This is from Professor Mark Weiss in his book Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java public class BinaryHeap<AnyType extends Comparable<? super AnyType>>{ private void enlargeArray( int newSize ){ AnyType [] old = array; array = (AnyType []) new Comparable[ newSize ]; for( int i = 0; i < old.length; i++ ) array[ i ] = old[ i ];
这是来自Mark Weiss教授在他的书中的数据结构和算法分析 public class BinaryHeap<AnyType extends Comparable<? super AnyType>>{ private void enlargeArray( int newSize ){ AnyType [] old = array; array = (AnyType []) new Comparable[ newSize ]; for( int i = 0; i < old.length; i++ ) array[ i ] = old[ i ]; } } 我想知道为什么我们要声明一个接
I have a single user java program that I would like to have store data in a light weight database such as Derby or Sqlite. I would like to use a data abstraction layer in my program. Hibernate appears to require a lot of configuration and is overkill for what I need. What are light weight alternatives to Hibernate? Hibernate requires next to zero configuration if you use annotations. It eve
我有一个用户java程序,我希望将数据存储在轻量级数据库(如Derby或Sqlite)中。 我想在我的程序中使用数据抽象层。 Hibernate似乎需要大量的配置,并且对我所需要的是过度的。 什么是Hibernate的轻量级替代品? 如果您使用注释,Hibernate需要接近零配置。 它甚至可以在类路径中自动发现映射的bean! 我从简单和权力的角度都看不到任何替代方案。 它也可以将自己暴露为JPA,这是(恕我直言)更简单。 我的ORMLite库
I have been developing java games in lwjgl for quite a bit and now I want to switch to C++ for a new experience in game programming. I read through quiet a lot of C++ Game engine/ libraries like SDL, SFML etc but I am really looking forward to something like LWJGL, where the code is similar to OpenGL native and supports OpenGL3 & above. So is there a engine/ library like that? Or shall I
我在lwjgl中开发了很多java游戏,现在我想切换到C ++来获得游戏编程的新体验。 我通过安静地读了很多像SDL,SFML等C ++游戏引擎/库,但我真的很期待像LWJGL这样的代码类似于OpenGL原生代码,并且支持OpenGL3及更高版本。 那么有没有像这样的引擎/库? 或者我应该坚持原生OpenGL,我真的很新C ++游戏开发。 ;) SDL,SFML和Allegro都支持直接使用OpenGL,所以它们就像LWJGL那样。 SFML和SDL 2可让您设置OpenGL版本(Alle
I have a situation like: My Netty Server will be getting data from a Client at a blazing speed. I think the client is using somewhat PUSH mechanism for that speed. I don't know what exactly PUSH - POP mechanism is, but I do feel that the Client is using some mechanism for sending data at a very high speed.Now my requirement is, I wrote a simple TCP Netty server that receives data from the c
我有这样的情况:我的Netty服务器将以惊人的速度从客户端获取数据。 我认为客户正在使用某种速度的PUSH机制。 我不知道PUSH-POP机制究竟是什么,但我确实认为客户端正在使用某种机制以非常高的速度发送数据。现在我的要求是,我编写了一个简单的TCP Netty服务器,它接收来自客户端,并添加到使用ArrayBlockingQueue实现的BlockingQueue中。 现在,由于Netty是基于事件的,因此接收数据并将其存储在队列中所需的时间就更多了,
It seems that Netty can only process either read or write operations with a single TCP connection, but not both at the same time. I have a client which connects to the echo server application that is written with Netty and sends about 200k messages. The echo server simply accepts client connections and sends back any messages that are sent by the clients. The problem is I can't make Nett
Netty似乎只能用一个TCP连接来处理读或写操作,但不能同时处理。 我有一个客户端连接到用Netty编写的echo服务器应用程序,并发送大约200k条消息。 echo服务器只接受客户端连接并发送客户端发送的任何消息。 问题是我无法使Netty在全双工模式下与TCP连接一起工作。 我想在服务器端同时处理读写操作。 在我的情况下,Netty从客户端读取所有消息,然后将其发送回来,从而导致高延迟。 客户端应用程序为每个连接触发两个线
I am trying to create multiple client connection to a java based socket server from another machine. Both server and client use Netty 4 for NIO. On server side, I used boss and worker group and its able to receive and server 100000 concurrent connection on a single linux box (after setting kernel parameters and ulimit). However, I end up creating a new thread per connection on client side and
我试图创建多个客户端连接到另一台机器上的基于Java的套接字服务器。 服务器和客户端都使用Netty 4作为NIO。 在服务器端,我使用了boss和worker组,并且它能够在单个linux机器上接收和服务100000个并发连接(在设置内核参数和ulimit之后)。 但是,我最终在客户端的每个连接上创建了一个新线程,并导致JVM线程限制异常。 import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import; import
I have a Producer Consumer based application based on Netty. The basic requirement was to build a message oriented middleware (MOM) MOM So the MOM is based on the concept of queuing (Queuing makes systems loosely coupled and that was the basic requirement of the application). The broker understands the MQTT protocol. We performed stress testing of the application on our local machine. The
我有一个基于Netty的生产者基于消费者的应用程序。 基本要求是构建一个面向消息的中间件(MOM) 妈妈 所以MOM基于排队的概念(排队使系统松散耦合,这是应用程序的基本要求)。 代理了解MQTT协议。 我们在本地机器上执行应用程序的压力测试。 这些是本地机器的规格。 我们获得了很好的结果。 但是,我们的生产服务器是基于AWS Ubuntu的。 所以我们强调在AWS Ubuntu服务器上测试相同的应用程序。 性能比当地系统差
I have a simple standalone client-server test in which a client sends 500 bytes to a server and the server returns 2000 bytes back in response. It runs in a loop and I print time for every 50000 of such request/response calls. I compare performance of three implementations based on a blocking socket API, Netty and NIO2. The test shows that blocking socket performs significantly faster than Net
我有一个简单的独立客户端 - 服务器测试,其中客户端向服务器发送500个字节,服务器返回2000字节作为响应。 它运行在一个循环中,并且每打印50000个这样的请求/响应调用时间。 我比较了基于阻塞套接字API,Netty和NIO2的三种实现的性能。 测试表明,阻塞套接字执行速度比Netty或NIO2快得多。 我明白这个测试没有并发性,NIO是为此而设计的。 不过,这种性能差异是否有解释,还是我做得非常低效? 有没有什么办法来改进基于
For some reason, I need write messages to channel(the operation is at server side, and the channel is already connected.) in non-netty thread. But I found that my client can't get the message though I got the success future. So how can I do this in right way? And my netty version is 3.6.6-final. channel.write()是线程安全的,所以不用担心。
出于某种原因,我需要在非网络线程中向通道写入消息(操作位于服务器端,通道已经连接)。 但是我发现尽管我获得了成功的未来,但我的客户无法获得这些信息。 那么我怎样才能以正确的方式做到这一点? 而我的netty版本是3.6.6-final。 channel.write()是线程安全的,所以不用担心。
We just finished building a server to store data to disk and fronted it with Netty. During load testing we were seeing Netty scaling to about 8,000 messages per second. Given our systems, this looked really low. For a benchmark, we wrote a Tomcat front-end and run the same load tests. With these tests we were getting roughly 25,000 messages per second. Here are the specs for our load testin
我们刚刚完成了构建服务器以将数据存储到磁盘并使用Netty向前发送。 在负载测试期间,我们看到Netty每秒缩放到约8000条消息。 鉴于我们的系统,这看起来非常低。 对于基准测试,我们编写了一个Tomcat前端并运行相同的负载测试。 通过这些测试,我们每秒获得大约25,000条消息。 以下是我们的负载测试机的规格: Macbook Pro四核心 16GB的RAM Java 1.6 以下是Netty的负载测试设置: 10个线程 每个线程100,000条