I wrote the server that accepts connection and bombards messages ( ~100 bytes ) using text protocol and my implementation is able to send about loopback 400K/sec messages with the 3rt party client. I picked Netty for this task, SUSE 11 RealTime, JRockit RTS. But when I started developing my own client based on Netty I faced drastic throughput reduction ( down from 400K to 1.3K msg/sec ). The c
我使用文本协议编写了接受连接并轰击消息(〜100字节)的服务器,并且我的实现能够使用3rt方客户端发送有关环回400K /秒的消息。 我选择了Netty来完成这项任务,SUSE 11 RealTime,JRockit RTS。 但是当我开始基于Netty开发自己的客户端时,我遇到了巨大的吞吐量(从400K降到1.3K msg / sec)。 客户端的代码非常简单。 请你给我一个建议或者举例说明如何写更有效的客户。 实际上,我更关心延迟,但是从吞吐量测试开始,
I have some questions about Netty (Server Side), TCP/IP applications; I am wondering if there can be latency because of netty (due to missing configuration etc.) while passing the request from boss thread to worker thread ? I am using : new OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(350, 0, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Actually, I set max thread count 350 as I am not sure about the optimal number. I
我有一些关于Netty(服务器端),TCP / IP应用程序的问题; 我想知道是否有可能因netty(由于缺少配置等)而将请求从boss线程传递给工作线程时出现延迟? 我在用 : new OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(350, 0, 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 实际上,我设置了最大线程数350因为我不确定最佳数量。 我每分钟记录同时工作的线程数,看起来平均值太低(几乎不超过10 )。 所以我会减少这个数字,因为它不是必需的。 是
i have some problem with deploying play + java application on Heroku. Deploying to heroku successful but Application error. Logs : -----> Play 2.x - Java app detected -----> Installing JDK 1.8... done -----> Running: sbt compile stage [info] Loading global plugins from /tmp/scala_buildpack_build_dir/.sbt_home/plugins [info] Loading settings from plugins.sbt ... [info] Loading
我在Heroku上部署play + java应用程序时遇到了一些问题。 部署到heroku成功但应用程序错误。 日志: ----->播放2.x - 检测到Java应用程序 ----->安装JDK 1.8 ...完成 ----->正在运行:sbt compile stage [info]从/tmp/scala_buildpack_build_dir/.sbt_home/plugins加载全局插件 [info]从plugins.sbt载入设置... [info]从/ tmp / scala_buildpack_build_dir / project加载项目定义 [info]从build.sbt载入
I'm out of ideas as to what is wrong with this. I'm trying to send and receive data from my bluetooth ELM327. Torque works, and I've used a terminal app to send commands and that also returns correct results. So I don't get what I'm doing wrong here. This is the thread that handles all of it. I'm using Pires java obd library, found here I'm getting back a "
我对这个问题有什么不妥。 我正尝试从蓝牙ELM327发送和接收数据。 扭矩的作品,我用一个终端应用程序发送命令,也返回正确的结果。 所以我不明白我在这里做错了什么。 这是处理所有这些的线程。 我使用Pires java obd库,在这里找到 我回来了一个“?” 对于所有的初始化命令,但是当我开始循环vin命令时,它开始返回“OK”,并且有一点我能够正确地获得vin,但是我必须循环一堆才能得到它。 连接正在返回一个套接字。 命
My code works for IE and FF. In Chrome, the browser appends "-" hyphen to the start and end of the file name, thus making it unable to recognize the file type. On renaming the file while saving as csv makes it open in Excel in a single cell but I want a solution to handle it in the code side. It seems difficult. Below is my code: //fileName = xxxx.csv response.setContentType("appl
我的代码适用于IE和FF。 在Chrome浏览器中,浏览器会在文件名的开始和结尾添加“ - ”连字符,因此无法识别文件类型。 重命名文件时保存为csv使它在Excel中打开在一个单元中,但我想要一个解决方案在代码中处理它。 这似乎很难。 以下是我的代码: //fileName = xxxx.csv response.setContentType("application/download"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "applicatio
I have the following class: public abstract Foo { Foo() {} public abstract Foo doSomething(); public static Foo create() { return new SomePrivateSubclassOfFoo(); } } I want to change it to the following definition: public abstract Foo<T extends Foo<T>> { Foo() {} public abstract T doSomething(); public static Foo<?> create() { return new SomePrivateS
我有以下课程: public abstract Foo { Foo() {} public abstract Foo doSomething(); public static Foo create() { return new SomePrivateSubclassOfFoo(); } } 我想将其更改为以下定义: public abstract Foo<T extends Foo<T>> { Foo() {} public abstract T doSomething(); public static Foo<?> create() { return new SomePrivateSubclassOfFoo(); } } 这个变化二进
you can custom auth.verifier for /api/jsonws/* by implementing AuthVerifier and add these properties auth.verifier.YOURAUTHVERFIER.urls.includes=/api/jsonws/* please refer to this sample project
您可以通过实现AuthVerifier为/ api / jsonws / *自定义auth.verifier 并添加这些属性 auth.verifier.YOURAUTHVERFIER.urls.includes=/api/jsonws/* 请参考这个示例项目
When Opening up a new project in Intellij the window opens up extremely minimized and almost impossible to see. Is there a properly to set the default window size when opening. My Setup Mac OSX El Capitan Intellij 2015 - 16.3.4 (I have experienced this in all of these versions) See image below for how small the Window opens You can maximize and then choose from top menu - Window > Store
当在Intellij中打开一个新项目时,窗口打开时极小,几乎不可见。 打开时是否有正确的设置默认窗口大小。 我的设置Mac OSX El Capitan Intellij 2015 - 16.3.4(我已经在所有这些版本中体验过) 请参阅下面的图片了解窗口打开的程度 您可以最大化并从顶层菜单中选择 - Window > Store Current Layout as Default 。 通常,它会在关闭之前记住窗口的大小。
Can anybody say, when I use gsm location, I will get it only with a tower of my mobile operator, or I can get it with towers of different operators? If my user drive his car, but no any his mobile operator towers, how can device get its location? Only GSM. No, you cannot currently get location without using GPS or internet. Location techniques based on WiFi, Cellular, or Bluetooth work wit
任何人都可以说,当我使用GSM网络的位置时,我只能通过移动运营商的塔楼才能获得它,或者我可以通过不同运营商的塔来获得它? 如果我的用户驾驶他的车,但没有他的移动运营商塔,那么设备如何获得它的位置? 只有GSM。 不,您目前无法使用GPS或互联网获取位置信息。 基于WiFi,蜂窝或蓝牙的定位技术可以在不断更新的大型数据库的帮助下工作。 设备会扫描发射机ID,然后通过互联网将这些信息发送至Google,Apple或Skyhook
In my Spring Boot 1.5.1 application I'm trying to configure support of JSR-303 / JSR-349 validation. I have added a following annotations @NotNull @Size(min = 1) to my method: @Service @Transactional public class DecisionDaoImpl extends BaseDao implements DecisionDao { @Override public Decision create(@NotNull @Size(min = 1) String name, String description, String url, String imag
在我的Spring Boot 1.5.1应用程序中,我试图配置对JSR-303 / JSR-349验证的支持。 我在我的方法中添加了以下注释@NotNull @Size(min = 1) : @Service @Transactional public class DecisionDaoImpl extends BaseDao implements DecisionDao { @Override public Decision create(@NotNull @Size(min = 1) String name, String description, String url, String imageUrl, Decision parentDecision, Tenant tenant, Us