This question already has an answer here: Why does IEnumerable<T> inherit from IEnumerable? 4 answers As Nick said, ICollection is pretty much useless. These interfaces are similar only by their name, CopyTo and Count are the only properties in common. Add , Remove , Clear , Contains and IsReadOnly have been added while IsSychronized and SyncRoot have been removed. In essence, ICo
这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 为什么IEnumerable <T>从IEnumerable继承? 4个答案 正如Nick所说, ICollection几乎没用。 这些接口只有它们的名称相似, CopyTo和Count是唯一共同的属性。 Add , Remove , Clear , Contains和IsReadOnly已添加,而IsSychronized和SyncRoot已被删除。 实质上, ICollection<T>是可变的, ICollection不是。 Krzysztof Cwalina有更多关于这个话题 ICollection<T&g
I have this error message when I'm trying to access a .asmx file on my Web browser. The message is the following: Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately. Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'GeocachingServerNS.Geocachin
当我尝试访问Web浏览器上的.asmx文件时,出现此错误消息。 消息如下: 说明:解析服务此请求所需的资源时发生错误。 请检查以下特定的分析错误详细信息并适当修改您的源文件。 解析器错误消息:无法创建类型'GeocachingServerNS.GeocachingServer'。 源错误: 第1行:<%@ WebService Language =“C#”CodeBehind =“GeocachingServer.asmx.cs”Class =“GeocachingServerNS.GeocachingServer”%> 这是我
I'm trying to put together a CAML Query that compares two DateTime objects, but I cannot get it to work using an Eq comparison . From my testing I can get Gt, Lt, Geq, Leq to work with DateTime comparisons, but Eq doesn't seem to work at all, ever. The first object is a Date and Time field (produced by InfoPath and saved to a Date and Time field in a SharePoint list), the current examp
我正在尝试将两个DateTime对象进行比较的CAML查询,但我无法使用Eq比较来使其工作 。 从我的测试中,我可以得到Gt,Lt,Geq,Leq与DateTime比较,但Eq似乎根本无法工作。 第一个对象是日期和时间字段(由InfoPath生成并保存到SharePoint列表中的日期和时间字段),当前示例具有“2012年3月14日中午12:00”。 我试图使用ISO格式的硬编码值[Today /]值,但目前为止没有任何工作。 我试验了IncludeTimeValue,将其设置为true / f
So I have four coordinates of corners of a rectangle (blue) in a 3D coordinate system (red). I want to create some matrix to convert any given point on the rectangle in the red coordinate system into a (2D) point in the green coordinate system. I guess this resembles a transformation from a camera in a 3D model to the screen, but I don't have coordinates and vectors of the camera. Are the
所以我在三维坐标系(红色)中有四个矩形(蓝色)的角点坐标。 我想创建一些矩阵来将红色坐标系中矩形上的任何给定点转换为绿色坐标系中的(2D)点。 我想这类似于从3D模型中的相机到屏幕的转换,但是我没有相机的坐标和矢量。 是否有文章或想法可以推荐,或者你是否有矩阵/算法可以分享? 当从一个坐标系转换到另一个坐标系时,主要操作是对齐这些系统。 这里你需要的是: 将蓝色矩形(2D坐标系的原点)的左下角点转换
I'm switching on Code Analysis on an older project. Most remarks that result I can understand, but the CA2000: Dispose objects before losing scope is hard to get right. For instance, this code from an ASP.Net page: private void BuildTable() { HtmlTableRow tr = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableCell td = new HtmlTableCell(); tr.Cells.Add(td); // add some controls to 'td' t
我在旧项目上开启代码分析。 我可以理解的大多数评论的结果,但是CA2000:在丢失范围之前处理对象很难找到正确的答案。 例如,来自ASP.Net页面的这段代码: private void BuildTable() { HtmlTableRow tr = new HtmlTableRow(); HtmlTableCell td = new HtmlTableCell(); tr.Cells.Add(td); // add some controls to 'td' theTable.Rows.Insert(0, tr); // 'theTable' is an HtmlTable control on
I have a windows service, which is configured to send emails in a predefined schedule. The schedule works with System.Timers.Timer and every time the Timer_Elapsed is raised I call Timer.Stop(), send emails (each time about 1500 emails), calculate the amount of time the next tick will be raised and start the timer (calling Timer.Start() method). The problem is when the timer is elapsed and the
我有一个Windows服务,它被配置为以预定义的时间表发送电子邮件。 该计划适用于System.Timers.Timer,并且每次调用Timer_Elapsed时,都会调用Timer.Stop(),发送电子邮件(每次发送大约1500封电子邮件),计算下一次打勾的时间长度并启动计时器调用Timer.Start()方法)。 问题在于计时器已过并且进程开始发送电子邮件时,正在使用的内存增加,但在完成后不会减少。 当我在“未定时”应用程序中调用该函数时,在完成发送过程
Okay. I'm having some conceptual issues with a WCF service i want to create. In short, I need to create a stand-alone Windows service that provides me with remoting functionality (replacing a .NET 1.1 remoting application). Some general concepts as I currently understand them: I can do this by first creating a console app that provides the WCF hosting functionality. I would then deplo
好的。 我有一些我想创建的WCF服务的概念性问题。 总之,我需要创建一个独立的Windows服务,为我提供远程处理功能(替换.NET 1.1远程处理应用程序)。 我目前了解他们的一些一般概念: 我可以通过首先创建一个提供WCF托管功能的控制台应用程序来完成此操作。 然后,我将通过可用于.NET的“创建服务”机制将此控制台应用程序部署为服务(使用IDE非常简单 - 这部分并不困难)。 编辑:最好是创建一个Windows服务,然后打开
I have several databases currently using FluentMigrator and am curious to know how Entity Framework Migrations compare. Can EF Migrations seed data in migrations and selectively run migration scripts based on environments like FluentMigrator can with tags and profiles? I am already using EF Database First as the ORM to my application, and I think I read somewhere that EF Migrations are suppor
我有几个目前使用FluentMigrator的数据库,并且很想知道Entity Framework Migrations如何进行比较。 EF Migrations可以迁移种子数据并有选择地运行基于像FluentMigrator这样的环境的迁移脚本,可以使用标签和配置文件吗? 我已经在使用EF Database First作为我的应用程序的ORM,并且我认为我现在读了EF Migrations支持非Code First EF的地方,但是我的团队一直在考虑重构Code First方法,因为数据库优先方法的一些局限性。
I am trying to copy a fairly large amount of data (~ 50,000 rows, 200 columns of doubles) from a datagridview to the clipboard. To do this I'm selecting all cells and pressing Ctrl+C, at which point I think datagridview handles the actually clipboard copying internally. The program pauses for several seconds then displays the cryptic message... "Argument 'Prompt' cannot be co
我正在尝试从datagridview中将相当大量的数据(〜50,000行,200列双精度数据)复制到剪贴板。 为此,我选择所有单元格并按下Ctrl + C,此时我认为datagridview在内部处理实际剪贴板复制。 该程序暂停几秒钟,然后显示神秘消息... “参数'提示'不能转换为'String'类型。” ...然后程序退出。 我已经从datagridview复制到过去的剪贴板吨,但从来没有这么多的单元格。 无论如何,我不相信这是今天计算机的过
I need a working example of a Dockerfile for creating a .NET build server image. No matter what I install, I get the following error, when try to build my projects with the container: error MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your appl
我需要一个用于创建.NET构建服务器映像的Dockerfile的工作示例。 无论我安装什么,当尝试使用容器构建我的项目时,出现以下错误: 错误MSB3644:找不到框架“.NETFramework,Version = v4.5.2”的引用程序集。 要解决此问题,请为此框架版本安装SDK或Targeting Pack,或将您的应用程序重定向到您安装了SDK或Targeting Pack的框架版本。 请注意,程序集将从全局程序集缓存(GAC)中解析出来,并将用于代替引用程序集。 因此