Manipulate WriteableBitmap Pixels

I'm trying to merge two images I have as WriteableBitmaps. I want to square each pixel value, add it to the other image and then take the 2nd root (+ check, if the value is above 255). As I had no luck doing so using WriteableBitmapEx and ForEach() (Sobel operator & Convolution with WriteableBitmapEx) (which also seems to be pretty slow) I tried manipulating the pixels directly using Bi


我试图合并两个图像作为WriteableBitmaps。 我想要将每个像素值平方,将其添加到其他图像,然后取第二根(如果值大于255,则检查+)。 由于我没有这么做,所以使用WriteableBitmapEx和ForEach()(Sobel算子和Convolution with WriteableBitmapEx)(它看起来很慢),我尝试使用BitmapDecoder直接操作像素。 不幸的是我似乎无法将Pixelstream写回WriteableBitmap,因为我得到错误: 'Windows.Storage.Streams.IBuffer&

Changes to WriteableBitmap pixels don't update screen

I have a WriteableBitmap in a Windows Phone 8 application that is hooked up to an Image control. I'm looping through each row of the image and painting a row of pixels at a time asynchronously and then scheduling the next row for painting. However, it appears that changing the underlying pixel data does not fire a property changed so the control is not being updated. If I set the image sou


在Windows Phone 8应用程序中,我有一个WriteableBitmap ,它连接到一个Image控件。 我循环遍历图像的每一行,并异步绘制一行像素,然后安排下一行进行绘制。 但是,似乎更改底层像素数据不会触发更改的属性,因此控件不会更新。 如果我将图像源设置为使用相同像素创建的新的WriteableBitmap,则图像更新正常,但我正在进行大量的过度数组复制。 void PaintImage(object state) { // get my height, width, row, etc. fro

RenderTargetBitmap and DPI

I don't understand why the DPI parameters on the RenderTargetBitmap are used the way they seem to be used. Quite often I see code that deals with non-standard DPI settings by adjusting the image size based on the DPI like this: new RenderTargetBitmap ((int) (width/96d)*dpi, (int) (height/96d)*dpi, dpi, dpi, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); Examples:


我不明白为什么RenderTargetBitmap上的DPI参数按照它们似乎被使用的方式使用。 通常我会看到通过调整基于DPI的图像大小来处理非标准DPI设置的代码,如下所示: new RenderTargetBitmap ((int) (width/96d)*dpi, (int) (height/96d)*dpi, dpi, dpi, PixelFormats.Pbgra32); 例子: ContentControl + RenderTargetBitmap +空图像 http:/

Drawing on WriteableBitmap

I have a WriteableBitmap and would like the user to be able to draw over it as if it was an InkPresenter control. What is the best way to go about doing this in realtime? Using WriteableBitmap.Pixels, I'm able to access each pixel, but when I try to edit them during the MouseMove event, it seems very slow, and only changes one pixel at a time. Are there any libraries or methods to help mak


我有一个WriteableBitmap,并希望用户能够像绘制InkPresenter控件一样绘制它。 什么是实时做这件事的最好方法? 使用WriteableBitmap.Pixels,我可以访问每个像素,但是当我在MouseMove事件期间尝试编辑它们时,它看起来非常慢,并且一次只改变一个像素。 有没有任何库或方法可以帮助简化这个过程? 谢谢 尝试这个..

Unit Test the BindAttribute for method parameters

I am looking to write unit tests to validate my controller while ensuring that the bind properties are setup correctly. With the following method structure, how can I ensure that only the valid fields are passed from a unit test? public ActionResult AddItem([Bind(Include = "ID, Name, Foo, Bar")] ItemViewModel itemData) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Save and redirect }


我正在编写单元测试来验证我的控制器,同时确保绑定属性设置正确。 通过以下方法结构,我如何确保只有有效的字段从单元测试中传递? public ActionResult AddItem([Bind(Include = "ID, Name, Foo, Bar")] ItemViewModel itemData) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Save and redirect } // Set Error Messages // Rebuild object drop downs, etc. itemData.AllowedFooValues = new List<F

MVC5 & SSRS ReportViewer

I have spent hours trying to solve this and so far I can find MVC1, MVC2, and MVC3 based solutions but nothing about MVC5 and using SSRS and ReportViewer. Frankly, I don't know WebForms, since I joined the programming world after MVC was a big thing in the shop I work at. Enough extra backstory, I'll get to it. I have: Written a stored procedure Used the Business Intelligence Tool

MVC5和SSRS ReportViewer

我花了几个小时试图解决这个问题,到目前为止,我可以找到基于MVC1,MVC2和MVC3的解决方案,但没有涉及MVC5和使用SSRS和ReportViewer。 坦率地说,我不知道WebForms,因为在MVC成为我工作的商店中的一件大事之后,我加入了编程世界。 足够的额外的背景,我会去的。 我有: 编写一个存储过程 使用VS 2013中的商业智能工具来设计我的报告 看着设计师的报告,知道这很好 试图将ReportViewer集成到我的应用程序中,但没

Error in dyn.load() : unable to load shared object

I have modified "randomForest" packages in R. As you know, we can customize the randomForest package by modifing the C file. First, i downloaded the randomForest crab file that include many c file. classTree.c, regrf.c, rf.c etc. Second, I run the $ R CMD SHLIB rf.c in terminal on macOS. And then, i can get the "" file. Third, I run the dyn.load(""


我在R中修改了“randomForest”包。 如您所知,我们可以通过修改C文件来自定义randomForest包。 首先,我下载了包含许多c文件的randomForest crab文件。 classTree.c,regrf.c,rf.c等 其次,我在macOS的终端运行$ R CMD SHLIB rf.c。 然后,我可以得到“”文件。 第三,我在R中运行dyn.load(“”)。我有以下问题。 dyn.load("path/") Error in dyn.load("path/") : unable to load shared object

Cannot load in R with dyn.load a dll compiled with Visual Studio

I cannot load dlls that I compile with Visual Studio in Win XP sp3 or Win7. I set the current directory in the path environment. When I try to dyn.load it I get the error message: " Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) : unable to load shared object 'C:/Documents and Settings//[.....]//sampleDLL.dll': LoadLibrary failure: The specified module could not be fou

不能在R中加载dyn.load用Visual Studio编译的dll

我无法加载在Win XP sp3或Win7中使用Visual Studio编译的dll。 我在路径环境中设置当前目录。 当我尝试dyn.load时,我收到错误消息: “inDL(x,as.logical(local),as.logical(now),...)中的错误:无法加载共享对象'C:/ Documents and Settings //[.....]// sampleDLL .dll':LoadLibrary失败:无法找到指定的模块。“ 很显然,DLL在那里,错误指的是别的东西丢失。 我可以从C中调用dll。下面我附上一个

Embedding DLLs in a compiled executable

You know, I haven't seen a good answer for this anywhere. Is it possible to embed a pre-existing DLL into a compiled C# executable (so that you only have one file to distribute)? If it is possible, how would one go about doing it? Normally, I'm cool with just leaving the DLLs outside and having the setup program handle everything, but there have been a couple of people at work who hav


你知道,我在任何地方都没有看到很好的答案。 是否有可能将预先存在的DLL嵌入已编译的C#可执行文件(以便只有一个文件需要分发)? 如果可能的话,人们会怎么做呢? 通常情况下,我只是把DLL放在外面,让安装程序处理所有事情,但是有很多人问我这个问题,但我真的不知道。 我强烈建议使用Costura.Fody--迄今为止将资源嵌入到程序集中的最好和最简单的方法。 它以NuGet包的形式提供。 Install-Package Costura.Fody 将

Detecting peaks in images

I got a large set of infrared images of seeds, their sizes vary slightly. And I would like to find them (in thefastest possible way). Below i show zoomed in details of the images i process. After a first noise removal and blob filter this is what i have : The bright white is just direct reflection of the IR lamp, white pixels never combine (stretch out) over multiple seeds. To make it more


我得到了一大组种子的红外图像,它们的大小略有不同。 我想找到它们(以最快的方式)。 下面我显示放大我处理的图像的细节。 第一个噪音去除和blob过滤器后,这是我有: 明亮的白色只是红外灯的直接反射,白色像素从未结合(伸出)多个种子。 为了更清楚地说明我给某些种子写了一封信。 我有这些问题: A是单粒种子(种子上的污垢)会产生一个微弱的黑线。 B附近的X在它最黑暗的交叉点,它的光线仍然比其他种子更亮