An 64-bit double can represent integer +/- 253 exactly Given this fact I choose to use a double type as a single type for all my types, since my largest integer is unsigned 32-bit. But now I have to print these pseudo integers, but the problem is they are also mixed in with actual doubles. So how do I print these doubles nicely in Java? I have tried String.format("%f", value) ,
一个64位double可以精确地表示整数+/- 253 鉴于这个事实,我选择使用双类型作为我所有类型的单一类型,因为我的最大整数是无符号32位。 但现在我必须打印这些伪整数,但问题是它们也与实际双打混合。 那么如何在Java中很好地打印这些双打呢? 我试过String.format("%f", value) ,这是接近的,除了我得到很多小值的尾随零。 以下是%f的示例输出 232.00000000 0.18000000000 1237875192.0 4.5800000000 0.00
I'm trying to debug my web app, I have a POST request. (using ajax, with xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } ). dataType is 'application/json', my server is tomcat and i set my "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header manually to "http://localhost:8080". other headers: response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
我试图调试我的网络应用程序,我有一个POST请求。 (使用ajax,带有xhrFields:{withCredentials:true})。 dataType是'application / json',我的服务器是tomcat,我手动将“Access-Control-Allow-Origin”头设置为“http:// localhost:8080”。 其他头文件:response.addHeader(“Access-Control-Allow-Credentials”,“true”); response.addHeader(“Access-Control-Allow-Headers”,“x-request-verification-tok
We're attempting to set up a PostgreSQL cluster using streaming replication inside Kubernetes, but we'd prefer to avoid the trouble of going through the configuration of pgpool or any other SQL-aware load-balancers. That being said, I'd like to ask whether it is a good idea at all to configure Spring Boot to use two datasources in the following way: The first ( @Primary ) datasour
我们试图在Kubernetes内部使用流式复制来设置PostgreSQL集群,但我们宁愿避免通过配置pgpool或任何其他SQL感知负载均衡器的麻烦。 话虽如此,我想问一下,将Spring Boot配置为使用两个数据源是否是一个好主意: 第一个( @Primary )数据源将指向当前的PostgreSQL主机,并用于读写操作。 第二个数据源将指向热备份副本并用于读取操作。 如果有Kubernetes服务指向当前的主服务器和只读副本,并且故障转移不是自动的,那么
We use in Java a native method with canvg to convert a SVG String to canvas to a png image. By that we need a renderCallback, because Images in the SVG String need time to be rendered, otherwise we get a wrong construct. Our code is: private native String PNGExport(String SVGString)/*-{ var canvas = $doc.createElement('canvas'); = "testcanvas
我们在Java中使用canvg的本地方法将SVG字符串转换为画布到png图像。 因此,我们需要一个renderCallback,因为SVG字符串中的图像需要渲染时间,否则我们会得到一个错误的构造。 我们的代码是: private native String PNGExport(String SVGString)/*-{ var canvas = $doc.createElement('canvas'); = "testcanvas"; var img; $wnd.canvg(canvas, SVGString, {
How can I get the annotation to be passed as the argument for the Advice defined for class-level annotation? Is it possible? From the post here I am able to get the point cut that identifies all the public method in the class which is marked by a specific Annotation. I am able to get the advice applied as well. However, I don't know how to get the annotation variable passed as argument i
我如何获得批注作为为类级批注定义的建议的参数传递? 可能吗? 从这里的帖子中,我可以得到标识所有公共方法的标记为特定注释的标记。 我也能够得到建议。 但是,我不知道如何在上面的情况下获取作为参数传递的注释变量。 对于方法级注释,我能够获得切入点和建议,我可以将注释作为参数传递,但我不知道如何为类级注释实现相同。 下面的代码有效,但我需要在下面的程序中获得注释作为参数“ LogExecutionTimeByClass ”
I was trying to create an Aspectj pointcut on method annotation but I failed all the time with different approaches. I'm using aspectj autoproxy (I have no other weaving configured in my spring context). My classes look like this: public interface Intf { @SomeAnnotation void method1() throws SomeExc; } public class Impl implements Intf { @Override public void method1() throws Some
我试图在方法注释上创建一个Aspectj切入点,但我总是以不同的方法失败。 我使用的是aspectj autoproxy(我没有在我的spring环境中配置其他编织)。 我的课程如下所示: public interface Intf { @SomeAnnotation void method1() throws SomeExc; } public class Impl implements Intf { @Override public void method1() throws SomeExc { //... } } @Aspect public class MyAspect { @AfterThrowing(
For some reason, my Spring AOP advices are being called twice. I checked: Spring AOP advice is called twice but I am not using the Component annotation, and am declaring the aspect bean once and annotating it with @Aspect and that's it. Somewhat belatedly I realized that one of my classes was not implementing an interface yet, which caused CGLIB2 requirements. I fixed that, and the CGLI
出于某种原因,我的Spring AOP建议被调用两次。 我检查了: Spring AOP的建议被调用了两次,但我没有使用Component注解,并且声明了一次aspect bean并用@Aspect注释它,就是这样。 有些迟来,我意识到我的一个类没有实现一个接口,这导致了CGLIB2的要求。 我解决了这个问题,CGLIB2问题消失了,但双重调用依然存在。 编辑: 忘了提及我检查了,并且建议的方法不会被调用两次。 第二编辑: 我用@Aspect声明一个类,
I have a service class implemented in Java 6 / Spring 3 that needs an annotation to restrict access by role. I have defined an annotation called RequiredPermission that has as its value attribute one or more values from an enum called OperationType: public @interface RequiredPermission { /** * One or more {@link OperationType}s that map to the permissions required * to execute this method.
我有一个在Java 6 / Spring 3中实现的服务类,它需要一个注释来限制角色的访问。 我已经定义了一个名为RequiredPermission的注释,其值属性的一个或多个值为OperationType: public @interface RequiredPermission { /** * One or more {@link OperationType}s that map to the permissions required * to execute this method. * * @return */ OperationType[] value();} public enum OperationType { TYPE1,
I'm trying to develop an static method in Java to generate a pure tone. In the begining it seemed easy, but when I've try to write the double array to the loudspeakers I appreciate too much harmonics. I test it with an spectrum analyzer (sonometer) and then, also I've drawn in a graphic the array resultant. When I've done it I've seen the problem: It's about the wav
我试图在Java中开发一种静态方法来生成纯音。 在开始时,它似乎很容易,但是当我尝试将双阵列写入扬声器时,我会欣赏太多的谐波。 我用一个频谱分析仪(sonometer)对它进行测试,然后,我也在图形中绘制了数组结果。 当我完成它时,我已经看到了这个问题: 这是关于波形,它已经中断了。 我想平滑这个数组,但我不知道该怎么做。 这是代码: /** * Genera un tono puro. * @param bufferSize Tamaño del buffer. *
I am creating an application where I have separated the project in different modules such as (domain, repository, service and web) as well as many general purpose maven projects for mail sending, text formatting etc. I am also using Spring. Currently I have the Spring application context file only in the web project. However, since I am creating general pupose projects for text formatting etc
我正在创建一个应用程序,将项目分为不同的模块,如(域,存储库,服务和Web)以及许多用于邮件发送,文本格式等的通用Maven项目。我也使用Spring。 目前我只有在Web项目中有Spring应用程序上下文文件。 但是,因为我正在创建通用pupose项目的文本格式等封装库(例如freemarker)从实际应用程序我不喜欢,我必须在Web项目中的Spring应用程序上下文文件中指定库依赖配置。 问题在于为每个模块分别创建一个Spring应用程序上下