Writing to output window of Visual Studio?

I am trying to write a message to the output window for debugging purposes. I searched for a function like Java's system.out.println("") . I tried Debug.Write , Console.Write , and Trace.Write . It does not give an error, but it does not print anything either. "Define DEBUG constant" and "Define TRACE constant" options are checked. Menu Tools → Options → D

写入Visual Studio的输出窗口?

我试图写出一条消息到输出窗口进行调试。 我搜索了一个像Java的system.out.println("")这样的函数。 我试过Debug.Write , Console.Write和Trace.Write 。 它不会给出错误,但它也不会打印任何内容。 选中“定义DEBUG常量”和“定义TRACE常量”选项。 菜单工具→选项→调试→“将所有输出窗口文本重定向到立即窗口”选项未被选中。 配置:活动(调试) 注意:如果相关,我使用向导创建了一个项目作为“Windows窗体应

What type of data should I use to represent a complex number? (C language)

This question already has an answer here: How to work with complex numbers in C? 6 answers A complex number should be a struct in C. struct complex { double real; double imaginary; } Because C does not support operator overloading (like, for example, C++ does), you cannot use operators "+" and "-", but instead need to implement functions like add and sub . struct

我应该使用什么类型的数据来表示复数? (C语言)

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何处理C中的复数? 6个答案 一个复数应该是C中的一个struct struct complex { double real; double imaginary; } 因为C不支持运算符重载(比如C ++),所以不能使用运算符“+”和“ - ”,而是需要实现add和sub等函数。 struct complex add (struct complex c1, struct complex c2) { struct complex result; result.real = c1.real + c2.real; result.imaginary = c1.imagin

Assigning to the real or imaginary part of a complex number in C

I need to work on complex to extract imaginary roots of polynomial using Newton's method. I'm getting an error, so I broke the code down to simple problem to see what's wrong. When I try to compile it it returns an error: warning: target of assignment not really an lvalue; this will be a hard error in the future Also I would like to know if there is anyway I can display the wh


我需要使用牛顿的方法来处理复数以提取多项式的虚根。 我遇到了一个错误,所以我将代码分解为简单的问题,以查看出了什么问题。 当我尝试编译它时,它返回一个错误: 警告:转让的目标不是真正的左翼; 这将是一个严重的错误 此外,我想知道,如果无论如何,我可以显示整个复杂的数字,而不用creal和cimag 。 #include<stdio.h> #include<complex.h> int main() { double complex z1 = 2 + 3*I; creal(z

Complex number support in OpenCL

I know that OpenCL doesn't have support for complex numbers, and by what I've read this feature isn't going to show up anytime soon. Still, several examples make use of complex numbers in OpenCL kernels (FFT implementations for instance). Does anybody have experience with this? What would be the "best" method to enable complex number support in OpenCL? I'd assume us


我知道OpenCL不支持复杂的数字,而且我读过的这个功能不会很快出现。 尽管如此,一些例子在OpenCL内核中使用了复数(例如FFT实现)。 有没有人有这方面的经验? 在OpenCL中启用复杂数字支持的“最佳”方法是什么? 我假设使用float2来包含实部和虚部,但是我应该写一组宏还是内联函数更好? 有没有人知道一组函数/宏是否已经存在用于此目的? 所以,因为我需要一组函数来处理OpenCL中的复数,我最终实现了一组函数。 具体

Azure Cloud Service Project opens two Browser Windows on Start when Debugging

I have a VS2013 (Update 3) Solution with one Azure Cloud Service Project that has one Web Role / ASP.Net Project and the later has 'Don't open a page.' selected underneath its Propers > Web tabcard, but whenever I start the Azure CS .ccproj for debugging (the later is set as startup project), two (not one) browser Windows are opened each time. Does anyone know where I can disabl


我有一个VS2013(Update 3)解决方案,其中一个Azure云服务项目具有一个Web角色/ ASP.Net项目,而后者具有“不打开页面”。 在它的Propers> Web tabcard下面选择,但是每当我启动Azure CS .ccproj进行调试时(后者设置为启动项目),每次打开两个(不是一个)浏览器Windows。 有没有人知道我可以禁用此功能,或者至少将其设置为一个窗口? 它使用Azure SDK 2.4运行,我使用IIS Express和(Azure)Emulator Express。 右键

Any reason to use 32 bit integers for common operations on 64 bit CPU?

I wonder if it's a good idea to keep using int (which is 32 bit on both x86 and x86_64) on 64 bit programs for variables that have nothing special and do not really need to span up to 2^64, like iteration counters, or if it's better to use size_t which matches the word size of the CPU. For sure if you keep using int you save half of the memory, and that could mean something speaking abo


我想知道是否在64位程序中继续使用int (在x86和x86_64上是32位)是一个好主意,这个变量没有什么特别的,并且不需要像迭代计数器那样跨越2 ^ 64,或者如果最好使用与CPU的字大小相匹配的size_t 。 当然,如果你继续使用int你可以节省一半的内存,这可能意味着有关CPU高速缓存的说法,但是我不知道在64位计算机上,每个32位数必须在使用前扩展到64位。 编辑:我用我的一个程序跑了一些测试(看到自己的答案,我仍然保持janne

How to improve the performance of this Haskell program?

I'm working through the problems in Project Euler as a way of learning Haskell, and I find that my programs are a lot slower than a comparable C version, even when compiled. What can I do to speed up my Haskell programs? For example, my brute-force solution to Problem 14 is: import Data.Int import Data.Ord import Data.List searchTo = 1000000 nextNumber :: Int64 -> Int64 nextNumber n


作为学习Haskell的一种方式,我正在解决Project Euler中的问题,并且发现即使在编译时,我的程序也比可比较的C版本慢很多。 我能做些什么来加快我的Haskell程序? 例如,我对问题14的蛮力解决方案是: import Data.Int import Data.Ord import Data.List searchTo = 1000000 nextNumber :: Int64 -> Int64 nextNumber n | even n = n `div` 2 | otherwise = 3 * n + 1 sequenceLength :: Int64 -> Int se

Generating permutations of a set (most efficiently)

I would like to generate all permutations of a set (a collection), like so: Collection: 1, 2, 3 Permutations: {1, 2, 3} {1, 3, 2} {2, 1, 3} {2, 3, 1} {3, 1, 2} {3, 2, 1} This isn't a question of "how", in general, but more about how most efficiently. Also, I wouldn't want to generate ALL permutations and re


我想生成一个集合(集合)的所有排列,如下所示: Collection: 1, 2, 3 Permutations: {1, 2, 3} {1, 3, 2} {2, 1, 3} {2, 3, 1} {3, 1, 2} {3, 2, 1} 这通常不是“如何”的问题,而是关于如何最有效的问题。 此外,我不想生成所有排列并返回它们,但一次只产生一个排列,并且只在必要时才继续排列(很像迭代器 - 我也尝试过,但结果却很少有效)。

Implementing rights with ASP.NET Identity

We are currently working on a smaller ASP.NET MVC 5 application using ASP.NET Identity. It allows us to maintain different projects and their tasks. We recently implemented basic authentication so we are able to register a user with our site and login with them. We want to be able to manage access rights on project basis so we can say for every single user that he has read, write, admin or no


我们目前正在使用ASP.NET Identity来处理较小的ASP.NET MVC 5应用程序。 它使我们能够维护不同的项目和他们的任务。 我们最近实施了基本认证,因此我们能够在我们的网站上注册用户并与他们一起登录。 我们希望能够在项目的基础上管理访问权限,因此我们可以为每个用户说明他已经阅读,写入,管理或没有指定项目的权限。 我的第一个想法是,我们可以在我们的数据库中创建一个存储用户权限的简单新表。 但是我觉得可能有一

What parts of Roslyn can you use with VS 2013?

I want to build a C# app that uses the Roslyn NuGet packages. I have Visual Studio 2013. Things were going fine until I hit a ReflectionTypeLoadException looking for Microsoft.Build version 14, which I take it comes with VS 2015 CTP (see this question). My question is, how far can you get with Roslyn without running into this issue? Do you just need to avoid using the MSBuildWorkspace class?

您可以在VS 2013中使用Roslyn的哪些部分?

我想构建一个使用Roslyn NuGet包的C#应用​​程序。 我有Visual Studio 2013.事情进展良好,直到我遇到ReflectionTypeLoadException寻找Microsoft.Build版本14,我把它与VS 2015 CTP(见这个问题)。 我的问题是,在没有遇到这个问题的情况下,你能与Roslyn有多远? 你只需要避免使用MSBuildWorkspace类? 有什么选择? 是否有可能从2015年开始下载并使用Microsoft.Build程序集,同时仍然使用2013 IDE? 您需要从http://go.