header type of the response from "text/html" to "application/json". Other then this am using as header type as header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8") But not change. Status Code: 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:49:55 GMT Server: Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.10-dev Vary: User-Agent Via: 1.1 (ext
从“text / html”到“application / json”的响应的标题类型。 除此之外 我使用头部类型作为标题(“Content-Type”,“application / json; charset = UTF-8”) 但不能改变。 Status Code: 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Content-Type: text/html Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 05:49:55 GMT Server: Apache mod_fcgid/2.3.10-dev Vary: User-Agent Via: 1.1 (external)pdc.amw.lan (squid/3.3.8), 1.1 (frontal)pdc.amw.lan (squid/3
I'm trying to use the Polymer expressions to show certain things. I have a .php file that prints out a json_encoded array of for example names. Now there's 3 possibilities the way I see it: The list of names gets returned properly There are no names found in a database, so null or something is printed An error occured in the php file So depending on what gets returned, I'd
我正在尝试使用Polymer表达式来显示某些内容。 我有一个.php文件,它打印出一个名为json_encoded的数组。 现在我看到它有三种可能性: 名称列表得到正确返回 在数据库中没有找到名称,因此打印出null或其他内容 在php文件中发生错误 因此,根据返回的内容,我想显示相关性信息。 这可以通过使用<template if="{{conditionalValue}}"> 。 这是我拥有的: <template if="{{people != null}}">
hi i am trying to implement the oauth protocol and have manged to get an authorization code,however when requesting a token the curl request i make returns blank. heres the code i have so far <?php $code=$_GET["code"]; //URL of targeted site $baseurl = "http://okowsc.co.uk/oauth/request_token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=CLIENTHERE&client_secret=80e294010d50bc71c04b&
嗨,我试图实施oauth协议,并已经maged获得授权代码,但是当请求令牌时,我做的卷曲请求返回空白。 继承人迄今为止的代码 <?php $code=$_GET["code"]; //URL of targeted site $baseurl = "http://okowsc.co.uk/oauth/request_token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=CLIENTHERE&client_secret=80e294010d50bc71c04b&code="; $url="$baseurl" . "$code"; print "$url"; $curl = curl_init(); c
I'm a self-taught PHP developer and have never had the pleasure of diving into OAuth. I know the basics, but I can't get the implementation working. I've looked all over the internet and stackoverflow and though most of them appear to be close to my problem, none of them work. (or I'm just missing something) I've received a consumer token, consumer secret, access token an
我是一名自学成才的PHP开发人员,从未有过潜入OAuth的乐趣。 我知道基础知识,但我无法实现实施。 我已经看遍了互联网和计算器,虽然他们中的大多数似乎接近我的问题,他们都没有工作。 (或者我只是想念一些东西) 我收到了消费者令牌,消费者机密,访问令牌和访问令牌密钥。 根据我的理解,我应该使用消费者令牌和秘密来请求访问令牌和秘密,还是我错了? 我收到的有关令牌的手册除了要求请求数据的URL之外,没有告诉
I have problems with the authentication, i am doing this steps: 1. First time I get the oauth_signature by using this site url with following details: http://7digital.github.io/oauth-reference-page/ url: https://api.7digital.com/1.2/oauth/requesttoken consumer key: MY_KEY consumer secret: MY_SECRET_KEY nonce: 814629426 * *timestamp: 1383291284 body encoding:** application/json and
我有身份验证问题,我正在执行此步骤: 1.第一次通过使用这个网站的URL获得oauth_signature以下详细信息:http: //7digital.github.io/oauth-reference-page/ 网址: https : //api.7digital.com/1.2/oauth/requesttoken 消费者密钥: MY_KEY 消费者机密: MY_SECRET_KEY 现时: 814629426 * *时间戳: 1383291284 body编码:** application / json 他们发送请求获取7digital API的oauth_token:https://api.7d
I am little confuse of Refresh Token in OAuth2. Like it says access token limit the time window of 1 hour that hacker can use the user credentials and refresh token is long live token which can be use to recreate the access token. I am confused if someone stole the access token from cookie he can also stole the refresh token and can use the refresh token to create new access token as I have aj
我对OAuth2中的刷新令牌有点困惑。 就像它说的访问令牌限制黑客可以使用用户凭证1小时的时间窗口,并且刷新令牌是可用于重新创建访问令牌的长寿令牌。 我很困惑,如果有人从cookie偷走访问令牌,他也可以偷走刷新令牌,并可以使用刷新令牌创建新的访问令牌,因为我在jQuery(客户端)中有Ajax请求。 注意:我已经创建了一个在服务器端发送刷新令牌的Ajax请求,我在那里用授予类型刷新令牌附加了客户端ID和秘密。 我在cook
I have a simple json file that has a direct image link and the folder name per json object: [ { "image": "http://placehold.it/350x150", "folder": "Small" }, { "image": "http://placehold.it/450x250", "folder": "Medium" }, { "image": "http://placehold.it/550x350",
我有一个简单的json文件,它具有直接的图像链接和每个json对象的文件夹名称: [ { "image": "http://placehold.it/350x150", "folder": "Small" }, { "image": "http://placehold.it/450x250", "folder": "Medium" }, { "image": "http://placehold.it/550x350", "folder": "Medium"
I'm pulling JSON from Instagram: $instagrams = json_decode($response)->data; Then parsing variables into a PHP array to restructure the data, then re-encoding and caching the file: file_put_contents($cache,json_encode($results)); When I open the cache file all my forward slashes "/" are being escaped: http://distilleryimage4.instagram.com/410e7... I gather from my sea
我从Instagram上拉JSON: $instagrams = json_decode($response)->data; 然后将变量解析为一个PHP数组来重新构造数据,然后重新编码和缓存文件: file_put_contents($cache,json_encode($results)); 当我打开缓存文件时,所有正斜杠“/”都将被转义: http://distilleryimage4.instagram.com/410e7... 我从我的搜索中收集json_encode()自动执行此操作...有没有办法禁用它? 有没有办法禁用它? 是的,你只需要
Possible Duplicate: JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? I am passing values which contain "//" from PHP to Javascript. However the values keep parsing "//" as: "//" when I decode using json, no matter how I try to enclose or escape the strings... . Here's the code I'm using: PHP foreach($varr as $vr) { array_push($legendarr, "%%.%% - ".$vr);
可能重复: JSON:为什么正斜杠会逃脱? 我将包含"//"值从PHP传递给Javascript。 然而,当我使用json进行解码时,无论我如何尝试包含或转义字符串,值都将"//"解析为: "//" 。 以下是我正在使用的代码: PHP foreach($varr as $vr) { array_push($legendarr, "%%.%% - ".$vr); array_push($linkarr, "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/getdata.php?cr
Possible Duplicate: JSON: why are forward slashes escaped? The function argument below is a string run through json_encode() . I see that the forward slash in http:// is escaped to http:// . Obviously it is a special character when used like this <some_tag></some_tag> but only when used in that structure. There is no immediate problem..but I need to understand escapes to make
可能重复: JSON:为什么正斜杠会逃脱? 下面的函数参数是一个通过json_encode()运行的字符串。 我看到http://中的正斜线转义为http:// 。 显然这是一个特殊的字符,当它用于<some_tag></some_tag>但只有在该结构中使用时。 没有直接的问题..但我需要了解转义才能进行一些代码更新。 <script type='text/javascript'>Arc.ViewHBookmark('[{"id":"1","0":"1","title":"cybercoders","1":"cybercoders",