If someone help me, that will be great. So I have a structure: <letters> <list> <name>Simon</name> <type>2</type> <passengerName>Johny</passengerName> <passengerSurname>Revelator</passengerSurname> </list> <list> <name>someName</name> <type>4</type> <fileURL>someUrl</fileURL> <special
如果有人帮助我,那会很好。 所以我有一个结构: <letters> <list> <name>Simon</name> <type>2</type> <passengerName>Johny</passengerName> <passengerSurname>Revelator</passengerSurname> </list> <list> <name>someName</name> <type>4</type> <fileURL>someUrl</fileURL> <specialNotes>specialN
I've got a set of JAXB generated classes and some of the classes have setter methods which accepts "Object" as the parameter. For example: @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name="Car", propOrder = { "defaultCar" } public class Car { @XmlElement(name = "DefaultCar") protected Object defaultcar; public void setDefaultCar(Object value) { this.defaultC
我有一组JAXB生成的类,其中一些类具有接受“Object”作为参数的setter方法。 例如: @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType(name="Car", propOrder = { "defaultCar" } public class Car { @XmlElement(name = "DefaultCar") protected Object defaultcar; public void setDefaultCar(Object value) { this.defaultCar = value; } 在我的代码中创建了这些类的实例之后,我调用了传入所需值的set
I have a type defined in a wadl like so (This is from the ModelCriteria.java generated by wadl2java maven plugin): <complexType name="ModelCriteria"> <complexContent> <extension base="{http://www.example.com/services/v2}AbstractSearchCriteria"> <sequence> <element name="modelNumber" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" minOccurs="0"/> <el
我有一个像这样在wadl中定义的类型(这是来自wadl2java maven插件生成的ModelCriteria.java): <complexType name="ModelCriteria"> <complexContent> <extension base="{http://www.example.com/services/v2}AbstractSearchCriteria"> <sequence> <element name="modelNumber" type="{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string" minOccurs="0"/> <element name="hasAssociatio
This question already has an answer here: Which is the best library for XML parsing in java [closed] 7 answers public static void main(String[] args) throws MarshalException, ValidationException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { File fXmlFile = new File( "/home/Parsing/src/com/parsing/test.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFa
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 这是在Java中解析XML的最佳库[关闭] 7个答案 public static void main(String[] args) throws MarshalException, ValidationException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { File fXmlFile = new File( "/home/Parsing/src/com/parsing/test.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder
This question already has an answer here: WITH statement in Java 7 answers If the class of obj is under your control, you could provide a Fluent interface, basically returning this in every function. This would let you chain method calls like this- obj.getHomeworkAverage().getTestAverage().getAttendance(); 不,在Java中没有声明或类似的构造。 There is no direct equivalent of "with"
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: WITH语句在Java 7中的答案 如果obj类受你控制,你可以提供一个Fluent接口,基本上每个函数都会返回this接口。 这会让你像这样连锁方法调用 - obj.getHomeworkAverage().getTestAverage().getAttendance(); 不,在Java中没有声明或类似的构造。 没有直接相当于“与”。 如果这些方法是实例方法,那么可以为目标对象引用提供一个简短的标识符以供块使用: { Student s = student; s.get
I have a GUI with a list of servers to connect to. If a user clicks a server it connects to it. If a user clicks a second server, it will disconnect the first and connect to the second. Each new connection runs in a new thread so that the program can perform other tasks. However, if a user clicks a second server while the first is still connecting, there are two simultaneous connections. I
我有一个带有要连接的服务器列表的GUI。 如果用户点击连接到它的服务器。 如果用户点击第二台服务器,它将断开第一台服务器并连接到第二台服务器。 每个新连接都在一个新线程中运行,以便程序可以执行其他任务。 但是,如果用户在第一台服务器仍在连接时单击第二台服务器,则会有两个同时连接。 我用这个连接,connect()是阻塞的那一行: Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(socketAddress, connectTimeout)
I had a question about reusability of lambda expression without code duplication. For example if I have a helper method I can easily code it as a static method and can refer to it from other classes without code duplication. How would this work in lambda expression ? Example: I have the following static method written public class MyUtil { public static int doubleMe(int x) { retu
我有一个关于lambda表达式的重用性的问题,没有代码重复。 例如,如果我有一个帮助器方法,我可以很容易地将它编码为一个静态方法,并且可以从其他类中引用它而不存在代码重复。 这将如何在lambda表达式中工作? 例子:我写了下面的静态方法 public class MyUtil { public static int doubleMe(int x) { return x * 2; } } 我可以在整个项目的多个地方重复使用相同的方法而无需重复代码 public class A {
Possible Duplicate: Java protected fields vs public getters If i have that class B extends A and in A i have some fields that i use also in B, it's better make this fields protected and call them from class B or write getter methods for this fields and so use this method from class B ? (this fields are setted in constuctor of A) If you prefer getters to public member data in your publi
可能重复: Java保护的字段vs公共getter 如果我有那个类B扩展A并且在A中我有一些字段也是我在B中使用的,那么最好使这个字段受保护,并且从类B调用它们或者为这个字段写入getter方法,因此从类B使用这个方法? (这个字段在A的构造器中设置) 如果你更喜欢getter在公共接口中的公共成员数据(就像你应该这样),那么出于同样的原因使用受保护的getter。 像公共客户一样,子类是不受控制的类,不需要对内部进行无限制的访
I have a Zip that contains two files: an XML and a thumbnail. I would like to open the XML file and parse it WITHOUT having to extract on disk. One of DocumentBuilder's parse method requires an InputStream. Is there a way to get the InputStream of the XML in the Zipped file? I kinda got lost. I'm pretty sure ZipInputStream or ZipFile has something to offer, but I can't figure it
我有一个包含两个文件的Zip:一个XML和一个缩略图。 我想打开XML文件并解析它,而不必在磁盘上解压。 DocumentBuilder的解析方法之一需要InputStream。 有没有办法在Zipped文件中获取XML的InputStream? 我有点迷路了。 我很确定ZipInputStream或ZipFile有提供,但我无法弄清楚:/ 先谢谢你! 我相信你正在寻找这样的东西: FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("your.zip"); ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputS
JFileChooser, at least under OS X, produces a very half-baked open dialog that doesn't support things like typing in the start of a file name to select it or disclosure triangles. Does anyone know of a 3rd-party alternative that has a more fully-featured behaviour? Ideally, I'd like one for each major platform. I'm aware of XFileDialog for windows, but what about Mac and Linux/Uni
至少在OS X下,JFileChooser生成了一个非常不完整的打开对话框,它不支持像输入文件名的开头那样来选择它或者公开三角形。 有没有人知道一个第三方的替代方案具有更全面的行为? 理想情况下,我希望每个主要平台都有一个。 我知道Windows的XFileDialog,但是Mac和Linux / Unix呢? 相比下: java.awt.FileDialog是否做你想要的,你可能需要指定 System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true"); 如