Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T

I have This class for PHP redirect: <?PHP public static function redirect($uri,$code=302) { // Specific URL $location = null; if (substr($uri,0,4)=='http') { $location = $uri; } else { $location = self::base(true); // Special Trick, // starts at webserver root / starts at app root if (substr($uri,0,2) == '//') { $location .= '/' . lt


我有这个类的PHP重定向: <?PHP public static function redirect($uri,$code=302) { // Specific URL $location = null; if (substr($uri,0,4)=='http') { $location = $uri; } else { $location = self::base(true); // Special Trick, // starts at webserver root / starts at app root if (substr($uri,0,2) == '//') { $location .= '/' . ltrim($uri,'/'

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T

I am getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/core/functions/users.php on line 8 The piece of code that im getting an error is: function recover($mode, $email) { $mode = sanitize($mode); $email = sanitize($email); $user_data = user_data(user_id_from_email($email), 'first_name', 'username'); if ($mode == 'us


我收到此错误:解析错误:语法错误,第8行/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/core/functions/users.php中的意外T_STRING 即时得到错误的那段代码是: function recover($mode, $email) { $mode = sanitize($mode); $email = sanitize($email); $user_data = user_data(user_id_from_email($email), 'first_name', 'username'); if ($mode == 'username') { email($email, 'Your username',

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=0

This question already has an answer here: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 7 answers Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 in a Silex Application 1 answer Quoting from the Wiki here on StackOverflow PHP 6 On July, 30th, 2014 a majority of the PHP steering group decided to skip version 6 to avoid confusion with an earlier but abandoned P

警告:输入中出现意外的字符:'\'(ASCII = 92)状态= 0

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 输入中出现意外字符:''(ASCII = 92)状态= 1 7个答案 输入中意外的字符:''(ASCII = 92)状态= 1在Silex应用程序1答案中 从Wiki中引用StackOverflow PHP 6 2014年7月30日,PHP指导小组的大部分决定跳过版本6,以避免与之前已放弃的PHP 6项目(称为Unicode版本)混淆。 虽然从未有过任何官方发布的PHP 6,但很多书籍和文章已经发布。 PHP 6不存在,永远不会正式存

Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1

I receive the following error message: Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 And this is the line of code that is giving me this trouble. $tag_value = preg_replace('/{(.*?)}/e', '$values[\1]', $tag_value); I am using PHP 5.2.9 and upgrading is not an option. Regular expression are not my specialty and I am not able to solve this problem on my own. Any help would be

警告:输入中出现意外字符:'\'(ASCII = 92)状态= 1

我收到以下错误信息: Warning: Unexpected character in input: '' (ASCII=92) state=1 这是给我这个麻烦的代码行。 $tag_value = preg_replace('/{(.*?)}/e', '$values[\1]', $tag_value); 我使用PHP 5.2.9,升级不是一个选项。 正则表达式不是我的专长,我无法自己解决这个问题。 任何帮助将不胜感激。 你不能用简单的preg_replace来完成这个工作,因为数组preg_replace引用不是用/e修饰符完成的。 相反,您可以使

Unexpected character in input error

I have this error in my code Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/view_album_images.php on line 22 What is the issue with this line? Thanks 你需要删除最后一个单引号: echo "<img src='upload/".$row['photothumbnail']."' width='200' height='200'/>"; echo "<a href='upload/' " . $row['photopreview'] . " data-lightbox='image-1' tile='My capt


我的代码中有这个错误 警告:输入中出现意外字符:'''(ASCII = 39)状态= 1在/ home / view_album_images.php在第22行 这条线有什么问题? 谢谢 你需要删除最后一个单引号: echo "<img src='upload/".$row['photothumbnail']."' width='200' height='200'/>"; echo "<a href='upload/' " . $row['photopreview'] . " data-lightbox='image-1' tile='My caption'"; echo "<img src='upload/' " .

Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39)

i have following code: <?php header( 'Content-type: text/xml' ); mysql_connect( 'domain', 'user', 'password' ); mysql_select_db( 'database' ); mysql_query(" INSERT INTO user(userName,password,email) VALUES( '".$_POST['username']."', '".md5($pass)."', '".$_POST['email']."', )" ); ?> When i try to loa

输入中意外的字符:'''(ASCII = 39)

我有以下代码: <?php header( 'Content-type: text/xml' ); mysql_connect( 'domain', 'user', 'password' ); mysql_select_db( 'database' ); mysql_query(" INSERT INTO user(userName,password,email) VALUES( '".$_POST['username']."', '".md5($pass)."', '".$_POST['email']."', )" ); ?> 当我尝试在url中加载这个

Warning: unexpected character in input: " (ascii=29) state=0 in

I've been reading about what others have done with this error and have made changes to my php.ini file, added code to override another php setting, and still end up with this same error. Here is my code: <html> <body> <table> <?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <?php function getRecords($query) { $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "mo

警告:输入中出现意外字符:“(ascii = 29)state = 0 in

我一直在阅读其他人对此错误所做的更改,并对我的php.ini文件进行了更改,添加了代码以覆盖另一个php设置,并且最终还是出现了相同的错误。 这是我的代码: <html> <body> <table> <?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <?php function getRecords($query) { $con = mysql_connect("localhost", "movie", "moviepw"); if (!$con) { d

PHP Unexpected character in input: ‘’’ (ASCII=39)

A friend of mine is getting this error on ALL of her websites. They are all on the same server, externally hosted.(the hosting company says they cant help with scripting problems. Typical.) Each site even gives the exact some line number, but they all use different Index.php files. I am a bit stumped here, has anyone seen anything like this before? Warning: Unexpected character in input: '''

PHP输入中的意外字符:'''(ASCII = 39)

我的一位朋友在她的所有网站上都收到了这个错误。 他们都在同一台服务器上,外部托管(托管公司表示他们不能帮助解决脚本问题。) 每个网站甚至给出了确切的一些行号,但他们都使用不同的Index.php文件。 我有点难过,有没有人看过这样的事情? Warning: Unexpected character in input: ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /home/xxxx/public_html/index.php on line 17 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in /home/xxxx/

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '*'

This question already has an answer here: PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them? 13 answers Your syntax as it is, is correct. The problem is your PHP version. The ** operator was introduced in PHP 5.6 and you probably have something below. So either update your PHP or use pow() . OP had an extra * over (1 + $rate / 100) ** $time) which results into PHP syntax error Unexpect


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: PHP解析/语法错误; 以及如何解决它们? 13个答案 你的语法是正确的。 问题是你的PHP版本。 **运算符是在PHP 5.6中引入的,你可能有下面的东西。 所以要么更新你的PHP或使用pow() 。 OP有一个额外的*结束 (1 + $rate / 100) ** $time) 这会导致PHP语法错误在PHP verison <5.6.0中出现意外*并且对于更高版本的工作正常 function ci($principle, $rate, $time) { $ci = ($princi

syntax error, unexpected T

I have this line in PHP: if (( array_key_exists( $from, $arrRates ) && array_key_exists( $to, $arrRates ) )) { return $amount + ( $arrRates[$to] $arrRates[$from] ); } When I run it, I get the error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_NS_SEPARATOR in C:xampphtdocsMediaAlbumWebUtilsUtils.php on line 218 What is the T_NS_SEPARATOR and why is it unexpected? Use / ins


我在PHP中有这一行: if (( array_key_exists( $from, $arrRates ) && array_key_exists( $to, $arrRates ) )) { return $amount + ( $arrRates[$to] $arrRates[$from] ); } 当我运行它时,出现错误: 解析错误:语法错误,C: xampp htdocs MediaAlbumWeb Utils Utils.php中的意外T_NS_SEPARATOR行218 什么是T_NS_SEPARATOR,它为什么是意外的? 使用/而不是 。 T_NS_SEPARATOR( )主要用