I try to use a series of delimiter for an input. It's for a homework. They said that we should use backslash () too. If I use it like this (it's at the end): scanner.useDelimiter("\;|\:|\?|\~|/|\.|,|\<|\>|\`|\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\!|\@|\#|\$|\%|\^|\&|\-|\_|\+|\'|\=|\*|"|\||n|t|r|\"); It won't work. It says unsupported escape sequence. If I add another backslash it says Il
我尝试使用一系列分隔符作为输入。 这是一个功课。 他们说我们也应该使用反斜杠()。 如果我像这样使用它(最后): scanner.useDelimiter("\;|\:|\?|\~|/|\.|,|\<|\>|\`|\[|\]|\{|\}|\(|\)|\!|\@|\#|\$|\%|\^|\&|\-|\_|\+|\'|\=|\*|"|\||n|t|r|\"); 它不会工作。 它说不支持的转义序列。 如果我添加另一个反斜杠,它表示非法行结束在字符串文字。 如果我添加另一个,它将转义为双反斜杠,这不是我所需要的。
I am having this error with my code: Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException I know the reason for the error, the entire line is being converted into a String, but I am unsure how of how to fix it. I have tried reading up on Delimiters **Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException** How do I use a delimiter in Java Scanner? but it all s
我与我的代码有这个错误:线程“主”java.util.InputMismatchException异常 我知道错误的原因,整个行被转换成一个字符串,但我不确定如何解决它。 我已经尝试阅读定界符**异常在线程“主”java.util.InputMismatchException **如何在Java扫描器中使用分隔符? 但对我的理解水平来说,这听起来太复杂了。 我的代码: import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class POSmain{ public static void main(String[] a
This question already has an answer here: How do I use a delimiter in Java Scanner? 3 answers That's because useDelimiter accepts a pattern. The dot . is a special character used for regular expressions meaning 'any character'. Simply escape the period with a backslash and it will work: Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("sample.txt")).useDelimiter("\."); EDIT The problem
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何在Java扫描器中使用分隔符? 3个答案 这是因为useDelimiter接受一个模式。 点. 是用于表示“任何字符”的正则表达式的特殊字符。 只需用一个反斜杠来避开这段时间,它就可以工作: Scanner file = new Scanner(new File("sample.txt")).useDelimiter("\."); 编辑 问题是,你正在使用hasNextLine()和nextLine() ,它将无法正常工作. 分隔符。 这是一个可以让你得到你想要的结果的实
This question already has an answer here: How do I use a dot as a delimiter? 1 answer How do I use a delimiter in Java Scanner? 3 answers If you want it in the same line use: s.next() . If you want the text in the next line you need to do: s.nextLine() Whatever method you use it will return a java.lang.String . You can use String[] numbers = yourString.split(".") The arr
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 我如何使用点作为分隔符? 1个答案 如何在Java扫描器中使用分隔符? 3个答案 如果你想在同一行使用: s.next() 。 如果你想要下一行的文本,你需要做: s.nextLine() 无论你使用什么方法,它都会返回一个java.lang.String 。 你可以使用String[] numbers = yourString.split(".") 数组如果你分割字符串,你可以得到所有数字: int x = Integer.valueOf(numbers[0]); int
I am reading Head First Design Patterns now, and i have a question. In the beginning of book i saw this principle: Favor 'object composition' over 'class inheritance And then i saw Factory Method with abstract class Creator{ abstract Product create(String type); } and subclassing class ConcreteCreator extends Creator{ Product create(String type){ //creation } }
我正在阅读Head First Design Patterns,并且我有一个问题。 在书的开头我看到了这个原则: 赞成'对象组合'超过'类继承 然后我看到了Factory Method abstract class Creator{ abstract Product create(String type); } 和子类 class ConcreteCreator extends Creator{ Product create(String type){ //creation } } 但是我们可以用简单工厂来编写我们的课程 class OurClass{ SimpleFa
I've Struts 1 action class (actions are singletons by design in struts 1) that needs to collect some data and then combine them all into single response. I'd like to extract all the response generation logic into separate class called ResponseBuilder Normally I'd put ResponseBuilder as a field and have setter for it (eg for testing). My response builder looks as follows class Jso
我有Struts 1动作类(动作是struts 1中的设计单例),需要收集一些数据,然后将它们组合成单个响应。 我想将所有的响应生成逻辑提取到单独的类中 ResponseBuilder 通常情况下,我会把ResponseBuilder作为一个字段并为其设置(例如,用于测试)。 我的响应生成器如下所示 class JsonResponseBuilder implements ResponseBuilder { public void addElement(String key, Object value) { ... } public Str
I've got several github java projects. One of them I've manually deployed to sonatype's repository so that it gets published in maven central. This has been a somewhat painful process in the sense that it seems to involve too many hoops to jump through and a lot of manual work and I'd like to automate that. So I actually stopped doing that because it was just too much work. T
我有几个github java项目。 其中一个我手动部署到sonatype的存储库,以便它在maven central发布。 这是一个有点痛苦的过程,因为它似乎涉及太多的箍环以及大量的手动工作,我希望自动化。 所以我实际上停止了这样做,因为这只是太多的工作。 有很多文档表明这是可能的,并且相当多的表明它以某种方式涉及到使用nexus-staging-maven插件进行操作 。 不幸的是,所有这些文档都是(以典型的maven风格)跳过基本的细节,使我能
I am currently replacing all my standard POJO's to use Lombok for all the boilerplate code. So far no problems have occurred, but what i'm missing in the lombok implementation is that there are no generated methods for adding one object to a collection. Generated Code: private List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); public Object getObject(){..} public void setObject(Lis
我目前正在将所有标准POJO替换为使用Lombok的所有样板代码。 到目前为止,没有发生问题,但是我在lombok实现中缺少的是没有生成方法来将一个对象添加到集合中。 生成的代码: private List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); public Object getObject(){..} public void setObject(List<Object> o){..} 我想要额外的东西: public void addObject(Object o) {..} 任何人都知道这是否即将到达或如果
I just want to know if there is a best practice or a common way to test equals implementation in objects. I mean test method that has been overridden. public boolean equals(Object o) I did using some logic like this. (Suppose number and name need to be equals to obtain true) Dog d1 = new Dog(1,"Alvin"); Dog d2 = new Dog(2,"Alvin"); Assert.assertFalse(d1.equals(null)); Assert.assertFalse(d1.
我只想知道是否有最佳实践或常用方法来测试对象中的等式实现。 我的意思是已被覆盖的测试方法。 public boolean equals(Object o) 我确实使用了这样的逻辑。 (假设数字和名字需要相等才能成立) Dog d1 = new Dog(1,"Alvin"); Dog d2 = new Dog(2,"Alvin"); Assert.assertFalse(d1.equals(null)); Assert.assertFalse(d1.equals(d2)); d2.setId(1); d2.setName("Kelvin"); Assert.assertFalse(d1.equals(d2)); d2.setName(
I want place TextView of bottom ListView in navigation drawer. Throws java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout$LayoutParams main.xml <android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/
我想要在导航抽屉中放置底部ListView的TextView。 抛出java.lang.ClassCastException: android.widget.LinearLayout$LayoutParams cannot be cast to android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout$LayoutParams main.xml中 <android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:id="@+id/drawer_layout"