I have intellectual-property coded into .net 2.0 fully-trusted assemblies (.exe + DLLs) on an end-user machine, which I would like to protect from being hacked / reverse-engineered (WebService / Cloud-Computing solutions are not an option). Below is a list of techniques I gathered in order to reach this goal. My questions are: Are my assumptions correct, or am I doing something wrong in one
我在最终用户机器上将知识产权编码为.net 2.0完全可信的程序集(.exe + DLL),我希望避免被黑客攻击/反向工程(WebService /云计算解决方案不是选项)。 以下是我为了实现此目标而收集的技术列表。 我的问题是: 我的假设是正确的,还是我在一项或多项技术中做错了? 这份清单是否足以防止恶意攻击,还是我应该添加其他保护措施? 提前致谢。 - 建议的技术 使用相同的强名称密钥签署所有程序集。 这有两个好
While using external assembly, getting this message in SSRS Report in preview pane. Failed to load expression host assembly. Details: That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers. i've spent a day with this problem (initially started as #Error) initially calling external assembly was fine. i would get the #Error whenever that external assembly was calling a web service. So
在使用外部程序集时,请在SSRS报告的预览窗格中获取此消息。 无法加载表达式主机程序集。 详细信息:该程序集不允许部分受信任的呼叫者。 我花了一天的时间解决了这个问题(最初是以#Error开头的) 最初称外部组装很好。 当外部程序集调用Web服务时,我会得到#Error。 所以我遵循了这些说明,并添加了代码以添加调用服务的权限: var urlRegEx = new Regex(@"http://mydevserver.com/.*"); var p = new WebPermission(N
OK, I've read every question here about strong named assemblies and just want to clarify something. First though, from what I've read, GAC aside, strong named assemblies prevent a malicious third party changing and impersonating your code. It'd be great to have some links to some real world examples of this kind of spoofing that happened pre strong named assemblies. If security o
好的,我已经阅读了关于强命名程序集的每个问题,只是想澄清一些问题。 首先,从我读过的GAC中,强大的命名程序集可以防止恶意的第三方更改和模拟您的代码。 有一些链接指向一些真实世界的例子,这种欺骗发生在预先强有力的命名程序集上。 如果安全或GAC不是问题,那么强名称程序集似乎仍然是可取的,因为: 具有强壮指定程序集的客户端只有在您的程序集签名后才能引用您的程序集。 没有强大的命名组件的客户可以参考您
What does digital signature have to do with strong named assemblies. I read that a strongly named assembly has public key and digital signature with it. From the Wikipedia article "Assembly (CLI)": "Signing the assembly involves taking a hash of important parts of the assembly and then encrypting the hash with the private key. The signed hash is stored in the assembly along wi
数字签名与强大的指定程序集有什么关系? 我读到一个强命名的程序集有公钥和数字签名。 从维基百科文章“Assembly(CLI)”: “对程序集签名包括对程序集重要部分进行散列,然后用私钥对散列进行加密,签名散列与公钥一起存储在程序集中,公钥将解密签名散列,当CLR加载一个强命名的程序集,它将从程序集生成一个哈希,然后将其与解密后的哈希进行比较,如果比较成功,则意味着文件中的公钥(以及公钥标记)与私钥相关联用于
I am struggling with this problem since last one week. I have obfuscated exe of my application. Our application is offline tool for online web application. Client will install this application and connect once to internet, application will download relevant information and store in xml file on client machine for further display. for security purpose we are encrypting these xml files. Unfortu
自上一周以来,我一直在努力解决这个问题。 我混淆了我的应用程序的exe文件。 我们的应用程序是在线Web应用程序的离线工具 客户端将安装此应用程序并连接到互联网一次,应用程序将下载相关信息并存储在客户机上的xml文件中以供进一步显示。 出于安全目的,我们正在加密这些XML文件。 不幸的是,我们有一个GetCryptXML里面的exe方法,它将在客户机上读取加密的settings.xml并在解密后返回。 这个setting.xml也包含其他xml的
I am working on a .net application in which I have to record data and perform calculations and also at the same time add entries into the database. This complete process should be in each 10 milliseconds of time span Elapsed. This is kind of real time data analysis in c#. I have done lot of research in order to achieve this, with threads, async/await and thread pools but still not able to get
我正在开发一个.net应用程序,在这个应用程序中我必须记录数据并执行计算,并且同时将条目添加到数据库中。 这个完整的过程应该在每10毫秒的时间间隔内经过。 这是c#中的一种实时数据分析。 为了实现这一点,我做了大量的研究,包括线程,异步/等待和线程池,但仍然无法获得所需的输出。 基本上我想每10毫秒记录一次数据并将其存储在数据库中。 以下是我正在处理的代码示例。 private void Form1_Load(object sender, Eve
I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what might be happening for me. Here's a summary of whats happening. I have an application that does lots of "stuff". Its a pretty hefty application that does lots of number crunching using many threads. There are several timers that are used. Over a long period of time, the timers stop consistently invoking the elapsed handler.
我希望有人能够对我可能发生的事情有所了解。 以下是最新情况的总结。 我有一个应用程序可以处理很多“东西”。 它是一个非常庞大的应用程序,使用许多线程进行大量的数字运算。 有几个定时器被使用。 在很长一段时间内,定时器会一直停止调用已过时的处理程序。 例如:我有一个计时器设置为每秒过去一次。 几个小时后,计时器开始随机触发很晚。 如果我不重新启动应用程序,性能会降低,定时器会稍后启动,最终会变成3
Using reflection, I'm attempting to find the set of types which inherit from a given base class. It didn't take long to figure out for simple types, but I'm stumped when it comes to generics. For this piece of code, the first IsAssignableFrom returns true, but the second returns false. And yet, the final assignment compiles just fine. class class1 { } class class2 : class1 { } cl
使用反射,我试图找到从给定的基类继承的类型集。 找出简单的类型并不需要很长时间,但是当涉及到泛型时,我却难以理解。 对于这段代码,第一个IsAssignableFrom返回true,但第二个返回false。 然而,最终的任务编译得很好。 class class1 { } class class2 : class1 { } class generic1<T> { } class generic2<T> : generic1<T> { } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {
Does adding button on avalondock windows title bar can be done? coudn't find any resources on it either. I have done adding button on title bar of normal WPF windows, but avalondock has no option for adding button. I have an old application which needed to have help button on title bar like this Let's assume you have DockablePane <ad:DockingManager> <ad:DockablePane x:N
是否可以在avalondock窗口标题栏上添加按钮? 也没有找到任何资源。 我已经添加了正常WPF窗口标题栏上的按钮,但是avalondock没有添加按钮的选项。 我有一个旧的应用程序,需要有这样的标题栏上的帮助按钮 假设你有DockablePane <ad:DockingManager> <ad:DockablePane x:Name="myAwesomePane"> <ad:DockableContent > ... SomeContent ... </ad:DockableContent>
Presently we have a GUI developed, containing a customized layout using Avalondock 2.0. The layouts have a default context menu that is provided. However, I don't want to have the "Dock as Tabbed document" option. I'd like to know if there's any way to remove or disable the option in the context menu. I have come across posts which said I can customize the context menu
目前我们开发了一个GUI,其中包含使用Avalondock 2.0的自定义布局。 布局具有提供的默认上下文菜单。 但是,我不希望将“Dock作为选项卡式文档”选项。 我想知道是否有任何方法可以删除或禁用上下文菜单中的选项。 我遇到过说我可以自定义上下文菜单的帖子,但我不想创建自定义的上下文菜单,因为这会使代码变得更加复杂。 这很简单:只需将此片段粘贴到Docking Manager标记中即可: <avalonDock:DockingManager.An