Visual Studio Service Reference WSDL return type doesn't match

We have a Java backend which serves web services via WSDLs. There are some operations that return xxWSResponse with only 1 property in it: an array. When we add service reference in Visual Studio to the web service, VS generates the code to return the array directly, not the response. If there are more properties in the response or more arrays it works like it supposed to and returns the resp

Visual Studio服务引用WSDL返回类型不匹配

我们有一个通过WSDL提供Web服务的Java后端。 有一些操作返回xxWSResponse,其中只有一个属性:一个数组。 当我们将Visual Studio中的服务引用添加到Web服务时,VS会生成直接返回数组的代码,而不是响应。 如果响应或更多数组中有更多属性,它就像它应该那样工作并返回响应。 操作示例: <wsdl:operation name="retrieveParameterTasksList"> <wsdl:documentation> isIdempotent = NO -- TR:/retrieveParam

How does the default comparator work in C#?

I'm using OrderBy for some sorting based on properties and I found the documentation for the default comparer but it didn't explain much to me. If an object doesn't implement System.IComparable<T> , how does it generate a Comparer<T> ? For instance, I'm currently sorting a list of objects based a property value of type object . They are numeric types underneath and


我使用OrderBy进行一些基于属性的排序,我找到了默认比较器的文档,但是它并没有给我很多解释。 如果一个对象没有实现System.IComparable<T> ,它如何生成一个Comparer<T> ? 例如,我目前正在基于object类型的属性值对object列表进行排序。 它们是下面的数字类型,排序工作正常。 C#/ Linq如何知道如何对对象进行排序? 它是否会对原始语言进行一些解锁操作? 它做了一些散列检查吗? 这将如何转化为大于

Calling MVC view from class throws exception

I would like to get HTML of the MVC view. Call is being made from ASCX.CS class. (I am trying to inject MVC View to ASPX page). My ASPX page is created dynamically (controls are added from code behind). I've found part of the answer here. The only problem is that this extension method is made for MVC controller class. What I do in my call from ASCX.CS: fCatEve.Controllers.ASPXTestCo


我想获得MVC视图的HTML。 正在从ASCX.CS类呼叫。 (我试图注入MVC​​视图到ASPX页面)。 我的ASPX页面是动态创建的(控件是从代码后面添加的)。 我在这里找到了答案的一部分。 唯一的问题是这个扩展方法是为MVC控制器类制作的。 我在ASCX.CS的电话中做了什么: fCatEve.Controllers.ASPXTestController test = new Controllers.ASPXTestController(); string htmlView = test.RenderView("Index", null); 在这

How to map XML document to entity framework object?

I have following entity framework object: namespace Proj.Accounting.Entity { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Serialization; public partial class DocumentStatus { public DocumentStatus() { this.Documents = new HashSet<Document>(); this.DocumentsTrackings = new HashSet<DocumentsTracking>();


我有以下实体框架对象: namespace Proj.Accounting.Entity { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Xml.Serialization; public partial class DocumentStatus { public DocumentStatus() { this.Documents = new HashSet<Document>(); this.DocumentsTrackings = new HashSet<DocumentsTracking>(); this.Docu

"Use the new keyword to create an object" instance error

I have a masterpage file which is called Masterpage.master which works fine with all my aspx pages except aspx pages in which I try to instantiate stuff in the Page_Load method in the codebehind file. The aspx file called ManageRoles.aspx looks like this - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ManageRoles.aspx.cs" Inheri


我有一个名为Masterpage.master的masterpage文件,它可以与我所有的aspx页面一起工作,除了aspx页面,我尝试在代码隐藏文件的Page_Load方法中实例化东西。 名为ManageRoles.aspx的aspx文件看起来像这样 - <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ManageRoles.aspx.cs" Inherits="eservice.ManageRoles" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPag

getting error code while connecting to sql server

I am getting an error A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsFormsApplication2.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.] during connecting to sql server 2012 from my visual studio for c#. when debugged pointing the er

连接到sql server时获取错误代码

我收到一个错误 在WindowsFormsApplication2.exe中发生第一次机会例外类型'System.NullReferenceException' 附加信息:未将对象引用设置为对象的实例。 如果有这种异常的处理程序,程序可能会安全地继续。] 在从Visual Studio for c#连接到SQL Server 2012期间。 当调试指出错误在: connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;

VS2010 did not break debug on static constructor exception

I have a Windows Forms application with a single Editor class (that inherits from Form ). public partial class Editor : Form { public Editor() { InitializeComponent(); Load += Editor_Load; } private void Editor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmbConnections.DataSource = ConnectionManager.Connections; cmbConnections.Visible = false; }


我有一个Windows窗体应用程序与单个Editor类(从Form继承)。 public partial class Editor : Form { public Editor() { InitializeComponent(); Load += Editor_Load; } private void Editor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { cmbConnections.DataSource = ConnectionManager.Connections; cmbConnections.Visible = false; } } 除了设计器生成的代码外,这是

Causing VS2010 debugger to break when Debug.Assert fails

Is there any way to cause Visual Studio 2010 to break while debugging when the argument of Debug.Assert evaluates to false ? Example: in my code I have lines like this: Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(x)); If I am not debugging, a window pops up when the assertion fails. But when I am debugging, the assertion is logged to the "Output" pane, which is easy to miss; there is not pop


当Debug.Assert的参数计算结果为false时,是否有任何方法导致Visual Studio 2010在调试期间中断? 例如:在我的代码中我有这样的行: Debug.Assert(!double.IsInfinity(x)); 如果我不调试,当断言失败时会弹出一个窗口。 但是当我调试时,断言会记录到“输出”窗格中,这很容易丢失; 没有弹出窗口,调试器不停止。 因此:当Debug.Assert失败时,有没有办法强制Visual Studio调试器中断? (顺便说一句:我正在开发一个基

VS2015 Project wont run in debug mode

Not a duplicate of: VS2015 Project no longer runs in debug mode My issue is the same though, except I have already tried the solutions from that question. Things I have tried/checked: Optimize Code is not checked Config Manager is set to Build and Debug Define DEBUG and TRACE constant is checked Cleaning / Rebuilding Changing the above settings, saving, changing back. Deleting the


不是重复的:VS2015项目不再以调试模式运行 但我的问题是相同的,除了我已经尝试了这个问题的解决方案。 我试过/检查过的东西: 优化代码未被选中 配置管理器设置为生成和调试 定义DEBUG和TRACE常量被检查 清洁/重建 改变上述设置,保存,改回。 删除它抱怨处于调试模式并重新编译的DLL。 我不知道还有什么要检查。 有任何想法吗? 无论警告如何,附加/运行项目。 打开“Modules”窗口(Debug - > Window

SCardEstablishContext not setting context pointer in release mode

I am calling winscard.dll methods from C# and everything has been working fine in a debug mode. Problem i am getting is in release mode My call to establish context is [DllImport("winscard.dll")] public static extern int SCardEstablishContext(int dwScope, int pvReserved1, int pvReserved2, ref int phContext); In my test app when I call this the pntContext variable appears to get set properly


我正在从C#调用winscard.dll方法,并且在调试模式下一切正常。 我得到的问题是在发布模式 我建立环境的呼声是 [DllImport("winscard.dll")] public static extern int SCardEstablishContext(int dwScope, int pvReserved1, int pvReserved2, ref int phContext); 在我的测试应用程序中,当我调用此函数时,pntContext变量在调试模式下显示为正确设置。 但是,在发布模式下它没有被设置。 但奇怪的是,返回码仍然是0(成