.NET framework source stepping not working despite options set

I have these options enabled, as shown in this screenshot: I also have the System.Windows.Forms.dll module selected: Yet it steps over the code. Specifically, I have this code in a subclass of ListBox : protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } I tried to set a breakpoint there and then step into this with F11,


我已启用这些选项,如此屏幕截图所示: 我也选择了System.Windows.Forms.dll模块: 然后它逐步完成代码。 具体来说,我有这个代码在ListBox的子类中: protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData); } 我试图在那里设置一个断点,然后用F11进入这个断点,但它只是逐步完成。 什么是缺少让这个工作? 他们没有发布VS2008 SP1附带的.NET

.NET source debugging on Windows 7

We are trying to debug through a SQL Server Compact issue on a Windows 7 Enterprise RTM (64-bit) desktop running the .NET Framework 3.5, SP1. The application is crashing consistently, and we are trying to set up .NET Framework debugging for Visual Studio 2008, SP1. Using the scattered resources around the Internet, we set the options: Symbol Server = http://referencesource.microsoft.com/symbo

Windows 7上的.NET源代码调试

我们正试图在运行.NET Framework 3.5 SP1的Windows 7 Enterprise RTM(64位)桌面上通过SQL Server Compact问题进行调试。 应用程序崩溃一致,并且我们正在尝试为Visual Studio 2008 SP1设置.NET Framework调试。 利用互联网上分散的资源,我们设置了以下选项: Symbol Server = http://referencesource.microsoft.com/symbols 菜单工具 - >选项 - >调试 - >只是我的代码=禁用 菜单工具 - >选项 - >调试

Supporting DPI and Default Font Changes

So I'm trying to figure out how the Form's AutoScaleMode property can possibly help to support a system with a font or DPI that is different from my work development machine. From the SDK: AutoScaleMode Enumeration public enum AutoScaleMode None Automatic scaling is disabled. Font Controls scale relative to the dimensions of the font the classes are using, which


所以我想弄清楚Form的AutoScaleMode属性如何可能有助于支持与我的工作开发机器不同的字体或DPI的系统。 来自SDK: AutoScaleMode枚举 公共枚举AutoScaleMode None Automatic scaling is disabled. Font Controls scale relative to the dimensions of the font the classes are using, which is typically the system font. Dpi Controls scale relative to the display resolution. Co

Poll database every second and start n long running tasks

A legacy app is writing to our database potentially every second. It can write multiple entries in one go. Each of these entries needs to be worked on asap and requires calling a long running external web service for each of these entries. I am wondering about the best architecture / pattern to handle this: We need to poll the database every second and then - depending on the number of new en


传统应用程序可能每秒都会向我们的数据库写入数据。 它可以一次写入多个条目。 每个条目都需要尽快处理,并且需要为每个条目调用长时间运行的外部Web服务。 我想知道最好的架构/模式来处理这个问题:我们需要每秒轮询一次数据库,然后 - 根据新条目的数量 - 启动这些长时间运行的任务(被调用的外部Web服务)中的n个。 这些任务将把结果写回到遗留应用程序拾取的数据库中。 我应该“简单地”使用System.Threading.Tasks和Sy

AutoMapper: "Ignore the rest"?

Is there a way to tell AutoMapper to ignore all of the properties except the ones which are mapped explicitly? I have external DTO classes which are likely to change from the outside and I want to avoid specifying each property to be ignored explicitly, since adding new properties will break the functionality (cause exceptions) when trying to map them into my own objects. This is an extension


有没有办法告诉AutoMapper忽略除了明确映射的属性之外的所有属性? 我有外部的DTO类,可能会从外部改变,我想避免指定每个属性明确忽略,因为添加新属性会在尝试将它们映射到我自己的对象时破坏功能(导致异常)。 这是我写的一个扩展方法,它会忽略目标上的所有不存在的属性。 不知道它是否仍然有用,因为问题已经超过两年了,但我遇到了同样的问题,不得不添加大量的手动忽略呼叫。 public static IMappingExpression<

Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'

I know this is almost duplicate of : The error "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYIUSR'" in ASP.NET and SQL Server 2008 and Login failed for user 'username' - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException with LINQ in external project / class library but some things don't add up compared to other appliations on my server and I am not sure why. Boxes being used: Web Box S


我知道这几乎是重复的:在ASP.NET和SQL Server 2008中登录失败的用户'NT AUTHORITY IUSR'“登录失败用户'用户名'登录失败 - System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException与外部LINQ项目/类库,但与我的服务器上的其他应用程序相比,有些事情并没有加起来,我不知道为什么。 正在使用的框: 网络框 SQL框 SQL测试框 我的应用程序: 我有一个ASP.NET应用程序,它引用了一个使用LINQ到SQL的类库。 连接字符串

Client Server Installation Package .NET

I guess this is a basic problem which every beginner to Client-Server is looking for: I have developed a C#.NET Client - Server Software. A basic overview of the application Application contains a built-in Database, so that if server is not available user can use the database that is available their with their local System. And if the Database is available at Server then the Server database


我猜这是Client-Server每个初学者都在寻找的基本问题:我开发了一个C#.NET Client - Server软件。 应用程序的基本概述 应用程序包含一个内置的数据库,以便如果服务器不可用,用户可以使用可用于其本地系统的数据库。 如果数据库在服务器上可用,则将使用服务器数据库。 只需点击一下按钮,数据库就会彼此synchronize 。 所以我有两个连接字符串,一个是本地系统,另一个是服务器。 它们都是动态创建的。 对于:客户端

Best way to pass a connection object among forms?

Background: I'm rewriting a VB6 app that used MS Access for data storage to one that uses VB.NET and MS SQL Server. I'm curious as to the best way to pass a connection among the different forms in my application that need a connection to the database. Right now I've built a class to manage the connection string to pass that between forms in a secure manner: Public Class LoginCredi


背景:我正在重写一个使用MS Access进行数据存储的VB6应用程序,使用VB.NET和MS SQL Server。 我很好奇在应用程序中需要连接到数据库的不同表单之间传递连接的最佳方式。 现在我已经建立了一个类来管理连接字符串,以安全的方式在表单之间传递: Public Class LoginCredientials Private uname As String Private password_hash() As Byte = {0} Private server_name As String 'not used in access style datab

How can I investigate non

I'm trying to make the internals of a class library visible to a unit test project. Both the class library and the unit test projects are signed; we've used the project property page in VS-2013, ticked the box for signing, and let VS create a key file. I used "sn -Tp NUnitTests.dll" on the developer command tool to extract the public key (really anonying MS does not offer a


我试图让一个类库的内部对单元测试项目可见。 类库和单元测试项目均已签名; 我们在VS-2013中使用了项目属性页面,勾选了签名框,让VS创建一个密钥文件。 我在开发者命令工具上使用了“sn -TnNnitTests.dll”来提取公钥(真正的匿名MS并没有提供简单的“选择DLL”的GUI方式来完成这种单调乏味的工作 - 但我离题了)。 在类库的AssemblyInfo.cs中,我插入了 [assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("MyProject.NUnitTests, PublicKey=002

Autofit rows in EPPlus

I cannot find a way to autofit row height using the EPPlus Excel library. When I used Excel Interop, I could do sheet.Rows.AutoFit() . I'm looking around the interface using ILSpy, but so far I didn't find anything useful. Is there some workaround, or am I missing something? UPDATE : Row 4 is giving me problems: I tried doing sheet.Row(4).CustomHeight = false, but it didn't wor


我找不到使用EPPlus Excel库自动调整行高的方法。 当我使用Excel Interop时,我可以执行sheet.Rows.AutoFit() 。 我正在使用ILSpy浏览界面,但到目前为止我没有发现任何有用的东西。 有一些解决方法,或者我错过了什么吗? 更新 :第4行给我的问题: 我试图做sheet.Row(4).CustomHeight = false,但它没有工作......我也尝试在加载单元格内容之前和之后设置属性,它仍然是相同的。 它确实将行高调整为不同的值,但这不