I am working on some embedded device which has SDK. It has a method like: MessageBox(u8*, u8*); // u8 is typedefed unsigned char when I checked But I have seen in their examples calling code like: MessageBox("hi","hello"); passing char pointer without cast. Can this be well defined? I am asking because I ran some tool over the code, and it was complaining about above mismatch: messageBox(
我正在研究一些有SDK的嵌入式设备。 它有一个方法,如: MessageBox(u8*, u8*); // u8 is typedefed unsigned char when I checked 但是我在他们的例子中看到了调用代码的例子: MessageBox("hi","hello"); 传递字符指针而不用转换。 这可以很好地定义吗? 我在问,因为我在代码上运行了一些工具,并且抱怨上面的不匹配: messageBox("Status", "Error calculating rhash"); diy.c 89 Error 64: Type mismatch (arg. n
I'm stuck deciding how to handle exceptions in my application. Much if my issues with exceptions comes from 1) accessing data via a remote service or 2) deserializing a JSON object. Unfortunately I can't guarantee success for either of these tasks (cut network connection, malformed JSON object that is out of my control). As a result, if I do encounter an exception I simply catch it w
我坚持决定如何处理我的应用程序中的异常。 很多,如果我的异常问题来自1)通过远程服务访问数据或2)反序列化JSON对象。 不幸的是,我不能保证任何一项任务的成功(切断网络连接,不受我控制的格式错误的JSON对象)。 因此,如果遇到异常,我只需在函数中捕获它并向调用方返回FALSE。 我的逻辑是所有调用者真正关心的是如果任务成功,而不是为什么它不成功。 以下是一些典型方法的示例代码(用JAVA表示)) public bool
A common task when calling web resources from a code is building a query string to including all the necessary parameters. While by all means no rocket science, there are some nifty details you need to take care of like, appending an & if not the first parameter, encoding the parameters etc. The code to do it is very simple, but a bit tedious: StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); if (N
从代码调用Web资源时的常见任务是构建一个查询字符串以包含所有必要的参数。 虽然通过任何手段都不是火箭科学,但还是有一些你需要照顾的细节,附加一个&如果不是第一个参数,编码参数等等。 这样做的代码非常简单,但有点乏味: StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder(); if (NeedsToAddParameter A) { SB.Append("A="); SB.Append(HttpUtility.UrlEncode("TheValueOfA")); } if (NeedsToAddParameter B) { if
This question is not about the differences between == and Equals . It's about why they were designed different. We know the differences causes many problems, which must have been pretty easy to spot up front: Equals and == yield different results for two instances of the same entity. == yield different results when comparing subclasses, because == is not polymorphic The short answer
这个问题不是关于==和Equals之间的区别。 这是关于他们为什么设计不同的原因。 我们知道这些差异会导致很多问题,而这些问题一定很容易发现: Equals和==会为同一个实体的两个实例产生不同的结果。 ==在比较子类时产生不同的结果,因为==不是多态的 简单的答案是C#语言设计团队和.NET框架设计团队无法就如何更好地比较值/对象的平等性达成一致,所以每个人都实现了他们自己的系统。 如需更多技术性的详细解答,请参
Possible Duplicate: How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag? I am working on a .NET application using C#. When a user starts deleting text from a textbox the browser shows a small list (almost like a drop down list) of recently entered data. The project owners what this removed. I believe it is done automatically by the browser because I never recorded data or
可能重复: 如何禁用Web表单域/输入标签上的浏览器自动完成功能? 我正在使用C#处理.NET应用程序。 当用户开始从文本框中删除文本时,浏览器会显示最近输入的数据的小列表(类似于下拉列表)。 项目所有者删除了这些内容。 我相信它是由浏览器自动完成的,因为我从未记录数据或在我的设计中实现过这一点。 有没有人知道这个内置功能的名称,或者更确切地说,如何完全禁用它(最好是跨所有浏览器)。 如果可能,我想在J
This question already has an answer here: How do you disable browser Autocomplete on web form field / input tag? 58 answers “Autocomplete off” not working in IE - ASP.Net 4 answers You can set the autocomplete attribute in your html element to false : <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" autocomplete="false" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> You can also do it for your entire form: <fo
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何禁用Web表单域/输入标签上的浏览器自动完成功能? 58个答案 “自动完成关闭”不工作在IE - ASP.Net 4答案 您可以将HTML元素中的autocomplete属性设置为false : <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" autocomplete="false" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> 你也可以为你的整个表单做: <form id="myForm" autocomplete="off" method="post" runat="server"> 您可以将它的Auto
Feel free to correct me if my assumptions are wrong here, but let me explain why I'm asking. Taken from MSDN, a SecureString : Represents text that should be kept confidential. The text is encrypted for privacy when being used, and deleted from computer memory when no longer needed. I get this, it makes complete sense to store a password or other private information in a SecureString o
如果我的假设在这里是错误的,请随时纠正我,但让我解释我为什么问。 从MSDN取得一个SecureString : 代表应保密的文字。 该文本在使用时被加密以保护隐私,并在不再需要时从计算机内存中删除。 我明白了,通过System.String在SecureString存储密码或其他私人信息是完全有意义的,因为您可以控制它如何以及何时实际存储在内存中,因为System.String : 是不可变的,当不再需要时,不能以编程方式安排垃圾收集; 也就是
We have a geo-replicated database in SQL Azure (Premium) and are wondering if we are pointing to the South Central US database that is the master, if that goes down do we have to manually change our connection strings in our code (C# .Net / Entity Framework 6) to point to the new database in say North US? We are looking for a way to have a single connection string and then Azure do the under the
我们在SQL Azure(Premium)中有一个地理复制的数据库,并且想知道我们是否指向了南美中心的数据库,如果这种数据库出现故障,我们是否必须手动更改我们的代码中的连接字符串(C#)。网络/实体框架6)指向北美地区的新数据库? 我们正在寻找一种方法来获得单个连接字符串,然后Azure会在封面下指示新的数据库,如果主数据库出现故障的话。 那可能吗? 方法更新如下: 所以我读了这样的话,当一个区域出现故障时,我们必须
I have a SQL query that ranks participants by multiple fields. I need to convert this to LINQ, which I understand doesn't have a rank function. Can someone help converting this? If it helps, here's the what it does. This query pulls participants from a standings table and ranks them based on the fields that are listed RANK() OVER (ORDER BY W desc, L asc, RW asc, RL desc, HP desc, TB
我有一个SQL查询,通过多个字段对参与者进行排名。 我需要将其转换为LINQ,我知道它没有排名功能。 有人可以帮助转换吗? 如果有帮助,这是它的功能。 此查询从参赛名单中提取参赛者,并根据列出的RANK() OVER (ORDER BY W desc, L asc, RW asc, RL desc, HP desc, TB desc) AS RANK的字段进行排名。 接下来,我只抓取排名为1或2的那些。 Where q1.RANK in ('1','2') ,查看这两个排名是否有任何联系。 Ha
I play sound via SoundPlayer and stop it when a button is clicked. Parallel some timers are running in the background. On some computers the sound hangs (not the application, sort of buzzing), when stop is clicked. On some it works as excepted. SoundPlayer snd; private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { snd = new SoundPlayer("mywave.wav"); snd.Play(); } private
我通过SoundPlayer播放声音,并在点击按钮时停止播放。 并行一些定时器在后台运行。 在某些电脑上,当停止点击时,声音会挂起(不是应用程序,有点嗡嗡声)。 在某些情况下,它可以作为例外。 SoundPlayer snd; private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { snd = new SoundPlayer("mywave.wav"); snd.Play(); } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { snd.Stop();