gridview中显示数据..目前我使用的代码是低于并且选择某些数据。 我不是从SQL中选择数据,而是从另一个存储在数据表中的Excel中选择数据..但是我需要另一个区域中的其他列。此数据正在写入一个

RegEx in c# for a piped (

I have an multiline input string of following format ID | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 The data might run into thousands of rows Data Type for Col1-8 could be alphanumeric or alpha only which may differ from row to row. I need to do following: Extract Col2 & Col3 out (Thinking of using Regex here instead of usual string splitting since later would be s

RegEx in c#for a pipe(

我有以下格式的多行输入字符串 ID | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8 数据可能会变成数千行Col1-8的数据类型可能是字母数字或仅字母数字,每行可能有所不同。 我需要做以下事情: 提取Col2和Col3(考虑在这里使用正则表达式,而不是通常的字符串分割,因为以后会比较慢)? 我还希望其余的数据也采用以下格式。 ID | Col1 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 | Col7 | Col8(这我可以使用str

C# SqlDataAdaptor Update not updating database

I have what is a relatively simple task in my brain, but it is much more difficult than anticipated, since I cannot get it working. I am working in C#, trying to parse data from a csv file into a DataTable, which I then want to insert into an SQL database. I want to do this so I can work from the database file in the future (I am hoping it will be faster and easier than the CSV file, but please


我脑中有一件相对简单的工作,但它比预想的要困难得多,因为我无法得到它的工作。 我正在使用C#,尝试将数据从csv文件解析到DataTable中,然后将其插入到SQL数据库中。 我想这样做,以便将来可以从数据库文件中工作(我希望它比CSV文件更快更简单,但请告诉我这是否是一个错误的假设)。 我可以将数据存入数据表。 然后我重命名列以匹配数据库文件中的内容。 然后我创建一个数据集,并将数据表添加为数据集的“表1”。 但

Xcode doesn't find third part library

I'm trying to install on my Mac a third-part dynamic library. I've got the header and the shared library xxx.dylib. I've put into /usr/local/include the header and in /usr/local/lib the xxx.dylib, but when in Xcode I try to include the library (in this way: ) the compiler tell me that he cannot find anything. What am I doing wrong? 您可能必须将/ usr / local / include和/ usr / loca


我试图在我的Mac上安装第三方动态库。 我有头文件和共享库xxx.dylib。 我已经把/ usr / local /包含在头文件中,并放在/ usr / local / lib xxx.dylib中,但是在Xcode中我试图包含这个库(这样:)编译器告诉我他找不到任何东西。 我究竟做错了什么? 您可能必须将/ usr / local / include和/ usr / local / lib添加到Xcode Header搜索路径和库搜索路径设置。

select() on stdin when there is already data in stdin's buffer

The select function blocks the calling process until there is activity on any of the specified sets of file descriptors [...] A file descriptor is considered ready for reading if a read call will not block. (See: https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Waiting-for-I_002fO.html) So I expected, that select in the following program would immediately return in the 2nd, ... iteration, if


select函数阻塞调用进程,直到在任何指定的文件描述符集上有活动[...]如果读取调用不会阻塞,则认为文件描述符已准备好可供读取。 (请参阅:https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Waiting-for-I_002fO.html) 所以我期望,如果在第一次迭代中输入大于4个字符的字符串,那么在下面的程序中选择将立即返回第二个...迭代。 但事实并非如此。 在第一个输出后按任何其他键后,它将继续处理所有剩余的输入。 为