Release built DLL with Debug.WriteLine

This question already has an answer here: Debug.WriteLine in release build 4 answers If you look at the code of the Debug.WriteLine method, you will see: [Conditional("DEBUG")] public static void WriteLine(string message, string category) { TraceInternal.WriteLine(message, category); } So basically, the call to this methods will only be compiled if you have set the DEBUG flag. Typicall


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Debug.WriteLine发布版本4中的答案 如果您查看Debug.WriteLine方法的代码,您将看到: [Conditional("DEBUG")] public static void WriteLine(string message, string category) { TraceInternal.WriteLine(message, category); } 所以基本上,只有在设置了DEBUG标志后才会编译对这个方法的调用。 通常,使用项目的Debug配置时。

OutOfMemoryException only in Release mode when compiled with VS2010?

My program generates OutOfMemoryExcetion only in Release mode, compiling with VS2010 C# compiler. The operation that it was performing when the crash occurred was instantiating 1600 jagged arrays, and it broke when at the 207th of the simplified version of the loop below: Double[][] arr = new Double[1600][]; int i = 0; while (i < 1600) { arr[i] = new Double[1000000]; i++; } Basicall


我的程序仅在发布模式下生成OutOfMemoryExcetion ,并使用VS2010 C#编译器进行编译。 它在崩溃发生时执行的操作是实例化1600个锯齿阵列,并且在下面的循环的简化版本的第207位时打破: Double[][] arr = new Double[1600][]; int i = 0; while (i < 1600) { arr[i] = new Double[1000000]; i++; } 基本上,考虑到Double消耗8个字节,只有这部分代码会生成〜11.9 GB。 我没有那么多的RAM,但是在另一个问题中,当

Debug Mode vs. Release Mode

I just had a look at previous questions on topic, but I've got some strange results. First of all, I followed and used the method that Scott Hanselman proposed in a old post in his blog: Thus, Using the IsJITOptimizerDisabled I'm supposed to check if a particular DLL has been compi


我只是看了以前关于主题的问题,但我有一些奇怪的结果。 首先,我遵循并使用了Scott Hanselman在他的博客中的旧帖子中提出的方法: 因此,使用IsJITOptimizerDisabled我应该检查是否已经在发布模式或调试模式下编译了特定的DLL。 奇怪的是我只是试了一下,构建了一个简单的应用程序来检查该属性,并通知被检查

Debug vs Release

I built a windows service, targeted for .NET 2.0 in VS 2008. I run it as a console app to debug it. Console app is working great. I put it on my local computer as a service, compiled in debug mode, still working great. I'm ready to release now, and suddenly, when I set it to release mode, the service compiles and installs, but nothing happens. (No code in service is running at all). I


我在VS 2008中构建了一个针对.NET 2.0的Windows服务。我将它作为控制台应用程序运行以进行调试。 控制台应用程序运行良好。 我把它放在我的本地计算机上作为服务,在调试模式下编译,仍然工作得很好。 我准备立即发布,并且突然,当我将其设置为发布模式时,该服务编译并安装,但没有任何反应。 (根本没有服务代码正在运行)。 我意识到释放VS调试模式属性配置设置,但似乎在发布模式下,即使当我检查定义DEBUG常量,取

C# release version has still .pdb file

I want to deploy the release version of my application done in C#. When I build using the Release config, I still can see that .pdb files are produced, meaning that my application can be still debugged. This also means that some debug information is present somewhere in my code, slowing it down a little bit. If this is true, how can I completely suppress any debug information produced in the


我想在C#中部署我的应用程序的发行版本。 当我使用Release配置构建时,仍然可以看到生成了.pdb文件,这意味着我的应用程序仍可以调试。 这也意味着某些调试信息存在于我的代码中,使其稍微放慢一点。 如果这是真的,我怎样才能完全抑制在二进制文件中产生的任何调试信息? 你是否也知道释放.pdb的原因? Release配置检查了Optimize code ,只定义了TRACE常量,而不是DEBUG 。 感谢您的协助。 如果您想禁用pdb文件生

Debug.Assert() has stopped working in my project

For some reason, the following line does nothing in my ASP.NET MVC project: System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); I have triple-checked that I am using the Debug configuration and "Define Debug constant" is checked in the Debug configuration settings. The same problem also occurs in my unit test project. Implementing my own assert method seems trivial, but a bit awkward. Any


出于某种原因,下面的代码行在我的ASP.NET MVC项目中什么也不做: System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false); 我已经三重检查了我正在使用Debug配置,并在Debug配置设置中选中了“Define Debug constant”。 我的单元测试项目也出现同样的问题。 实现我自己的断言方法似乎微不足道,但有点尴尬。 任何有关如何解决这个问题的提示将不胜感激。 编辑:我在我的项目中使用了几个第三方模块。 这可能是由引用在发布模式下编

Using LINQ to remove elements from a List<T>

Say that I have LINQ query such as: var authors = from x in authorsList where x.firstname == "Bob" select x; Given that authorsList is of type List<Author> , how can I delete the Author elements from authorsList that are returned by the query into authors ? Or, put another way, how can I delete all of the firstname's equalling Bob from authorsList ? Not

使用LINQ从List <T>中移除元素

假设我有LINQ查询,例如: var authors = from x in authorsList where x.firstname == "Bob" select x; 鉴于authorsList是类型的List<Author> ,我怎样可以删除Author从要素authorsList由查询到返回authors ? 或者authorsList一种说法,我怎样才能从authorsList删除所有名字相同的Bob? 注意:这是针对该问题的简化示例。 那么,首先排除它们会更容易: authorsList = authorsList.

Split a listview into multiple columns

I am populating a ListView with a DataTable from the code behind. The problem is, that the ListView is becoming too long with too many items. I am wondering, how can I make this: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Into this: Item 1 Item 4 Item 2 Item 5 Item 3 Item 6 Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I can't seem to find the answer. Please not that I want to keep it i


我使用后台代码中的DataTable填充ListView。 问题是,ListView变得太长,项目太多。 我想知道,我该如何做到这一点: Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 进入这个: Item 1 Item 4 Item 2 Item 5 Item 3 Item 6 也许我忽略了一些东西,但我似乎无法找到答案。 请不要说我想将它保存在一个ListView中,所以我不打算拆分项目并将它们放到多个ListView中。 解决方案:使用DataList而不是ListView。 见Tim的

overflow menu size

I have a Windows Forms Toolstrip with the property 'CanOverflow' enabled. Items that don't fit in the toolstrip, are moved into the drop-down overflow menu. Is there a way to control the size of the Overflow menu? I have a vertical toolstrip and there are currently too much items in it. Some items don't fit on the screen and have become inaccessible. I want to adjust the wid


我有一个启用了属性'CanOverflow'的Windows窗体工具栏。 不适合在工具栏中的项目被移入下拉菜单。 有没有办法控制溢出菜单的大小? 我有一个垂直的工具条,里面有很多东西。 某些项目不适合在屏幕上并且变得无法访问。 我想调整宽度,因为它可以在每行上显示多个项目。 您可以通过设置TableLayoutSettings的ColumnCount在DropDown菜单中创建多列表布局,例如: ToolStripDropDown drop_down = new ToolStripDropDo

make first column always visible?

I have an application (winforms, c#) that displays data in a Listview in a very usual way - the first row is headers, the first column in each row is header and the following sub-items is the data itself. I want the first column (the headers columns) always visible and the horizontal scroll to affect the other columns only. i don't think it is possible in winforms listview (am i wrong?).


我有一个应用程序(winforms,c#),以一种非常常见的方式在Listview中显示数据 - 第一行是标题,每行的第一列是标题,以下子项是数据本身。 我希望第一列(标题列)始终可见,而水平滚动只能影响其他列。 我不认为这是可能的winforms listview(我错了吗?)。 因此,我想分割列表视图到两个listviews - 一个头和第二个数据。 在这种情况下,我需要连接垂直滚动条 - 这是我发现比我预期的更困难的任务。 我采取了错误