I just read a book about javascript. The author mentioned a floating point arithmetic rounding error in the IEEE 754 standard. For example adding 0.1 and 0.2 yields 0.30000000000000004 instead of 0.3. so (0.1 + 0.2) == 0.3 returns false. I also reproduced this error in c#. So these are my question is: How often this error occurs? What is the best practice workaround in c# and javascri
我刚读了一本关于javascript的书。 作者在IEEE 754标准中提到了浮点算术舍入误差。 例如,添加0.1和0.2会产生0.30000000000000004而不是0.3。 所以(0.1 + 0.2) == 0.3返回false。 我也在c#中重现了这个错误。 所以这些是我的问题是: 发生这种错误的频率如何? 什么是C#和JavaScript中的最佳实践解决方法? 哪些其他语言有相同的错误? 这不是语言错误。 这在IEEE 754中并不是错误的。这是对二进制浮点数的期
I'm currently trying to find a way of calling a task that needs to be called at shutdown of a singleton object created in TinyIOC inside a NancyFX self hosted application. As of yet, I've been unable to come up with an answer, and I'm also open to better ideas of implementing the scenario I'm about to describe. Overview I have a PHP based web application that I'm working
我目前正试图找到一种调用任务的方法,该任务需要在关闭在NancyFX自托管应用程序内的TinyIOC中创建的单例对象时调用。 到目前为止,我一直无法得出答案,而且我也愿意提供更好的实现我将要描述的场景的想法。 概观 我有一个基于PHP的Web应用程序,因为这是PHP,没有可以坐在监听和处理长时间运行任务的自旋线程/服务器,PHP代码存在于浏览器请求的使用期限内。 有问题的应用程序需要向可能需要时间完成的Web服务发出一些
This question already has an answer here: Is floating point math broken? 23 answers Because you've misunderstood floating point arithmetic and how data is stored. In fact, your code isn't actually performing any arithmetic at execution time in this particular case - the compiler will have done it, then saved a constant in the generated executable. However, it can't store an ex
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 浮点数学是否被破坏? 23个答案 因为你误解了浮点运算以及数据的存储方式。 事实上,在这种特殊情况下,你的代码实际上并没有在执行时执行任何算术 - 编译器会完成它,然后在生成的可执行文件中保存一个常量。 但是,它无法存储精确的6.9值,因为该值无法用浮点格式精确表示,就像1/3无法精确地存储在有限的十进制表示中一样。 看看这篇文章是否对你有帮助。 为什么框架没有解决这个问
Possible Duplicate: How to disable resizable property of TextArea? i want to disable using of resizing in TextArea.For in my webapplication. in google chrome and other browser its looks terrible. how can i do it? 要禁用浏览器调整textareas的大小,请使用以下css: textarea { resize: none; }
可能重复: 如何禁用TextArea的可调整大小的属性? 我想在我的web应用程序中禁用在TextArea.For中调整大小。 在谷歌浏览器和其他浏览器看起来很可怕。 我该怎么做? 要禁用浏览器调整textareas的大小,请使用以下css: textarea { resize: none; }
I have an oracle store procedure which take 2 strings and a date in input parametter and which give a ref cursor as output : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SCHEMA.MYPROSTO ( pPl IN VARCHAR2, -- Comma (;) separated pTy IN VARCHAR2,-- Comma (;) separated pDate IN mytable.mydate%TYPE, pCursor OUT sys_refcursor) IS ..... sSQL VARCHAR2 (3000); BEGIN
我有一个oracle存储过程,它使用输入参数中的2个字符串和一个日期,并将参考光标作为输出: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SCHEMA.MYPROSTO ( pPl IN VARCHAR2, -- Comma (;) separated pTy IN VARCHAR2,-- Comma (;) separated pDate IN mytable.mydate%TYPE, pCursor OUT sys_refcursor) IS ..... sSQL VARCHAR2 (3000); BEGIN -- making SQL Order sSQL := 'SELECT
I'm a very new C# programmer, less than ~24 actual hours of raw typing/programming. I'd say about a week however of reading, watching, and trying to understand things. Here's the source code to my first program: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Bugcheck { class Program { static void M
我是一个非常新的C#程序员,只有不到24小时的原始打字/编程。 我会说一周左右的阅读,看,并试图理解事情。 这是我的第一个程序的源代码: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Bugcheck { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Initializing variables string bugcheckExit = "ex
I am getting a strange result using global variables. This question was inspired by another question. In the code below if I change int ncols = 4096; to static int ncols = 4096; or const int ncols = 4096; the code runs much faster and the assembly is much simpler. //c99 -O3 -Wall -fopenmp foo.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <omp.h> int nrows = 4096;
我使用全局变量得到了一个奇怪的结果。 这个问题受到另一个问题的启发。 在下面的代码中,如果我改变了 int ncols = 4096; 至 static int ncols = 4096; 要么 const int ncols = 4096; 代码运行速度更快,组装更简单。 //c99 -O3 -Wall -fopenmp foo.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <omp.h> int nrows = 4096; int ncols = 4096; //static int ncols = 4096; char* buff; void
I apologize in advance for asking this as I have next to no knowledge of security in general and IdentityServer in particular. I am trying to set up IdentityServer to manage security for an Asp.Net MVC application. I am following the tutorial on their website: Asp.Net MVC with IdentityServer However, I am doing something slightly different in that I have a separate project for the Identity
我提前道歉,因为我几乎没有安全知识,特别是身份识别服务器。 我正在尝试设置IdentityServer以管理Asp.Net MVC应用程序的安全性。 我在他们的网站上查看教程:使用IdentityServer的Asp.Net MVC 但是,我做的事情略有不同,因为我有一个单独的Identity“Server”部分项目,这导致了2个Startup.cs文件,一个用于应用程序,另一个用于Identity Server 对于该应用程序,Startup.cs文件如下所示 public class Startup { p
I am retrieving an unencrypted key from a MemoryStream , converting it to some kind of string, and using that string with .Net's crypto functions to encrypt data. I need to make sure the unencrypted key is wiped from memory after using it. I found SecureString , which I think will take care of the string, but I'm not sure how to wipe the memory of the key before it becomes a SecureStrin
我从MemoryStream检索unencrypted密钥,将其转换为某种字符串,然后将该字符串与.Net的crypto函数一起使用来加密数据。 我需要确保在使用后unencrypted密钥从内存中被擦除。 我发现SecureString ,我认为它会照顾字符串,但我不确定如何在密钥变成SecureString之前擦除密钥的内存。 所以一切正常的方式是: MemoryStream - > char [] - > SecureString SecureString将指针传递给char数组,因此它在完成时擦除cha
I am reading about and trying to learn format string vulnerabilities. I have a vulnerable function and I understand the gist of what I have to do with my format string. Basically, this is what I want to do. Pass in my format string which contains some shellcode as part of it. I also need to format my string so that the return address of the vulnerable function gets replaced so that it points
我正在阅读并尝试学习格式化字符串漏洞。 我有一个易受攻击的函数,我理解我的格式字符串必须处理的要点。 基本上,这是我想要做的。 传入我的格式字符串,其中包含一些shellcode作为其一部分。 我还需要格式化我的字符串,以便易受攻击的函数的返回地址被替换,以便它指向我的shellcode在堆栈上。 因此,当函数返回时,它将跳转到我的shellcode并打开一个shell。 目前,我正处于可以在堆栈中看到我的shellcode的地步,