Getting exception while saving Entity - public class AuditCaseAccess : BaseClass { public virtual int UserID { get; set; } public virtual int CaseID { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CaseAccessTime { get; set; } } Mapper - class AuditCaseAccessMap : ClassMap<AuditCaseAccess> { public AuditCaseAccessMap() {
保存时出现异常 实体 - public class AuditCaseAccess : BaseClass { public virtual int UserID { get; set; } public virtual int CaseID { get; set; } public virtual DateTime CaseAccessTime { get; set; } } Mapper - class AuditCaseAccessMap : ClassMap<AuditCaseAccess> { public AuditCaseAccessMap() { Id(x =
I'm using NHibernate in my MVC project. My problem is, while im trying to update an object im getting following error. SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM. In debug mode I see the date property is not null. I set Datetime nullable on mapping. But I'm still getting sqldatetime error. public class EntityBaseMap<T> : ClassMap&l
我在我的MVC项目中使用NHibernate。 我的问题是,虽然即时通讯尝试更新一个对象即时通讯得到以下错误。 SqlDateTime溢出。 必须介于1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM和12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM之间。 在调试模式下,我看到日期属性不为空。 我将Datetime设置为可映射的空值。 但我仍然遇到sqldatetime错误。 public class EntityBaseMap<T> : ClassMap<T> where T : EntityBase { public EntityBaseMap() {
I am working with some legacy code which breaks when saving an aggregate to the database. The error from SQL server is the famous 'SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753...etc' My question is: is it possible to ask the NHibernate Framework what SQL was executed which bubbled up this exception? This way I will have an easy way to find out what POCO I have to find the problem f
我正在处理将某个聚合保存到数据库时遗留代码。 来自SQL服务器的错误是着名的'SqlDateTime溢出。 必须在1/1/1753之间...等' 我的问题是:是否有可能问NHibernate框架什么SQL执行冒泡这个异常? 通过这种方式,我将可以轻松找到POCO所需要解决的问题。 是否有可能将一个监听器附加到NHibernate的IDbCommand或其他东西? 以下例外的堆栈跟踪示例: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM a
I have an entity class with datetime field in it: public virtual DateTime Date { get; set; } With such mapping (NH 3.2 code mapping): Property(l => l.Date, m => { m.Column("like_date"); m.NotNullable(true); m.Type(NHibernateUtil.DateTime); }); Column in MS SQL 2005 server is of SmallDatetime type (not nullable). Problem is when I try to save this object, I get: System
我有一个带有datetime字段的实体类: public virtual DateTime Date { get; set; } 有了这样的映射(NH 3.2代码映射): Property(l => l.Date, m => { m.Column("like_date"); m.NotNullable(true); m.Type(NHibernateUtil.DateTime); }); MS SQL 2005服务器中的列是SmallDatetime类型(不可为空)。 问题是当我试图保存这个对象时,我得到: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException:SqlDateTime
I am saving a complex object tree back to my sql server database. one of the fields on the object tree must be a null or a funny date because I get this error message. "SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM." I can find it by using visual studios inspector and drill down until I find the dodgy field, but this is very time consuming.
我正在将一个复杂的对象树保存回我的sql服务器数据库。 对象树上的一个字段必须是null或有趣的日期,因为我得到这个错误信息。 “SqlDateTime溢出,必须在1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM和12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM之间。” 我可以通过使用视觉工作室检查员找到它并深入研究,直到找到狡猾的领域,但这非常耗时。 它也不会导致自己产生很大的日志记录错误信息。 是他们的一种方式,我可以得到nhibernate返回错误消息的有问题的字段名
I'm mapping a very simple Users table, and i have a column named 'LastLoginDate' which is defined as nullable in sql server. My mapping looks like this : public Users { Id(x => x.UserId); Map(x => x.UserName); ... ... Map(x => x.LastLoginDate).Nullable(); } But everytime I try to save this entity programatically, i always get the SqlDateTime overflow e
我正在映射一个非常简单的Users表,并且我有一个名为'LastLoginDate'的列,它在sql server中被定义为可空。 我的映射如下所示: public Users { Id(x => x.UserId); Map(x => x.UserName); ... ... Map(x => x.LastLoginDate).Nullable(); } 但是每次我试图以编程方式保存这个实体时,我总是得到SqlDateTime溢出异常。 如果我尝试在此列中输入一个带有'null'的手动sql语句,
I was looking for a tree or graph data structure in C# but I guess there isn't one provided. An Extensive Examination of Data Structures Using C# 2.0 explains a bit about why. Is there a convenient library which is commonly used to provide this functionality? Perhaps through a strategy pattern to solve the issues presented in the article. I feel a bit silly implementing my own tree, just
我在C#中查找树或图数据结构,但我想没有提供。 数据结构的广泛考察使用C#2.0解释了一些原因。 有没有一个通常用于提供此功能的便利库? 也许通过战略模式来解决文章中提出的问题。 我感觉有点无聊地实现我自己的树,就像我会实现我自己的ArrayList一样。 我只想要一个可能不平衡的通用树。 想想目录树。 C5看起来很漂亮,但它们的树结构似乎被实现为更适合于搜索的平衡红黑树,而不是代表节点的层次结构。 我最好
Why is volatile needed in C? What is it used for? What will it do? Volatile tells the compiler not to optimize anything that has to do with the volatile variable. There is only one reason to use it: When you interface with hardware. Let's say you have a little piece of hardware that is mapped into RAM somewhere and that has two addresses: a command port and a data port: typedef struc
为什么C中需要volatile ? 它是干什么用的? 它会做什么? Volatile告诉编译器不要优化任何与volatile变量有关的事情。 只有一个理由使用它:当你与硬件连接时。 假设您有一小块硬件映射到某处的RAM,并且有两个地址:一个命令端口和一个数据端口: typedef struct { int command; int data; int isbusy; } MyHardwareGadget; 现在你想发送一些命令: void SendCommand (MyHardwareGadget * gadget, int command
I need to log information about contract invocation (following info: request, client address, invoked method name) when client passes invalid SOAP request to WCF service contract (NetDispatcherFaultException is thrown). I can get all needed info from HttpContext object in Global class (Global.asax), for example in Application_EndRequest event handler. My code (it's work fine): protected vo
当客户端将无效的SOAP请求传递给WCF服务合约(引发NetDispatcherFaultException)时,我需要记录关于合同调用的信息(以下信息:请求,客户端地址,被调用的方法名称)。 我可以从Global类(Global.asax)中的HttpContext对象中获取所有需要的信息,例如,在Application_EndRequest事件处理程序中。 我的代码(它工作正常): protected void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string InfoMess
I want to pass a writeablebitmap object generated from UI (WPF) into an asynchronous call but don't want to update the main thread's writeablebitmap. I just want to read some properties such as pixel height and width. In the new thread I can't access any of the writeablebitmap's properties since it thinks I'm trying to mess with the main thread's writeablebitmap's pr
我想将从UI(WPF)生成的writeablebitmap对象传递给异步调用,但不想更新主线程的writeablebitmap。 我只想读取一些属性,如像素高度和宽度。 在新线程中,我无法访问任何writeablebitmap的属性,因为它认为我试图混淆主线程的writeablebitmap的属性。 我收到异常:“调用线程不能访问此对象,因为不同的线程拥有它。” 其他线程中的一些响应提示他们使用Dispatcher.BeginInvoke ,但是如果我只是想要writeablebitmap对象的副